-/// This namespace contains the functions necessary to color a graph.
+/// This namespace contains the functions necessary to color graphs.
namespace graph_coloring
- /**
- * Create a partitioning of the given range of iterators using a simplified
- * version of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm (Breadth First Search algorithm).
- * Any pair of two iterators that point to conflicting objects will be placed
- * into different partitions, where the question whether two objects conflict
- * is determined by a user-provided function.
- *
- * This function can also be considered as a graph coloring: each object
- * pointed to by an iterator is considered to be a node and there is an
- * edge between each two nodes that conflict. The graph coloring algorithm
- * then assigns a color to each node in such a way that two nodes connected
- * by an edge do not have the same color.
- *
- * A typical use case for this function is in assembling a matrix in parallel.
- * There, one would like to assemble local contributions on different cells
- * at the same time (an operation that is purely local and so requires
- * no synchronization) but then we need to add these local contributions
- * to the global matrix. In general, the contributions from different cells
- * may be to the same matrix entries if the cells share degrees of freedom
- * and, consequently, can not happen at the same time unless we want to
- * risk a race condition (see ).
- * Thus, we call these two cells in conflict, and we can only allow operations
- * in parallel from cells that do not conflict. In other words, two cells
- * are in conflict if the set of matrix entries (for example characterized
- * by the rows) have a nonempty intersection.
- *
- * In this generality, computing the graph of conflicts would require calling
- * a function that determines whether two iterators (or the two objects they
- * represent) conflict, and calling it for every pair of iterators, i.e.,
- * $\frac 12 N (N-1)$ times. This is too expensive in general. A better
- * approach is to require a user-defined function that returns for every
- * iterator it is called for a set of indicators of some kind that characterize
- * a conflict; two iterators are in conflict if their conflict indicator sets
- * have a nonempty intersection. In the example of assembling a matrix,
- * the conflict indicator set would contain the indices of all degrees of
- * freedom on the cell pointed to (in the case of continuous Galerkin methods)
- * or the union of indices of degree of freedom on the current cell and all
- * cells adjacent to the faces of the current cell (in the case of
- * discontinuous Galerkin methods, because there one computes face integrals
- * coupling the degrees of freedom connected by a common face -- see step-12).
- * However, in other situations, these conflict indicator sets may represent
- * something different altogether -- it is up to the caller of this function
- * to describe what it means for two iterators to conflict. Given this,
- * computing conflict graph edges can be done significantly more cheaply
- * than with ${\cal O}(N^2)$ operations.
- *
- * In any case, the result of the function will be so that iterators whose
- * conflict indicator sets have overlap will not be assigned to the same
- * partition (i.e., they will have a different color).
- *
- * @param[in] begin The first element of a range of iterators for which a
- * partitioning is sought.
- * @param[in] end The element past the end of the range of iterators.
- * @param[in] get_conflict_indices A user defined function object returning
- * a set of indicators that are descriptive of what represents a
- * conflict. See above for a more thorough discussion.
- * @return A set of sets of iterators (where sets are represented by
- * std::vector for efficiency). Each element of the outermost set
- * corresponds to the iterators pointing to objects that are in the
- * same partition (have the same color) and consequently do not
- * conflict. The elements of different sets may conflict.
- *
- * @author Martin Kronbichler, Bruno Turcksin
- */
- template <typename Iterator>
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
- create_partitioning(const Iterator &begin,
- const typename identity<Iterator>::type &end,
- const std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (Iterator const &)> &get_conflict_indices)
+ namespace internal
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > partitioning(1,std::vector<Iterator> (1,begin));
+ /**
+ * Create a partitioning of the given range of iterators using a simplified
+ * version of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm (Breadth First Search algorithm).
+ * Any pair of two iterators that point to conflicting objects will be placed
+ * into different partitions, where the question whether two objects conflict
+ * is determined by a user-provided function.
+ *
+ * This function can also be considered as a graph coloring: each object
+ * pointed to by an iterator is considered to be a node and there is an
+ * edge between each two nodes that conflict. The graph coloring algorithm
+ * then assigns a color to each node in such a way that two nodes connected
+ * by an edge do not have the same color.
+ *
+ * A typical use case for this function is in assembling a matrix in parallel.
+ * There, one would like to assemble local contributions on different cells
+ * at the same time (an operation that is purely local and so requires
+ * no synchronization) but then we need to add these local contributions
+ * to the global matrix. In general, the contributions from different cells
+ * may be to the same matrix entries if the cells share degrees of freedom
+ * and, consequently, can not happen at the same time unless we want to
+ * risk a race condition (see ).
