DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell=data.dof.begin_active();
- // calculate the start cell for this
- // thread. the enumeration is choosen
- // in this strange way to generate a
- // "random" distribution of the cells.
- // if the sequence of the iterator would
- // be used, the threads would take widely
- // spread times to calculate their cells.
- for (unsigned int t=0;t<this_thread;++t,++cell);
+ // calculate the start cell for
+ // this thread. note that this way
+ // the threads work interleaved on
+ // successive cells, rather than on
+ // blocks of cells. the reason is
+ // that it takes vastly more time
+ // to work on cells with hanging
+ // nodes than on regular cells, but
+ // such cells are not evenly
+ // distributed across the range of
+ // cell iterators, so in order to
+ // have the different threads do
+ // approximately the same amount of
+ // work, we have to let them work
+ // interleaved to the effect of a
+ // pseudorandom distribution of the
+ // `hard' cells to the different
+ // threads.
+ for (unsigned int t=0; (t<this_thread) && (cell!=data.endc); ++t, ++cell);
// loop over all cells for this thread
// the iteration of cell is done at the end
for (; cell!=data.endc; )