--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2022 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/cgal/intersections.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+# include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+# include <deal.II/fe/mapping.h>
+# include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+# include <CGAL/Boolean_set_operations_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Cartesian.h>
+# include <CGAL/Circular_kernel_intersections.h>
+# include <CGAL/Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Delaunay_mesh_face_base_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Delaunay_mesh_size_criteria_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Delaunay_mesher_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt.h>
+# include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
+# include <CGAL/Kernel_traits.h>
+# include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Polygon_with_holes_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Projection_traits_xy_3.h>
+# include <CGAL/Segment_3.h>
+# include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
+# include <CGAL/Tetrahedron_3.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangle_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangle_3.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangulation_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangulation_3.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangulation_face_base_with_id_2.h>
+# include <CGAL/Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2.h>
+# include <deal.II/cgal/utilities.h>
+# include <fstream>
+# include <type_traits>
+using K = CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt;
+using K_exact = CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel;
+using K_inexact = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
+using CGALPolygon = CGAL::Polygon_2<K>;
+using Polygon_with_holes_2 = CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<K>;
+using CGALTriangle2 = K::Triangle_2;
+using CGALTriangle3 = K::Triangle_3;
+using CGALTriangle3_exact = K_exact::Triangle_3;
+using CGALPoint2 = K::Point_2;
+using CGALPoint3 = K::Point_3;
+using CGALPoint3_exact = K_exact::Point_3;
+using CGALSegment2 = K::Segment_2;
+using Surface_mesh = CGAL::Surface_mesh<K_inexact::Point_3>;
+using CGALSegment3 = K::Segment_3;
+using CGALSegment3_exact = K_exact::Segment_3;
+using CGALTetra = K::Tetrahedron_3;
+using CGALTetra_exact = K_exact::Tetrahedron_3;
+using Triangulation2 = CGAL::Triangulation_2<K>;
+using Triangulation3 = CGAL::Triangulation_3<K>;
+using Triangulation3_exact = CGAL::Triangulation_3<K_exact>;
+using Triangulation3_inexact = CGAL::Triangulation_3<K_inexact>;
+typedef CGAL::Projection_traits_xy_3<K_exact> Gt;
+typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<Gt> Delaunay;
+struct FaceInfo2
+ FaceInfo2()
+ {}
+ int nesting_level;
+ bool
+ in_domain()
+ {
+ return nesting_level % 2 == 1;
+ }
+using Vb = CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_2<K>;
+using Fbb = CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2<FaceInfo2, K>;
+using CFb = CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_face_base_2<K, Fbb>;
+using Fb = CGAL::Delaunay_mesh_face_base_2<K, CFb>;
+using Tds = CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vb, Fb>;
+using Itag = CGAL::Exact_predicates_tag;
+using CDT = CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<K, Tds, Itag>;
+using Criteria = CGAL::Delaunay_mesh_size_criteria_2<CDT>;
+using Vertex_handle = CDT::Vertex_handle;
+using Face_handle = CDT::Face_handle;
+namespace CGALWrappers
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ void
+ mark_domains(CDT & ct,
+ Face_handle start,
+ int index,
+ std::list<CDT::Edge> &border)
+ {
+ if (start->info().nesting_level != -1)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::list<Face_handle> queue;
+ queue.push_back(start);
+ while (!queue.empty())
+ {
+ Face_handle fh = queue.front();
+ queue.pop_front();
+ if (fh->info().nesting_level == -1)
+ {
+ fh->info().nesting_level = index;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ CDT::Edge e(fh, i);
+ Face_handle n = fh->neighbor(i);
+ if (n->info().nesting_level == -1)
+ {
+ if (ct.is_constrained(e))
+ border.push_back(e);
+ else
+ queue.push_back(n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ mark_domains(CDT &cdt)
+ {
+ for (CDT::Face_handle f : cdt.all_face_handles())
+ {
+ f->info().nesting_level = -1;
+ }
+ std::list<CDT::Edge> border;
+ mark_domains(cdt, cdt.infinite_face(), 0, border);
+ while (!border.empty())
+ {
+ CDT::Edge e = border.front();
+ border.pop_front();
+ Face_handle n = e.first->neighbor(e.second);
+ if (n->info().nesting_level == -1)
+ {
+ mark_domains(cdt, n, e.first->info().nesting_level + 1, border);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Collection of utilities that compute intersection between simplices
+ // identified by array of points. The return type is the one of
+ // CGAL::intersection(), i.e. a boost::optional<boost::variant<>>.
