- stacktrace (0),
+ stacktrace (NULL),
n_stacktrace_frames (0),
- what_str(0)
+ what_str("")
- stacktrace (0), // don't copy stacktrace to avoid double de-allocation problem
+ stacktrace (NULL), // don't copy stacktrace to avoid double de-allocation problem
n_stacktrace_frames (0),
- what_str(0) // don't copy the error message, it gets generated dynamically by what()
+ what_str("") // don't copy the error message, it gets generated dynamically by what()
ExceptionBase::~ExceptionBase () throw ()
- if (stacktrace != 0)
- {
- free (stacktrace);
- stacktrace = 0;
- }
- if (what_str != 0)
- {
- delete[] what_str;
- what_str = 0;
- }
+ free (stacktrace); // free(NULL) is allowed
+ stacktrace = NULL;
exc = e;
// If the system supports this, get a stacktrace how we got here:
- if (stacktrace != 0)
- {
- free (stacktrace);
- stacktrace = 0;
- }
// Note that we defer the symbol lookup done by backtrace_symbols()
// to when we need it (see what() below). This is for performance
// reasons, as this requires loading libraries and can take in the
const char* ExceptionBase::what() const throw()
// If no error c_string was generated so far, do it now:
- if (what_str == 0)
+ if (what_str == "")
// We have deferred the symbol lookup to this point to avoid costly
// runtime penalties due to linkage of external libraries by
// backtrace_symbols.
+ // first delete old stacktrace if necessary
+ free (stacktrace); // free(NULL) is allowed
stacktrace = backtrace_symbols(raw_stacktrace, n_stacktrace_frames);
- return what_str;
+ return what_str.c_str();
converter << "--------------------------------------------------------"
<< std::endl;
- if (what_str != 0)
- delete[] what_str;
- what_str = new char[converter.str().size()+1]; // beware of the terminating \0 character
- strcpy(what_str, converter.str().c_str());
+ what_str = converter.str();
catch (...)
// On error, resume next. There is nothing better we can do...
+ what_str = "ExceptionBase::generate_message () failed";