+ * Thus, we call these two cells in conflict, and we can only allow operations
+ * in parallel from cells that do not conflict. In other words, two cells
+ * are in conflict if the set of matrix entries (for example characterized
+ * by the rows) have a nonempty intersection.
+ *
+ * In this generality, computing the graph of conflicts would require calling
+ * a function that determines whether two iterators (or the two objects they
+ * represent) conflict, and calling it for every pair of iterators, i.e.,
+ * $\frac 12 N (N-1)$ times. This is too expensive in general. A better
+ * approach is to require a user-defined function that returns for every
+ * iterator it is called for a set of indicators of some kind that characterize
+ * a conflict; two iterators are in conflict if their conflict indicator sets
+ * have a nonempty intersection. In the example of assembling a matrix,
+ * the conflict indicator set would contain the indices of all degrees of
+ * freedom on the cell pointed to (in the case of continuous Galerkin methods)
+ * or the union of indices of degree of freedom on the current cell and all
+ * cells adjacent to the faces of the current cell (in the case of
+ * discontinuous Galerkin methods, because there one computes face integrals
+ * coupling the degrees of freedom connected by a common face -- see step-12).
+ * However, in other situations, these conflict indicator sets may represent
+ * something different altogether -- it is up to the caller of this function
+ * to describe what it means for two iterators to conflict. Given this,
+ * computing conflict graph edges can be done significantly more cheaply
+ * than with ${\cal O}(N^2)$ operations.
+ *
+ * In any case, the result of the function will be so that iterators whose
+ * conflict indicator sets have overlap will not be assigned to the same
+ * partition (i.e., they will have a different color).
+ *
+ * @param[in] begin The first element of a range of iterators for which a
+ * partitioning is sought.
+ * @param[in] end The element past the end of the range of iterators.
+ * @param[in] get_conflict_indices A user defined function object returning
+ * a set of indicators that are descriptive of what represents a
+ * conflict. See above for a more thorough discussion.
+ * @return A set of sets of iterators (where sets are represented by
+ * std::vector for efficiency). Each element of the outermost set
+ * corresponds to the iterators pointing to objects that are in the
+ * same partition (have the same color) and consequently do not
+ * conflict. The elements of different sets may conflict.
+ *
+ * @author Martin Kronbichler, Bruno Turcksin
+ */
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
+ create_partitioning(const Iterator &begin,
+ const typename identity<Iterator>::type &end,
+ const std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (const Iterator &)> &get_conflict_indices)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > partitioning(1,std::vector<Iterator> (1,begin));
- // Number of iterators.
- unsigned int n_iterators = 0;
+ // Number of iterators.
+ unsigned int n_iterators = 0;
- // Create a map from conflict indices to iterators
- boost::unordered_map<types::global_dof_index,std::vector<Iterator> > indices_to_iterators;
- for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
- {
- std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices = get_conflict_indices(it);
- const unsigned int n_conflict_indices = conflict_indices.size();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_conflict_indices; ++i)
- indices_to_iterators[conflict_indices[i]].push_back(it);
- ++n_iterators;
- }
+ // Create a map from conflict indices to iterators
+ boost::unordered_map<types::global_dof_index,std::vector<Iterator> > indices_to_iterators;
+ for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ {
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices = get_conflict_indices(it);
+ const unsigned int n_conflict_indices = conflict_indices.size();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_conflict_indices; ++i)
+ indices_to_iterators[conflict_indices[i]].push_back(it);
+ ++n_iterators;
+ }
- // Create the partitioning.
- std::set<Iterator> used_it;
- used_it.insert(begin);
- while (used_it.size()!=n_iterators)
- {
- typename std::vector<Iterator>::iterator vector_it(partitioning.back().begin());
- typename std::vector<Iterator>::iterator vector_end(partitioning.back().end());
- std::vector<Iterator> new_zone;
- for (; vector_it!=vector_end; ++vector_it)
- {
- std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices = get_conflict_indices(*vector_it);
- const unsigned int n_conflict_indices(conflict_indices.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_conflict_indices; ++i)
+ // Create the partitioning.
+ std::set<Iterator> used_it;
+ used_it.insert(begin);
+ while (used_it.size()!=n_iterators)
- std::vector<Iterator> iterator_vector(indices_to_iterators[conflict_indices[i]]);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<iterator_vector.size(); ++j)
- {
- // Check that the iterator is not associated to a zone yet.