+ // Intersection between 2D and 3D objects and 1D/3D objects are available
+ // only with CGAL versions greater or equal than 5.1.5, hence the
+ // corresponding functions are guarded by #ifdef directives. All the
+ // signatures follow the convection that the first entity has an intrinsic
+ // dimension higher than the second one.
+ boost::optional<boost::variant<CGALPoint2,
+ CGALSegment2,
+ CGALTriangle2,
+ std::vector<CGALPoint2>>>
+ compute_intersection(const std::array<Point<2>, 3> &first_simplex,
+ const std::array<Point<2>, 3> &second_simplex)
+ {
+ std::array<CGALPoint2, 3> pts0, pts1;
+ std::transform(
+ first_simplex.begin(),
+ first_simplex.end(),
+ pts0.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ second_simplex.begin(),
+ second_simplex.end(),
+ pts1.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ CGALTriangle2 triangle1{pts0[0], pts0[1], pts0[2]};
+ CGALTriangle2 triangle2{pts1[0], pts1[1], pts1[2]};
+ return CGAL::intersection(triangle1, triangle2);
+ }
+ boost::optional<boost::variant<CGALPoint2, CGALSegment2>>
+ compute_intersection(const std::array<Point<2>, 3> &first_simplex,
+ const std::array<Point<2>, 2> &second_simplex)
+ {
+ std::array<CGALPoint2, 3> pts0;
+ std::array<CGALPoint2, 2> pts1;
+ std::transform(
+ first_simplex.begin(),
+ first_simplex.end(),
+ pts0.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ second_simplex.begin(),
+ second_simplex.end(),
+ pts1.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ CGALTriangle2 triangle{pts0[0], pts0[1], pts0[2]};
+ CGALSegment2 segm{pts1[0], pts1[1]};
+ return CGAL::intersection(segm, triangle);
+ }
+ // rectangle-rectangle
+ decltype(auto)
+ compute_intersection(const std::array<Point<2>, 4> &first_simplex,
+ const std::array<Point<2>, 4> &second_simplex)
+ {
+ std::array<CGALPoint2, 4> pts0, pts1;
+ std::transform(
+ first_simplex.begin(),
+ first_simplex.end(),
+ pts0.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ second_simplex.begin(),
+ second_simplex.end(),
+ pts1.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ const CGALPolygon first{pts0.begin(), pts0.end()};
+ const CGALPolygon second{pts1.begin(), pts1.end()};
+ std::vector<Polygon_with_holes_2> poly_list;
+ CGAL::intersection(first, second, std::back_inserter(poly_list));
+ return poly_list;
+ }
+ boost::optional<boost::variant<CGALPoint3, CGALSegment3>>
+ compute_intersection(const std::array<Point<3>, 2> &first_simplex,
+ const std::array<Point<3>, 4> &second_simplex)
+ {
+# if defined(CGAL_GEQ_515)
+ std::array<CGALPoint3, 4> pts0;
+ std::array<CGALPoint3, 2> pts1;
+ std::transform(
+ first_simplex.begin(),
+ first_simplex.end(),
+ pts0.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ second_simplex.begin(),
+ second_simplex.end(),
+ pts1.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3>(p);
+ });
+ CGALTetra tetra{pts0[0], pts0[1], pts0[2], pts0[3]};
+ CGALSegment3 segm{pts1[0], pts1[1]};
+ return CGAL::intersection(segm, tetra);
+# else
+ Assert(
+ false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This function requires a version of CGAL greater or equal than 5.1.5."));
+ (void)first_simplex;
+ (void)second_simplex;
+ return {};
+# endif
+ }
+ // tetra, triangle
+ boost::optional<boost::variant<CGALPoint3,
+ CGALSegment3,
+ CGALTriangle3,
+ std::vector<CGALPoint3>>>
+ compute_intersection(const std::array<Point<3>, 3> &first_simplex,
+ const std::array<Point<3>, 4> &second_simplex)
+ {
+# if defined(CGAL_GEQ_515)
+ std::array<CGALPoint3, 4> pts0;
+ std::array<CGALPoint3, 3> pts1;
+ std::transform(
+ first_simplex.begin(),
+ first_simplex.end(),
+ pts0.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ second_simplex.begin(),
+ second_simplex.end(),
+ pts1.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3>(p);
+ });
+ CGALTetra tetra{pts0[0], pts0[1], pts0[2], pts0[3]};
+ CGALTriangle3 triangle{pts1[0], pts1[1], pts1[2]};
+ return CGAL::intersection(triangle, tetra);
