]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Remove a file that has slipped in inadvertantly during the partial merge back from...
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:35:35 +0000 (13:35 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:35:35 +0000 (13:35 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@9482 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/hp_fe_values.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/hp_fe_values.h b/deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/hp_fe_values.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 09c7cb1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-//----------------------------  hp_fe_values.h  ---------------------------
-//    $Id$
-//    Version: $Name$
-//    Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by the deal.II authors
-//    This file is subject to QPL and may not be  distributed
-//    without copyright and license information. Please refer
-//    to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the  text  and
-//    further information on this license.
-//----------------------------  hp_fe_values.h  ---------------------------
-#ifndef __deal2__hp_fe_values_h
-#define __deal2__hp_fe_values_h
-#include <base/config.h>
-#include <fe/fe.h>
-#include <fe/fe_collection.h>
-#include <fe/fe_values.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-template <int dim> class MappingQ1;
-template <int dim> class FiniteElement;
-namespace internal 
- * Map between finite element objects and @p FEValues (the second
- * template parameter, which might be <tt>FEValues<dim></tt>,
- * <tt>FEFaceValues<dim></tt>, ...) objects. The <tt>hpFE*Values</tt> classes
- * use this to hold an <tt>FE*Values</tt> object for each finite element
- * that is used in the triangulation that it integrates on.
- */
-  template <int dim, class FEValues>
-  class FEValuesMap
-  {
-    public:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Make destructor virtual,
-                                        * since we have virtual
-                                        * functions in this class.
-                                        */
-      virtual ~FEValuesMap ();
-                                       /**
-                                        * Return a reference to the
-                                        * @p FEValues object selected
-                                        * by the last call to
-                                        * @p select_fe_values. The
-                                        * returned value is a constant
-                                        * reference since the only
-                                        * non-const function in the
-                                        * underlying class would be
-                                        * @p reinit, which you must
-                                        * not call directly any way;
-                                        * rather, use the @p reinit
-                                        * function of the
-                                        * <tt>hpFE*Values</tt> class.
-                                        */
-      const FEValues & get_present_fe_values () const;
-    protected:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Create an object of type
-                                        * @p FEValues for this
-                                        * particular finite
-                                        * element. Since the type of
-                                        * @p FEValues is not known
-                                        * here, we have to leave this
-                                        * to derived classes.
-                                        */
-      virtual
-      FEValues * create_fe_values (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe) const = 0;
-                                       /**
-                                        * Select the @p FEValues
-                                        * object corresponding to the
-                                        * finite element object given
-                                        * as argument. If there is no
-                                        * such @p FEValues object
-                                        * yet, then one is created by
-                                        * calling @p create_fe_values
-                                        * with this finite element
-                                        * object.
-                                        *
-                                        * A non-const reference to
-                                        * this object is returned.
-                                        */
-      FEValues &
-      select_fe_values (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe);
-    private:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Have a map from pointers to
-                                        * finite elements to objects
-                                        * of type @p FEValues.
-                                        *
-                                        * Note that the shared pointer
-                                        * will make sure that the
-                                        * memory previously allocated
-                                        * is released when the
-                                        * destructor of this class is
-                                        * run.
-                                        */
-      std::map<SmartPointer<const FiniteElement<dim> >,
-               boost::shared_ptr<FEValues> > fe_to_fe_values_map;
-                                       /**
-                                        * Pointer to the @p FEValues
-                                        * object that is used for the
-                                        * present cell. This always
-                                        * points to one of the objects
-                                        * in the map above, and to
-                                        * which one is determined by
-                                        * the last call to
-                                        * @p select_fe_values.
-                                        */
-      boost::shared_ptr<FEValues> present_fe_values;
-  };
- * Base class for the <tt>hpFE*Values</tt> classes, storing the data that
- * is common to them. The first template parameter denotes the space
- * dimension we are in, the second the dimensionality of the object
- * that we integrate on, i.e. for usual @p hpFEValues it is equal to
- * the first one, while for face integration it is one less.
- *
- * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2003
- */
-  template <int dim, int q_dim>
-  class hpFEValuesBase 
-  {
-    public:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Constructor. Set the fields
-                                        * of this class to the values
-                                        * indicated by the parameters
-                                        * to the constructor.
-                                        */
-      hpFEValuesBase (const Mapping<dim>      &mapping,
-                      const Quadrature<q_dim> &quadrature,
-                      const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                       /**
-                                        * Constructor. Set the fields
-                                        * of this class to the values
-                                        * indicated by the parameters
-                                        * to the constructor, and
-                                        * choose a @p MappingQ1
-                                        * object for the mapping
-                                        * object.
-                                        */
-      hpFEValuesBase (const Quadrature<q_dim> &quadrature,
-                      const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-    protected:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Pointer to a mapping object as
-                                        * provided to the constructor,
-                                        * or a default @p MappingQ1
-                                        * object if none was given.
