void initialize (const MATRIX& A,
const AdditionalData parameters);
+ /**
+ * Initialize matrix and block
+ * size for permuted
+ * preconditioning. Additionally
+ * to the parameters of the other
+ * initalize() function, we hand
+ * over two index vectors with
+ * the permutation and its
+ * inverse. For the meaning of
+ * these vectors see
+ * PreconditionBlockSOR.
+ *
+ * In a second step, the inverses
+ * of the diagonal blocks may be
+ * computed. Make sure you use
+ * invert_permuted_diagblocks()
+ * to yield consistent data.
+ *
+ * Additionally, a relaxation
+ * parameter for derived classes
+ * may be provided.
+ */
+ void initialize (const MATRIX& A,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& permutation,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& inverse_permutation,
+ const AdditionalData parameters);
+ /**
+ * Replacement of
+ * invert_diagblocks() for
+ * permuted preconditioning.
+ */
+ void invert_permuted_diagblocks(
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& permutation,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& inverse_permutation);
* Deletes the inverse diagonal
* block matrices if existent,
+template <class MATRIX, typename inverse_type>
+void PreconditionBlock<MATRIX,inverse_type>::initialize (
+ const MATRIX &M,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& permutation,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& inverse_permutation,
+ const AdditionalData parameters)
+ const unsigned int bsize = parameters.block_size;
+ clear();
+ Assert (M.m() == M.n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare());
+ A = &M;
+ Assert (bsize>0, ExcIndexRange(bsize, 1, M.m()));
+ Assert (A->m()%bsize==0, ExcWrongBlockSize(bsize, A->m()));
+ blocksize=bsize;
+ relaxation = parameters.relaxation;
+ var_same_diagonal = parameters.same_diagonal;
+ nblocks = A->m()/bsize;
+ if (parameters.invert_diagonal)
+ invert_permuted_diagblocks(permutation, inverse_permutation);
+template <class MATRIX, typename inverse_type>
+void PreconditionBlock<MATRIX,inverse_type>::invert_permuted_diagblocks(
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& permutation,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int>& inverse_permutation)
+ Assert (A!=0, ExcNotInitialized());
+ Assert (blocksize!=0, ExcNotInitialized());
+ const MATRIX &M=*A;
+ Assert (var_inverse.size()==0, ExcInverseMatricesAlreadyExist());
+ FullMatrix<inverse_type> M_cell(blocksize);
+ if (same_diagonal())
+ {
+ deallog << "PreconditionBlock uses only one diagonal block" << std::endl;
+ // Invert only the first block
+ // This is a copy of the code in the
+ // 'else' part, stripped of the outer loop
+ if (store_diagonals)
+ var_diagonal.resize(1);
+ var_inverse.resize(1);
+ var_inverse[0].reinit(blocksize, blocksize);
+ for (unsigned int row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell)
+ {
+ typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin(row_cell);
+ const typename MATRIX::const_iterator row_end = M.end(row_cell);
+ while(entry != row_end)
+ {
+ if (entry->column() < blocksize)
+ M_cell(row_cell, entry->column()) = entry->value();
+ ++entry;
+ }
+ }
+ if (store_diagonals)
+ var_diagonal[0] = M_cell;
+ var_inverse[0].invert(M_cell);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cell_row, cell_column are the
+ // numbering of the blocks (cells).
+ // row_cell, column_cell are the local
+ // numbering of the unknowns in the
+ // blocks.
+ // row, column are the global numbering
+ // of the unkowns.
+ // set the @p{var_inverse} array to the right
+ // size. we could do it like this:
+ // var_inverse = vector<>(nblocks,FullMatrix<>())
+ // but this would involve copying many
+ // FullMatrix objects.
+ //
+ // the following is a neat trick which
+ // avoids copying
+ if (store_diagonals)
+ {
+ std::vector<FullMatrix<inverse_type> >
+ tmp(nblocks, FullMatrix<inverse_type>(blocksize));
+ var_diagonal.swap (tmp);
+ }
+ if (true)
+ {
+ std::vector<FullMatrix<inverse_type> >
+ tmp(nblocks, FullMatrix<inverse_type>(blocksize));
+ var_inverse.swap (tmp);
+ // make sure the tmp object
+ // goes out of scope as
+ // soon as possible
+ };
+ M_cell = 0;
+ for (unsigned int cell=0; cell<nblocks; ++cell)
+ {
+ const unsigned int cell_start = cell*blocksize;
+ for (unsigned int row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell)
+ {
+ const unsigned int urow = row_cell + cell_start;
+ const unsigned int row = permutation[urow];
+ typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin(row);
+ const typename MATRIX::const_iterator row_end = M.end(row);
+ for (;entry != row_end; ++entry)
+ {
+ //if (entry->column()<cell_start)
+ if (inverse_permutation[entry->column()]<cell_start)
+ continue;
+ const unsigned int column_cell = inverse_permutation[entry->column()]-cell_start;
+ if (column_cell >= blocksize)
+ continue;
+ M_cell(row_cell, column_cell) = entry->value();
+ }
+ }
+ if (store_diagonals)
+ var_diagonal[cell] = M_cell;
+ var_inverse[cell].invert(M_cell);
+ }
+ }
template <class MATRIX, typename inverse_type>
const FullMatrix<inverse_type>&