+# else
+ Assert(
+ false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This function requires a version of CGAL greater or equal than 5.1.5."));
+ (void)first_simplex;
+ (void)second_simplex;
+ return {};
+# endif
+ }
+ } // namespace internal
+ // Specialization for quads
+ template <>
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<2>, 3>>
+ compute_intersection_of_cells<2, 2, 2>(
+ const typename Triangulation<2, 2>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<2, 2>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<2, 2> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<2, 2> & mapping1,
+ const double tol)
+ {
+ std::array<Point<2>, 4> vertices0, vertices1;
+ std::copy_n(mapping0.get_vertices(cell0).begin(), 4, vertices0.begin());
+ std::copy_n(mapping1.get_vertices(cell1).begin(), 4, vertices1.begin());
+ std::swap(vertices0[2], vertices0[3]);
+ std::swap(vertices1[2], vertices1[3]);
+ const auto intersection_test =
+ internal::compute_intersection(vertices0, vertices1);
+ if (!intersection_test.empty())
+ {
+ const auto & poly = intersection_test[0].outer_boundary();
+ const unsigned int size_poly = poly.size();
+ if (size_poly == 3)
+ {
+ // intersection is a triangle itself, so directly return its
+ // vertices.
+ return {
+ {{CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(poly.vertex(0)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(poly.vertex(1)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(poly.vertex(2))}}};
+ }
+ else if (size_poly >= 4)
+ {
+ // intersection is a polygon, need to triangulate it.
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<2>, 3>> collection;
+ CDT cdt;
+ cdt.insert_constraint(poly.vertices_begin(),
+ poly.vertices_end(),
+ true);
+ internal::mark_domains(cdt);
+ std::array<Point<2>, 3> vertices;
+ for (Face_handle f : cdt.finite_face_handles())
+ {
+ if (f->info().in_domain() &&
+ CGAL::to_double(cdt.triangle(f).area()) > tol)
+ {
+ collection.push_back(
+ {{CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(
+ cdt.triangle(f).vertex(0)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(
+ cdt.triangle(f).vertex(1)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>(
+ cdt.triangle(f).vertex(2))}});
+ }
+ }
+ return collection;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcMessage("The polygon is degenerate."));
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(false, ExcMessage("Cells do not intersect."));
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ // Specialization for quad \cap line
+ template <>
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<2>, 2>>
+ compute_intersection_of_cells<2, 1, 2>(
+ const typename Triangulation<2, 2>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<1, 2>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<2, 2> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<1, 2> & mapping1,
+ const double tol)
+ {
+ std::array<Point<2>, 4> vertices0;
+ std::array<Point<2>, 2> vertices1;
+ std::copy_n(mapping0.get_vertices(cell0).begin(), 4, vertices0.begin());
+ std::copy_n(mapping1.get_vertices(cell1).begin(), 2, vertices1.begin());
+ std::swap(vertices0[2], vertices0[3]);
+ std::array<CGALPoint2, 4> pts;
+ std::transform(
+ vertices0.begin(), vertices0.end(), pts.begin(), [&](const Point<2> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(p);
+ });
+ CGALPolygon poly(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ CGALSegment2 segm(
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(vertices1[0]),
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint2>(vertices1[1]));
+ CDT cdt;
+ cdt.insert_constraint(poly.vertices_begin(), poly.vertices_end(), true);
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<2>, 2>> vertices;
+ internal::mark_domains(cdt);
+ for (Face_handle f : cdt.finite_face_handles())
+ {
+ if (f->info().in_domain() &&
