* Constructor. By default, set the damping parameter to one.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const double omega = 1);
* The default is to perform an exact residual computation and breakdown
* parameter 1e-10.
+ explicit
AdditionalData(const bool exact_residual = true,
- const double breakdown = 1.e-10) :
- exact_residual(exact_residual),
- breakdown(breakdown)
+ const double breakdown = 1.e-10)
+ : exact_residual(exact_residual),
+ breakdown(breakdown)
* Flag for exact computation of residual.
* @deprecated Instead use: connect_coefficients_slot,
* connect_condition_number_slot, and connect_eigenvalues_slot.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool log_coefficients,
const bool compute_condition_number = false,
const bool compute_all_condition_numbers = false,
* left, the residual of the stopping criterion to the default residual,
* and re-orthogonalization only if necessary.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const unsigned int max_n_tmp_vectors = 30,
const bool right_preconditioning = false,
const bool use_default_residual = true,
* Constructor. By default, set the maximum basis size to 30.
+ explicit
AdditionalData(const unsigned int max_basis_size = 30,
const bool /*use_default_residual*/ = true)
* The default is no exact residual computation and breakdown parameter
* 1e-16.
+ explicit
AdditionalData(bool exact_residual = false,
double breakdown=1.e-16) :
* Constructor. By default, set the damping parameter to one.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const double omega = 1,
const bool use_preconditioned_residual = false);
* it is quite inelegant to set a specific option of one solver in the
* base class for all solvers.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false,
const unsigned int gmres_restart_parameter = 30);
* Sets the additional data field to the desired output format.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false);
* Sets the additional data field to the desired output format.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false);
* Constructor. By default, set the number of temporary vectors to 30,
* i.e. do a restart every 30 iterations.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false,
const unsigned int restart_parameter = 30);
* Sets the additional data field to the desired output format.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false);
* Sets the additional data field to the desired output format.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false);
* Sets the additional data field to the desired output format.
+ explicit
AdditionalData (const bool output_solver_details = false,
const std::string &solver_type = "Amesos_Klu");