--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+## This file is part of the deal.II library.
+## The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+## it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+## Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+## version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+## the top level directory of deal.II.
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"""This script can be used to format code in external projects
+(that use deal.II) by adding .clang_format files.
+This program formats code using 'clang-format'.
+If this program is executed on dry run mode, only the file names of
+the files that are not formatted correctly are reported
+without actually formatting them.
+ python contrib/utilities/indent.py
+Note: If this program is executed on dry run mode and if the code base is
+correctly formatted, then the program doesn't write out anything.
+This functionality can be exploited by a pre-commit git-hook
+to check whether the codebase is formatted correctly.
+For example, one could create a pre-commit hook for (external) projects by
+using the following bash code (see dealii/contrib/git-hooks/pre-commit):
+ OUTPUT="$(python utilities/indent.py --dry-run)"
+ if [ ! -z "${OUTPUT}" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Aborting 'git commit' due to formatting issues,"
+ echo "use 'python contrib/utilities/indent' to fix these issues and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+or in python:
+ import subprocess
+ result = subprocess.check_output(["python",
+ "contrib/utilities/indent.py",
+ "--dry-run"])
+ if result:
+ sys.exit("Aborting git commit due to formatting issues,"
+ "use 'python contrib/utilities/indent' to fix these issues and try again.")
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import time
+import distutils.spawn
+import distutils.file_util
+import filecmp
+import fnmatch
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import logging
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import threading
+from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp
+# In Python 2, the module is named Queue but in Python 3, it was renamed to follow
+# PEP8 guidelines (i.e. all lowercase for module names), making it queue.
+ import queue
+except ImportError:
+ import Queue as queue
+def parse_arguments():
+ """
+ Argument parser.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Run clang-format on all files "
+ "in a list of directories "
+ "that satisfy a given regex."
+ "This program requires "
+ "clang-format version 6.0.0 or 6.0.1.")
+ parser.add_argument("-b", "--clang-format-binary", metavar="PATH",
+ default=distutils.spawn.find_executable("clang-format"))
+ parser.add_argument("--regex", default="*.cc,*.h,*.cu,*.cuh",
+ help="Regular expression (regex) to filter files on "
+ "which clang-format is applied.")
+ parser.add_argument("--dry-run", default=False, action='store_true',
+ help="If --dry-run is passed as an argument, "
+ "file names of files that are not formatted correctly "
+ "are written out, without actually formatting them.")
+ parser.add_argument("-dirs", "--directories",
+ default="include,source,tests,examples",
+ help="Comma-delimited list of directories to work on."
+ "By default only \"examples\", \"include\", "
+ "\"source\" and \"tests\" "
+ "directories are chosen to work on."
+ "Path to directories can be both abosulte or relative.")
+ parser.add_argument("-j", metavar="THREAD_COUNT", type=int, default=0,
+ help="Number of clang-format instances to be run "
+ "in parallel."
+ "By default this is equal to the maximum number of "
+ "available threads less one.")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def check_clang_format_version(clang_format_binary, compatible_version_list):
+ """
+ Check whether clang-format with suitable version is installed.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ clang_format_binary -- path of the installed clang format binary
+ compatible_version_list -- a list of compatible clang-format versions
+ """
+ if clang_format_binary:
+ try:
+ clang_format_version = subprocess.check_output([clang_format_binary,
+ '--version']).decode()
+ version_number = re.search(r'Version\s*([\d.]+)',
+ clang_format_version,
+ re.IGNORECASE).group(1)
+ if version_number not in compatible_version_list:
+ sys.exit(
+ """
+ ***
+ *** No compatible clang-format program found.
+ ***
+ *** Install any of the following versions
+ ***""" + ", ".join(compatible_version_list)
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as subprocess_error:
+ raise SystemExit(subprocess_error)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(
+ """
+ ***
+ *** No clang-format program found.
+ ***
+ *** You can run
+ *** 'contrib/utilities/download_clang_format'
+ *** or
+ *** 'contrib/utilities/compile_clang_format'
+ *** to install a compatible binary into 'contrib/utilities/programs'.
+ ***
+ """
+ )
+def format_file(parsed_arguments, task_queue, temp_dir):
+ """
+ A given thread worker takes out sourcecode files, one at a time,
+ out of the task_queue and tries to apply clang-format to format code on them.
+ Each thread continuously attempts to empty the task_queue.