+ CGAL::to_double(cdt.triangle(f).area()) > tol &&
+ CGAL::do_intersect(segm, cdt.triangle(f)))
+ {
+ const auto intersection = CGAL::intersection(segm, cdt.triangle(f));
+ if (const CGALSegment2 *s =
+ boost::get<CGALSegment2>(&*intersection))
+ {
+ vertices.push_back(
+ {{CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>((*s)[0]),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<2>((*s)[1])}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vertices;
+ }
+ // specialization for hex \cap line
+ template <>
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 2>>
+ compute_intersection_of_cells<3, 1, 3>(
+ const typename Triangulation<3, 3>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<1, 3>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<3, 3> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<1, 3> & mapping1,
+ const double tol)
+ {
+# if defined(CGAL_GEQ_515)
+ (void)tol; //
+ std::array<Point<3>, 8> vertices0; // 8 vertices of the hex
+ std::array<Point<3>, 2> vertices1; // 2 endpoints of the segment
+ std::copy_n(mapping0.get_vertices(cell0).begin(), 8, vertices0.begin());
+ std::copy_n(mapping1.get_vertices(cell1).begin(), 2, vertices1.begin());
+ std::array<CGALPoint3_exact, 8> pts;
+ std::transform(
+ vertices0.begin(), vertices0.end(), pts.begin(), [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3_exact>(p);
+ });
+ CGALSegment3_exact segm(
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3_exact>(vertices1[0]),
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3_exact>(vertices1[1]));
+ // Subdivide the hex into tetrahedrons, and intersect each one of them with
+ // the line
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 2>> vertices;
+ Triangulation3_exact tria;
+ tria.insert(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ for (const auto &c : tria.finite_cell_handles())
+ {
+ const auto &tet = tria.tetrahedron(c);
+ if (CGAL::do_intersect(segm, tet))
+ {
+ const auto intersection = CGAL::intersection(segm, tet);
+ if (const CGALSegment3_exact *s =
+ boost::get<CGALSegment3_exact>(&*intersection))
+ {
+ if (s->squared_length() > tol * tol)
+ {
+ vertices.push_back(
+ {{CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(
+ s->vertex(0)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(
+ s->vertex(1))}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vertices;
+# else
+ Assert(
+ false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This function requires a version of CGAL greater or equal than 5.1.5."));
+ (void)cell0;
+ (void)cell1;
+ (void)mapping0;
+ (void)mapping1;
+ (void)tol;
+ return {};
+# endif
+ }
+ template <>
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 3>>
+ compute_intersection_of_cells<3, 2, 3>(
+ const typename Triangulation<3, 3>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<2, 3>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<3, 3> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<2, 3> & mapping1,
+ const double tol)
+ {
+# if defined(CGAL_GEQ_515)
+ std::array<Point<3>, 8> vertices0; // 8 vertices of the hex
+ std::array<Point<3>, 4> vertices1; // 4 vertices of the quad
+ std::copy_n(mapping0.get_vertices(cell0).begin(), 8, vertices0.begin());
+ std::copy_n(mapping1.get_vertices(cell1).begin(), 4, vertices1.begin());
+ std::array<CGALPoint3_exact, 8> pts_hex;
+ std::array<CGALPoint3_exact, 4> pts_quad;
+ std::transform(
+ vertices0.begin(),
+ vertices0.end(),
+ pts_hex.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3_exact>(p);
+ });
+ std::transform(
+ vertices1.begin(),
+ vertices1.end(),
+ pts_quad.begin(),
+ [&](const Point<3> &p) {
+ return CGALWrappers::dealii_point_to_cgal_point<CGALPoint3_exact>(p);
+ });
+ // Subdivide hex into tetrahedrons
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 3>> vertices;
+ Triangulation3_exact tria;
+ tria.insert(pts_hex.begin(), pts_hex.end());
+ // Subdivide quad into triangles
