@echo "= all: base, lac, 1d, 2d and 3d, contrib ="
@echo "= debug: baseg, lacg, 1dg, 2dg and 3dg, contrib ="
@echo "= online-doc: generate the documentation in HTML format ="
- @echo "= printable-doc: generate the documentation in Postscript format. ="
- @echo "= You need to have Doc++ and LaTeX installed for that. ="
@echo "= tex-doc: same, but only generate the LaTeX file, don't compile it ="
@echo "= TODO: create a TODO file from TODO lines in the source files ="
@echo "= TAGS: create a TAGS file from include and source files ="
- cd $D/doc/auto ; $(MAKE) latex/deal_II_technical_reference.ps
- @echo
- @echo
- @echo =======================================================
- @echo "The generated postscript file can be found here:"
- @echo " $D/doc/auto/latex/deal_II_technical_reference.ps"
- @echo =======================================================
- @echo
- @echo
- cd $D/doc/auto ; $(MAKE) latex/deal_II_technical_reference.tex
- @echo
- @echo
- @echo =======================================================
- @echo "The generated LaTeX file can be found here:"
- @echo " $D/doc/auto/latex/deal_II_technical_reference.tex"
- @echo =======================================================
- @echo
- @echo
@egrep -i '// *todo' $D/base/include/*/*.h $D/base/source/*.cc \
$D/lac/include/*/*.h $D/lac/source/*.cc \