- // check if destinations contain duplicates
- auto destinations_unique = destinations;
- std::sort(destinations_unique.begin(), destinations_unique.end());
- destinations_unique.erase(std::unique(destinations_unique.begin(),
- destinations_unique.end()),
- destinations_unique.end());
- if (Utilities::MPI::min<unsigned int>(destinations.size() ==
- destinations_unique.size(),
- mpi_comm))
+ // Have a little function that checks if destinations provided
+ // to the current process are unique:
+ const bool my_destinations_are_unique = [destinations]() {
+ std::vector<unsigned int> my_destinations = destinations;
+ const unsigned int n_destinations = my_destinations.size();
+ std::sort(my_destinations.begin(), my_destinations.end());
+ my_destinations.erase(std::unique(my_destinations.begin(),
+ my_destinations.end()),
+ my_destinations.end());
+ return (my_destinations.size() == n_destinations);
+ }();
+ // If all processes report that they have unique destinations,
+ // then we can short-cut the process using a consensus algorithm (which
+ // is implemented only for the case of unique destinations):
+ if (Utilities::MPI::min((my_destinations_are_unique ? 1 : 0), mpi_comm) ==
+ 1)
ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess<char, char> process(
[&]() { return destinations; });
return consensus_algorithm.run();
+ // If that was not the case, we need to use the remainder of the code
+ // below, i.e., just fall through the if condition above.
# endif
- {
+ // So we need to run a different algorithm, specifically one that
+ // requires more memory -- MPI_Reduce_scatter_block will require memory
+ // proportional to the number of processes involved; that function is
+ // also only available for MPI 2.2 or later:
+ static CollectiveMutex mutex;
+ CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, mpi_comm);
- static CollectiveMutex mutex;
- CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, mpi_comm);
+ const int mpi_tag =
+ internal::Tags::compute_point_to_point_communication_pattern;
- const int mpi_tag =
- internal::Tags::compute_point_to_point_communication_pattern;
+ // Calculate the number of messages to send to each process
+ std::vector<unsigned int> dest_vector(n_procs);
+ for (const auto &el : destinations)
+ ++dest_vector[el];
- // Calculate the number of messages to send to each process
- std::vector<unsigned int> dest_vector(n_procs);
- for (const auto &el : destinations)
- ++dest_vector[el];
+ // Find how many processes will send to this one
+ // by reducing with sum and then scattering the
+ // results over all processes
+ unsigned int n_recv_from;
+ const int ierr = MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(
+ dest_vector.data(), &n_recv_from, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_SUM, mpi_comm);
- // Find how many processes will send to this one
- // by reducing with sum and then scattering the
- // results over all processes
- unsigned int n_recv_from;
- const int ierr = MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(
- dest_vector.data(), &n_recv_from, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_SUM, mpi_comm);
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ // Send myid to every process in `destinations` vector...
+ std::vector<MPI_Request> send_requests(destinations.size());
+ for (const auto &el : destinations)
+ {
+ const int ierr =
+ MPI_Isend(&myid,
+ 1,
+ el,
+ mpi_tag,
+ mpi_comm,
+ send_requests.data() + (&el - destinations.data()));
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ }
- // Send myid to every process in `destinations` vector...
- std::vector<MPI_Request> send_requests(destinations.size());
- for (const auto &el : destinations)
- {
- const int ierr =
- MPI_Isend(&myid,
- 1,
- el,
- mpi_tag,
- mpi_comm,
- send_requests.data() + (&el - destinations.data()));
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
+ // Receive `n_recv_from` times from the processes
+ // who communicate with this one. Store the obtained id's
+ // in the resulting vector
+ std::vector<unsigned int> origins(n_recv_from);
+ for (auto &el : origins)
+ {
+ const int ierr = MPI_Recv(&el,
+ 1,
+ mpi_tag,
+ mpi_comm,
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ }
- // Receive `n_recv_from` times from the processes
- // who communicate with this one. Store the obtained id's
- // in the resulting vector
- std::vector<unsigned int> origins(n_recv_from);
- for (auto &el : origins)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Recv(&el,
- 1,
- mpi_tag,
- mpi_comm,
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
+ if (destinations.size() > 0)
+ {
+ const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(destinations.size(),
+ send_requests.data(),
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ }
- if (destinations.size() > 0)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(destinations.size(),
- send_requests.data(),
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
+ return origins;
- return origins;
# else
- // let all processors communicate the maximal number of destinations
- // they have
- const unsigned int max_n_destinations =
- Utilities::MPI::max(destinations.size(), mpi_comm);
- if (max_n_destinations == 0)
- // all processes have nothing to send/receive:
- return std::vector<unsigned int>();
- // now that we know the number of data packets every processor wants to
- // send, set up a buffer with the maximal size and copy our destinations
- // in there, padded with -1's
- std::vector<unsigned int> my_destinations(
- max_n_destinations, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- std::copy(destinations.begin(),
- destinations.end(),
- my_destinations.begin());
- // now exchange these (we could communicate less data if we used
- // MPI_Allgatherv, but we'd have to communicate my_n_destinations to all
- // processors in this case, which is more expensive than the reduction
- // operation above in MPI_Allreduce)
- std::vector<unsigned int> all_destinations(max_n_destinations *
- n_procs);
- const int ierr = MPI_Allgather(my_destinations.data(),
- max_n_destinations,
- all_destinations.data(),
- max_n_destinations,
- mpi_comm);
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- // now we know who is going to communicate with whom. collect who is
- // going to communicate with us!
- std::vector<unsigned int> origins;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_procs; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < max_n_destinations; ++j)
- if (all_destinations[i * max_n_destinations + j] == myid)
- origins.push_back(i);
- else if (all_destinations[i * max_n_destinations + j] ==
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- break;
- return origins;
+ // If we don't have MPI_Reduce_scatter_block available, fall back to
+ // a different algorithm that requires even more memory: the number
+ // of processes times the max over the number of destinations they
+ // each have:
+ // Start by letting all processors communicate the maximal number of
+ // destinations they have:
+ const unsigned int max_n_destinations =
+ Utilities::MPI::max(destinations.size(), mpi_comm);
+ if (max_n_destinations == 0)
+ // all processes have nothing to send/receive:
+ return std::vector<unsigned int>();
+ // now that we know the number of data packets every processor wants to
+ // send, set up a buffer with the maximal size and copy our destinations
+ // in there, padded with -1's
+ std::vector<unsigned int> my_destinations(max_n_destinations,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ std::copy(destinations.begin(),
+ destinations.end(),
+ my_destinations.begin());
+ // now exchange these (we could communicate less data if we used
+ // MPI_Allgatherv, but we'd have to communicate my_n_destinations to all
+ // processors in this case, which is more expensive than the reduction
+ // operation above in MPI_Allreduce)
+ std::vector<unsigned int> all_destinations(max_n_destinations * n_procs);
+ const int ierr = MPI_Allgather(my_destinations.data(),
+ max_n_destinations,
+ all_destinations.data(),
+ max_n_destinations,
+ mpi_comm);
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ // now we know who is going to communicate with whom. collect who is
+ // going to communicate with us!
+ std::vector<unsigned int> origins;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_procs; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < max_n_destinations; ++j)
+ if (all_destinations[i * max_n_destinations + j] == myid)
+ origins.push_back(i);
+ else if (all_destinations[i * max_n_destinations + j] ==
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ break;
+ return origins;
# endif
- }