- if (used_it.count(iterator_vector[j])==0)
+ typename std::vector<Iterator>::iterator vector_it(partitioning.back().begin());
+ typename std::vector<Iterator>::iterator vector_end(partitioning.back().end());
+ std::vector<Iterator> new_zone;
+ for (; vector_it!=vector_end; ++vector_it)
- new_zone.push_back(iterator_vector[j]);
- used_it.insert(iterator_vector[j]);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices = get_conflict_indices(*vector_it);
+ const unsigned int n_conflict_indices(conflict_indices.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_conflict_indices; ++i)
+ {
+ std::vector<Iterator> iterator_vector(indices_to_iterators[conflict_indices[i]]);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<iterator_vector.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ // Check that the iterator is not associated to a zone yet.
+ if (used_it.count(iterator_vector[j])==0)
+ {
+ new_zone.push_back(iterator_vector[j]);
+ used_it.insert(iterator_vector[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- }
+ // If there are iterators in the new zone, then the zone is added to the
+ // partition. Otherwise, the graph is disconnected and we need to find
+ // an iterator on the other part of the graph.
+ if (new_zone.size()!=0)
+ partitioning.push_back(new_zone);
+ else
+ for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
+ if (used_it.count(it)==0)
+ {
+ partitioning.push_back(std::vector<Iterator> (1,it));
+ break;
+ }
- }
- // If there are iterators in the new zone, then the zone is added to the
- // partition. Otherwise, the graph is disconnected and we need to find
- // an iterator on the other part of the graph.
- if (new_zone.size()!=0)
- partitioning.push_back(new_zone);
- else
- for (Iterator it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
- if (used_it.count(it)==0)
- {
- partitioning.push_back(std::vector<Iterator> (1,it));
- break;
- }
- }
- return partitioning;
- }
+ return partitioning;
+ }
- /**
- * This function uses DSATUR (Degree SATURation) to color one zone of the
- * partition. DSATUR works as follows:
- * -# Arrange the vertices by decreasing order of degrees.
- * -# Color a vertex of maximal degree with color 1.
- * -# Choose a vertex with a maximal saturation degree. If there is equality,
- * choose any vertex of maximal degree in the uncolored subgraph.
- * -# Color the chosen vertex with the least possible (lowest numbered) color.
- * -# If all the vertices are colored, stop. Otherwise, return to 3.
- */
- template <typename Iterator>
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > make_dsatur_coloring(std::vector<Iterator> &partition,
- std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (Iterator const &)>
- const &get_conflict_indices)
- {
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > partition_coloring;
- // Number of zones composing the partitioning.
- const unsigned int partition_size(partition.size());
- std::vector<unsigned int> sorted_vertices(partition_size);
- std::vector<int> degrees(partition_size);
- std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> > conflict_indices(partition_size);
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > graph(partition_size);
- // Get the conflict indices associated to each iterator. The conflict_indices have to be sorted so
- // set_intersection can be used later.
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
+ /**
+ * This function uses DSATUR (Degree SATURation) to color one zone of the
+ * partition. DSATUR works as follows:
+ * -# Arrange the vertices by decreasing order of degrees.
+ * -# Color a vertex of maximal degree with color 1.
+ * -# Choose a vertex with a maximal saturation degree. If there is equality,
+ * choose any vertex of maximal degree in the uncolored subgraph.
+ * -# Color the chosen vertex with the least possible (lowest numbered) color.
+ * -# If all the vertices are colored, stop. Otherwise, return to 3.
+ */
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
+ make_dsatur_coloring(std::vector<Iterator> &partition,
+ const std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (const Iterator &)> &get_conflict_indices)
- conflict_indices[i] = get_conflict_indices(partition[i]);
- std::sort(conflict_indices[i].begin(),conflict_indices[i].end());
- }
- // Compute the degree of each vertex of the graph using the
- // intersection of the conflict indices.
- std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices_intersection;
- std::vector<types::global_dof_index>::iterator intersection_it;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=i+1; j<partition_size; ++j)
- {
- conflict_indices_intersection.resize(std::max(conflict_indices[i].size(),
- conflict_indices[j].size()));
- intersection_it = std::set_intersection(conflict_indices[i].begin(),
- conflict_indices[i].end(),conflict_indices[j].begin(),
- conflict_indices[j].end(),conflict_indices_intersection.begin());
- // If the two iterators share indices then we increase the degree of the
- // vertices and create an ''edge'' in the graph.
- if (intersection_it!=conflict_indices_intersection.begin())
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > partition_coloring;
+ // Number of zones composing the partitioning.