-                                        */
-      const SmartPointer<const Mapping<dim> > mapping;
-                                       /**
-                                        * Pointer to a quadrature object
-                                        * as provided to the
-                                        * constructor.
-                                        */
-      const SmartPointer<const Quadrature<q_dim> > quadrature;
-                                       /**
-                                        * Values of the update flags as
-                                        * given to the constructor.
-                                        */
-      const UpdateFlags update_flags;
-    private:
-                                       /**
-                                        * Default mapping, in case
-                                        * none was provided through
-                                        * the call to the constructor.
-                                        */
-      static const MappingQ1<dim> default_mapping;
-  };
-template <int dim>
-class hpFEValues : public internal::FEValuesMap<dim,FEValues<dim> >,
-                   protected internal::hpFEValuesBase<dim,dim>
-  public:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFEValues (const Mapping<dim>      &mapping,
-                const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                const Quadrature<dim>   &quadrature,
-                const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters, and choose a
-                                      * @p MappingQ1 object for the
-                                      * mapping object.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFEValues (const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                const Quadrature<dim>   &quadrature,
-                const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Reinitialize the object for
-                                      * the given cell. This selects
-                                      * the right @p FEValues object
-                                      * for the finite element in use
-                                      * by the cell given, and calling
-                                      * the @p reinit function on
-                                      * this object.
-                                      */
-    void
-    reinit (const typename hpDoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell);
-  protected:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Create an object of type
-                                      * @p FEValues for this
-                                      * particular finite element.
-                                      */
-    virtual
-    FEValues<dim> *
-    create_fe_values (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe) const;
-template <int dim>
-class hpFEFaceValues : public internal::FEValuesMap<dim,FEFaceValues<dim> >,
-                       protected internal::hpFEValuesBase<dim,dim-1>
-  public:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFEFaceValues (const Mapping<dim>      &mapping,
-                    const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                    const Quadrature<dim-1> &quadrature,
-                    const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters, and choose a
-                                      * @p MappingQ1 object for the
-                                      * mapping object.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFEFaceValues (const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                    const Quadrature<dim-1> &quadrature,
-                    const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Reinitialize the object for
-                                      * the given cell. This selects
-                                      * the right @p FEValues object
-                                      * for the finite element in use
-                                      * by the cell given, and calling
-                                      * the @p reinit function on
-                                      * this object.
-                                      */
-    void
-    reinit (const typename hpDoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
-            const unsigned int face_no);
-  protected:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Create an object of type
-                                      * @p FEValues for this
-                                      * particular finite element.
-                                      */
-    virtual
-    FEFaceValues<dim> *
-    create_fe_values (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe) const;
-template <int dim>
-class hpFESubfaceValues : public internal::FEValuesMap<dim,FESubfaceValues<dim> >,
-                          protected internal::hpFEValuesBase<dim,dim-1>
-  public:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFESubfaceValues (const Mapping<dim>      &mapping,
-                       const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                       const Quadrature<dim-1> &quadrature,
-                       const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Constructor. Initialize this
-                                      * object with the given
-                                      * parameters, and choose a
-                                      * @p MappingQ1 object for the
-                                      * mapping object.
-                                      *
-                                      * The finite element
-                                      * collection parameter is
-                                      * actually ignored, but is in
-                                      * the signature of this
-                                      * function to make it
-                                      * compatible with the
-                                      * signature of the respective
-                                      * constructor of the usual
-                                      * FEValues object, with
-                                      * the respective parameter in
-                                      * that function also being the
-                                      * return value of the
-                                      * DoFHandler<tt>::get_fe()</tt>
-                                      * function.
-                                      */
-    hpFESubfaceValues (const FECollection<dim> &fe_collection,
-                       const Quadrature<dim-1> &quadrature,
-                       const UpdateFlags        update_flags);
-                                     /**
-                                      * Reinitialize the object for
-                                      * the given cell. This selects
-                                      * the right @p FEValues object
-                                      * for the finite element in use
-                                      * by the cell given, and calling
-                                      * the @p reinit function on
-                                      * this object.
-                                      */
-    void
-    reinit (const typename hpDoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
-            const unsigned int face_no,
-            const unsigned int subface_no);
-  protected:
-                                     /**
-                                      * Create an object of type
-                                      * @p FEValues for this
-                                      * particular finite element.
-                                      */
-    virtual
-    FESubfaceValues<dim> *
-    create_fe_values (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe) const;
-// -------------- inline and template functions --------------
-namespace internal 
-  template <int dim, class FEValues>
-  inline
-  const FEValues &
-  FEValuesMap<dim,FEValues>::get_present_fe_values () const
-  {
-    return *present_fe_values;
-  }

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.