+ If dry-run is switched on, only report the file names of files that
+ are found with incorrect formatting without overriding them.
+ Arguments:
+ parsed_arguments -- arguments provided to this program
+ task_queue -- a queue of sourcecode files (or file names) to be formatted
+ full_file_name -- the file name of the file to be formatted/indented
+ temp_dir -- temporary directory to dump temporary files used to diff
+ """
+ while True:
+ #
+ # Get a file name from the list of sourcecode files in task_queue
+ #
+ full_file_name = task_queue.get()
+ #
+ # Get file name ignoring full path of the directory its in.
+ #
+ file_name = os.path.basename(full_file_name)
+ #
+ # Generate a temporary file and copy the contents of the given file.
+ #
+ _, temp_file_name = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir,
+ prefix=file_name+'.',
+ suffix='.tmp')
+ shutil.copyfile(full_file_name, temp_file_name)
+ #
+ # Prepare command line statement to be executed by a subprocess call
+ # to apply formatting to file_name.
+ #
+ apply_clang_format_str = parsed_arguments.clang_format_binary + ' ' + \
+ full_file_name + " > " + temp_file_name
+ try:
+ subprocess.call(apply_clang_format_str, shell=True)
+ except OSError as os_error:
+ sys.exit(os_error)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as subprocess_error:
+ sys.exit(subprocess_error)
+ #
+ # Compare the original file and the formatted file from clang-format.
+ # If it's a dry run and if files differ, write out that the original file
+ # is not formatted correctly.
+ # Otherwise override the original file with formatted content.
+ #
+ if not filecmp.cmp(full_file_name, temp_file_name):
+ if parsed_arguments.dry_run:
+ print(full_file_name, " - file indented incorrectly")
+ os.remove(temp_file_name)
+ else:
+ shutil.move(temp_file_name, full_file_name)
+ #
+ # Indicate that the current file name is processed by the current thread.
+ # Once task_done() is called by a thread, the total count of
+ # unfinished tasks goes down by one.
+ #
+ task_queue.task_done()
+def process(arguments):
+ """
+ Collect all files found in the directories list matching with
+ a given regex (regular expression) with n_threads number of threads
+ in parallel.
+ """
+ tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ n_threads = arguments.j
+ n_available_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ #
+ # If not specified, n_threads is equal to the maximum number of
+ # available threads less one.
+ #
+ if n_threads == 0:
+ n_threads = (n_available_threads-1) if n_available_threads > 1 else 1
+ logging.info("Number of threads picked up: %d", n_threads)
+ #
+ # Create n_threads number of queues, one for each thread.
+ #
+ task_queue = queue.Queue(n_threads)
+ #
+ # Start n_threads number of thread workers that will execute
+ # a target with given arguments.
+ #
+ for _ in range(n_threads):
+ thread_worker = threading.Thread(target=format_file,
+ args=(arguments, task_queue, tmpdir))
+ thread_worker.daemon = True
+ thread_worker.start()
+ #
+ # Gather all the files that are needed to be formatted in task_queue.
+ # Look through all directories, recursively, and find all files
+ # that match the given regex.
+ #
+ for directory in arguments.directories.split(','):
+ for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(directory):
+ for pattern in arguments.regex.split(','):
+ for file_name in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
+ task_queue.put(os.path.join(dirpath, file_name))
+ #
+ # Blocks (some) threads until all the threads finished their tasks.
+ # Works similar to MPI_Barrier().
+ # In other words, threads wait until all the tasks in task_queue
+ # have finshed.
+ #
+ task_queue.join()
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ START = time.time()
+ PARSED_ARGUMENTS = parse_arguments()
+ #
+ # If clang-format-binary is not found, search again in
+ # contrib/utlitlies/programs/clang-6/bin
+ #
+ if not PARSED_ARGUMENTS.clang_format_binary:
+ os.environ["PATH"] += ':' + \
+ os.getcwd() + "/contrib/utilities/programs/clang-6/bin"
+ PARSED_ARGUMENTS.clang_format_binary = distutils.spawn.find_executable(
+ "clang-format")
+ #
+ # Do not log verbose information on dry-run.
+ #
+ if PARSED_ARGUMENTS.dry_run:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ check_clang_format_version(PARSED_ARGUMENTS.clang_format_binary,
+ ['6.0.0', '6.0.1'])
+ FINISH = time.time()
+ logging.info("Finished code formatting in: %f seconds.", (FINISH-START))