+ const unsigned int partition_size(partition.size());
+ std::vector<unsigned int> sorted_vertices(partition_size);
+ std::vector<int> degrees(partition_size);
+ std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> > conflict_indices(partition_size);
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > graph(partition_size);
+ // Get the conflict indices associated to each iterator. The conflict_indices have to be sorted so
+ // set_intersection can be used later.
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
- ++degrees[i];
- ++degrees[j];
- graph[i].push_back(j);
- graph[j].push_back(i);
+ conflict_indices[i] = get_conflict_indices(partition[i]);
+ std::sort(conflict_indices[i].begin(),conflict_indices[i].end());
- }
- // Sort the vertices by decreasing degree.
- std::vector<int>::iterator degrees_it;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
- {
- // Find the largest element.
- degrees_it = std::max_element(degrees.begin(),degrees.end());
- sorted_vertices[i] = degrees_it-degrees.begin();
- // Put the largest element to -1 so it cannot be chosen again.
- *degrees_it = -1;
- }
- // Color the graph.
- std::vector<boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> > colors_used;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
- {
- const unsigned int current_vertex(sorted_vertices[i]);
- bool new_color(true);
- // Try to use an existing color, i.e., try to find a color which is not
- // associated to one of the vertices linked to current_vertex.
- // Loop over the color.
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<partition_coloring.size(); ++j)
- {
- // Loop on the vertices linked to current_vertex. If one vertex linked
- // to current_vertex is already using the color j, this color cannot
- // be used anymore.
- bool unused_color(true);
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<graph[current_vertex].size(); ++k)
- if (colors_used[j].count(graph[current_vertex][k])==1)
+ // Compute the degree of each vertex of the graph using the
+ // intersection of the conflict indices.
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> conflict_indices_intersection;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index>::iterator intersection_it;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=i+1; j<partition_size; ++j)
- unused_color = false;
- break;
+ conflict_indices_intersection.resize(std::max(conflict_indices[i].size(),
+ conflict_indices[j].size()));
+ intersection_it = std::set_intersection(conflict_indices[i].begin(),
+ conflict_indices[i].end(),conflict_indices[j].begin(),
+ conflict_indices[j].end(),conflict_indices_intersection.begin());
+ // If the two iterators share indices then we increase the degree of the
+ // vertices and create an ''edge'' in the graph.
+ if (intersection_it!=conflict_indices_intersection.begin())
+ {
+ ++degrees[i];
+ ++degrees[j];
+ graph[i].push_back(j);
+ graph[j].push_back(i);
+ }
- if (unused_color)
+ // Sort the vertices by decreasing degree.
+ std::vector<int>::iterator degrees_it;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
- partition_coloring[j].push_back(partition[current_vertex]);
- colors_used[j].insert(current_vertex);
- new_color = false;
- break;
+ // Find the largest element.
+ degrees_it = std::max_element(degrees.begin(),degrees.end());
+ sorted_vertices[i] = degrees_it-degrees.begin();
+ // Put the largest element to -1 so it cannot be chosen again.
+ *degrees_it = -1;
- }
- // Add a new color.
- if (new_color)
- {
- partition_coloring.push_back(std::vector<Iterator> (1,
- partition[current_vertex]));
- boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> tmp;
- tmp.insert(current_vertex);
- colors_used.push_back(tmp);
- }
- }
- return partition_coloring;
- }
+ // Color the graph.
+ std::vector<boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> > colors_used;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int current_vertex(sorted_vertices[i]);
+ bool new_color(true);
+ // Try to use an existing color, i.e., try to find a color which is not
+ // associated to one of the vertices linked to current_vertex.
+ // Loop over the color.
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<partition_coloring.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ // Loop on the vertices linked to current_vertex. If one vertex linked
+ // to current_vertex is already using the color j, this color cannot
+ // be used anymore.
+ bool unused_color(true);
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<graph[current_vertex].size(); ++k)
+ if (colors_used[j].count(graph[current_vertex][k])==1)
+ {
+ unused_color = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (unused_color)
+ {
+ partition_coloring[j].push_back(partition[current_vertex]);
+ colors_used[j].insert(current_vertex);
+ new_color = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a new color.
+ if (new_color)
+ {
+ partition_coloring.push_back(std::vector<Iterator> (1,
+ partition[current_vertex]));
+ boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> tmp;
+ tmp.insert(current_vertex);
+ colors_used.push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ return partition_coloring;
+ }
- /**
- * Given a partition-coloring graph, gather the colors together. All the
- * colors on even (resp. odd) partition can be executed simultaneously. This
- * function tries to create colors of similar number of elements.