+ Delaunay tria_quad(pts_quad.begin(), pts_quad.end());
+ for (const auto &c : tria.finite_cell_handles())
+ {
+ const auto &tet = tria.tetrahedron(c);
+ for (const auto f : tria_quad.finite_face_handles())
+ {
+ if (CGAL::do_intersect(tet, tria_quad.triangle(f)))
+ {
+ const auto intersection =
+ CGAL::intersection(tria_quad.triangle(f), tet);
+ if (const CGALTriangle3_exact *t =
+ boost::get<CGALTriangle3_exact>(&*intersection))
+ {
+ if (CGAL::to_double(t->squared_area()) > tol * tol)
+ {
+ vertices.push_back(
+ {{cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>((*t)[0]),
+ cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>((*t)[1]),
+ cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>((*t)[2])}});
+ }
+ }
+ if (const std::vector<CGALPoint3_exact> *vps =
+ boost::get<std::vector<CGALPoint3_exact>>(&*intersection))
+ {
+ Delaunay tria_inter(vps->begin(), vps->end());
+ for (auto it = tria_inter.finite_faces_begin();
+ it != tria_inter.finite_faces_end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ if (CGAL::to_double(
+ tria_inter.triangle(it).squared_area()) >
+ tol * tol)
+ {
+ std::array<Point<3>, 3> verts = {
+ {CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(
+ it->vertex(0)->point()),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(
+ it->vertex(1)->point()),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(
+ it->vertex(2)->point())}};
+ vertices.push_back(verts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vertices;
+# else
+ Assert(
+ false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This function requires a version of CGAL greater or equal than 5.1.5."));
+ (void)cell0;
+ (void)cell1;
+ (void)mapping0;
+ (void)mapping1;
+ (void)tol;
+ return {};
+# endif
+ }
+ template <>
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 4>>
+ compute_intersection_of_cells<3, 3, 3>(
+ const typename Triangulation<3, 3>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<3, 3>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<3, 3> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<3, 3> & mapping1,
+ const double tol)
+ {
+ Surface_mesh surf0, surf1, sm;
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_cell_to_cgal_surface_mesh(cell0, mapping0, surf0);
+ CGALWrappers::dealii_cell_to_cgal_surface_mesh(cell1, mapping1, surf1);
+ CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces(surf0);
+ CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces(surf1);
+ CGALWrappers::compute_boolean_operation(
+ surf0, surf1, CGALWrappers::BooleanOperation::compute_intersection, sm);
+ if (CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::volume(sm) > tol)
+ {
+ // Collect tetrahedrons
+ std::vector<std::array<Point<3>, 4>> vertices;
+ Triangulation3_inexact tria;
+ tria.insert(sm.points().begin(), sm.points().end());
+ for (const auto &c : tria.finite_cell_handles())
+ {
+ const auto &tet = tria.tetrahedron(c);
+ vertices.push_back(
+ {{CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(tet.vertex(0)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(tet.vertex(1)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(tet.vertex(2)),
+ CGALWrappers::cgal_point_to_dealii_point<3>(tet.vertex(3))}});
+ }
+ return vertices;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace CGALWrappers
+template <int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim>
+std::vector<std::array<Point<spacedim>, dim1 + 1>>
+ const typename Triangulation<dim0, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell0,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim1, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell1,
+ const Mapping<dim0, spacedim> & mapping0,
+ const Mapping<dim1, spacedim> & mapping1,
+ const double tol = 1e-9)
+ (void)cell0;
+ (void)cell1;
+ (void)mapping0;
+ (void)mapping1;
+ (void)tol;
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("This function needs CGAL to be installed."));