- */
- template <typename Iterator>
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
- gather_colors(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > > const &partition_coloring)
- {
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > coloring;
- // Count the number of iterators in each color.
- const unsigned int partition_size(partition_coloring.size());
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > colors_counter(partition_size);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
+ /**
+ * Given a partition-coloring graph, gather the colors together. All the
+ * colors on even (resp. odd) partition can be executed simultaneously. This
+ * function tries to create colors of similar number of elements.
+ */
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
+ gather_colors(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > > const &partition_coloring)
- const unsigned int n_colors(partition_coloring[i].size());
- colors_counter[i].resize(n_colors);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_colors; ++j)
- colors_counter[i][j] = partition_coloring[i][j].size();
- }
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > coloring;
- // Find the partition with the largest number of colors for the even partition.
- unsigned int i_color(0);
- unsigned int max_even_n_colors(0);
- const unsigned int colors_size(colors_counter.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<colors_size; i+=2)
- {
- if (max_even_n_colors<colors_counter[i].size())
- {
- max_even_n_colors = colors_counter[i].size();
- i_color = i;
- }
- }
- coloring.resize(max_even_n_colors);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i_color].size(); ++j)
- coloring[j] = partition_coloring[i_color][j];
+ // Count the number of iterators in each color.
+ const unsigned int partition_size(partition_coloring.size());
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > colors_counter(partition_size);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int n_colors(partition_coloring[i].size());
+ colors_counter[i].resize(n_colors);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_colors; ++j)
+ colors_counter[i][j] = partition_coloring[i][j].size();
+ }
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; i+=2)
- {
- if (i!=i_color)
- {
- boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> used_k;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i].size(); ++j)
+ // Find the partition with the largest number of colors for the even partition.
+ unsigned int i_color(0);
+ unsigned int max_even_n_colors(0);
+ const unsigned int colors_size(colors_counter.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<colors_size; i+=2)
- // Find the color in the current partition with the largest number of
- // iterators.
- std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it;
- it = std::max_element(colors_counter[i].begin(),colors_counter[i].end());
- unsigned int min_iterators(-1);
- unsigned int pos(0);
- // Find the color of coloring with the least number of colors among
- // the colors that have not been used yet.
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<max_even_n_colors; ++k)
- if (used_k.count(k)==0)
- if (colors_counter[i_color][k]<min_iterators)
- {
- min_iterators = colors_counter[i_color][k];
- pos = k;
- }
- colors_counter[i_color][pos] += *it;
- // Concatenate the current color with the existing coloring.
- coloring[pos].insert(coloring[pos].end(),
- partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].begin(),
- partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].end());
- used_k.insert(pos);
- // Put the number of iterators to the current color to zero.
- *it = 0;
+ if (max_even_n_colors<colors_counter[i].size())
+ {
+ max_even_n_colors = colors_counter[i].size();
+ i_color = i;
+ }
- }
- }
+ coloring.resize(max_even_n_colors);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i_color].size(); ++j)
+ coloring[j] = partition_coloring[i_color][j];
- // Do the same thing that we did for the even partitions to the odd
- // partitions
- unsigned int max_odd_n_colors(0);
- for (unsigned int i=1; i<partition_size; i+=2)
- {
- if (max_odd_n_colors<colors_counter[i].size())
- {
- max_odd_n_colors = colors_counter[i].size();
- i_color = i;
- }
- }
- coloring.resize(max_even_n_colors+max_odd_n_colors);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i_color].size(); ++j)
- coloring[max_even_n_colors+j] = partition_coloring[i_color][j];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partition_size; i+=2)
+ {
+ if (i!=i_color)
+ {
+ boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> used_k;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i].size(); ++j)
+ {
+ // Find the color in the current partition with the largest number of
+ // iterators.
+ std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it;
+ it = std::max_element(colors_counter[i].begin(),colors_counter[i].end());
+ unsigned int min_iterators(-1);
+ unsigned int pos(0);
+ // Find the color of coloring with the least number of colors among
+ // the colors that have not been used yet.
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<max_even_n_colors; ++k)
+ if (used_k.count(k)==0)
+ if (colors_counter[i_color][k]<min_iterators)
+ {
+ min_iterators = colors_counter[i_color][k];
+ pos = k;
+ }
+ colors_counter[i_color][pos] += *it;
+ // Concatenate the current color with the existing coloring.
+ coloring[pos].insert(coloring[pos].end(),
+ partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].begin(),
+ partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].end());
+ used_k.insert(pos);
+ // Put the number of iterators to the current color to zero.
+ *it = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- for (unsigned int i=1; i<partition_size; i+=2)
- {
- if (i!=i_color)
- {
- boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> used_k;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i].size(); ++j)
+ // Do the same thing that we did for the even partitions to the odd
+ // partitions
+ unsigned int max_odd_n_colors(0);
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<partition_size; i+=2)
- // Find the color in the current partition with the largest number of
- // iterators.
- std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it;
- it = std::max_element(colors_counter[i].begin(),colors_counter[i].end());
- unsigned int min_iterators(-1);
- unsigned int pos(0);
- // Find the color of coloring with the least number of colors among
- // the colors that have not been used yet.
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<max_odd_n_colors; ++k)
- if (used_k.count(k)==0)
- if (colors_counter[i_color][k]<min_iterators)
- {
- min_iterators = colors_counter[i_color][k];
- pos = k;
- }
- colors_counter[i_color][pos] += *it;
- // Concatenate the current color with the existing coloring.
- coloring[max_even_n_colors+pos].insert(coloring[max_even_n_colors+pos].end(),
- partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].begin(),
- partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].end());
- used_k.insert(pos);
- // Put the number of iterators to the current color to zero.
- *it = 0;
+ if (max_odd_n_colors<colors_counter[i].size())
+ {
+ max_odd_n_colors = colors_counter[i].size();
+ i_color = i;
+ }
- }
- }
+ coloring.resize(max_even_n_colors+max_odd_n_colors);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i_color].size(); ++j)
+ coloring[max_even_n_colors+j] = partition_coloring[i_color][j];
- return coloring;
- }
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<partition_size; i+=2)
+ {
+ if (i!=i_color)
+ {
+ boost::unordered_set<unsigned int> used_k;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<colors_counter[i].size(); ++j)
+ {
+ // Find the color in the current partition with the largest number of
+ // iterators.
+ std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it;
+ it = std::max_element(colors_counter[i].begin(),colors_counter[i].end());
+ unsigned int min_iterators(-1);
+ unsigned int pos(0);
+ // Find the color of coloring with the least number of colors among
+ // the colors that have not been used yet.
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<max_odd_n_colors; ++k)
+ if (used_k.count(k)==0)
+ if (colors_counter[i_color][k]<min_iterators)
+ {
+ min_iterators = colors_counter[i_color][k];
+ pos = k;
+ }
+ colors_counter[i_color][pos] += *it;
+ // Concatenate the current color with the existing coloring.
+ coloring[max_even_n_colors+pos].insert(coloring[max_even_n_colors+pos].end(),
+ partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].begin(),
+ partition_coloring[i][it-colors_counter[i].begin()].end());
+ used_k.insert(pos);
+ // Put the number of iterators to the current color to zero.
+ *it = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return coloring;
+ }
+ }
* indices.
template <typename Iterator>
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
- make_graph_coloring(Iterator const &begin,typename identity<Iterator>::type const &end,
- std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (Iterator const &)>
- const &get_conflict_indices)
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
+ make_graph_coloring(const Iterator &begin,
+ const typename identity<Iterator>::type &end,
+ const std_cxx1x::function<std::vector<types::global_dof_index> (const Iterator &)> &get_conflict_indices)
// Create the partitioning.
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > partitioning = create_partitioning(begin,end,
- get_conflict_indices);
+ std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> >
+ partitioning = internal::create_partitioning (begin,
+ end,
+ get_conflict_indices);
// Color the iterators within each partition.
const unsigned int partitioning_size(partitioning.size());
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > > partition_coloring(
- partitioning_size);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<partitioning_size; ++i)
- {
- // Compute the coloring of the graph using the DSATUR algorithm
- partition_coloring[i] = make_dsatur_coloring(partitioning[i],get_conflict_indices);
- }
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > >
+ partition_coloring(partitioning_size);
- // Gather the colors together.
- std::vector<std::vector<Iterator> > coloring = gather_colors(partition_coloring);
+ // TODO: run these in parallel
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<partitioning_size; ++i)
+ {
+ // Compute the coloring of the graph using the DSATUR algorithm
+ partition_coloring[i] = make_dsatur_coloring(partitioning[i],
+ get_conflict_indices);
+ }
- return coloring;
+ // Gather the colors together.
+ return internal::gather_colors(partition_coloring);
} // End graph_coloring namespace