<a name="Results"></a>
-We run the problem with the mesh slide.inp and the following input deck:
+We run the problem with the mesh <code>slide.inp</code> (this file is in the
+same directory as the source code for this program) and the following input
# Listing of Parameters
# ---------------------
# The input grid
-set mesh=slide.inp
+set mesh = slide.inp
# Stabilization parameter
set diffusion power = 2.0
# Scaled value for gravity. Positive means gravity points down.
set gravity = 1.0
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Boundary conditions
# We may specify boundary conditions for up to MAX_BD boundaries.
# Your .inp file should have these boundaries designated.
subsection boundary_1
set no penetration = true # reflective boundary condition
subsection boundary_2
-# outflow boundary
- #set w_3 = pressure
- #set w_3 value = 1.5 - y
+ # outflow boundary
+ # set w_2 = pressure
+ # set w_2 value = 1.5 - y
subsection boundary_3
set no penetration = true # reflective
- #set w_3 = pressure
- #set w_3 value = 1.0
+ # set w_3 = pressure
+ # set w_3 value = 1.0
subsection boundary_4
set no penetration = true #reflective
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Initial Conditions
# We set the initial conditions of the conservative variables. These lines
# are passed to the expression parsing function. You should use x,y,z for
# the coordinate variables.
subsection initial condition
set w_0 value = 0
set w_1 value = 0
- set w_2 value = 10*(x<-0.7)*(y> 0.3)*(y< 0.45) + (1-(x<-0.7)*(y> 0.3)*(y< 0.45))*1.0
+ set w_2 value = 10*(x<-0.7)*(y> 0.3)*(y< 0.45) + (1-(x<-0.7)*(y> 0.3)*(y< 0.45))*1.0
set w_3 value = (1.5-(1.0*1.0*y))/0.4
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Time stepping control
subsection time stepping
set final time = 10.0 # simulation end time
set time step = 0.02 # simulation time step
set ilut relative tolerance = 1.0
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Output frequency.
# You may wish to set this > time step if you dont want output at every step
subsection output
set step = 0.01
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Refinement control
subsection refinement
set refinement = shock # none only other option
set shock levels = 1 # how many levels of refinement to allow
+# --------------------------------------------------
# Flux parameters
subsection flux
set stab = mesh
This output reports the progress of the Newton iterations and the time stepping.
+The result of running these computations is a bunch of output files that we
+can pass to our visualization program of choice. When we collate them into a
+movie, the results looks like this:
@image html step-33.slide.gif
-As we see, the heavy mass of fluid is drawn down the slope by gravity, where it collides
-with the ski lodge and is flung into the air! Hopefully everyone escapes!
+As we see, the heavy mass of fluid is drawn down the slope by gravity, where
+it collides with the ski lodge and is flung into the air! Hopefully everyone
+We can also visualize the evolution of the adaptively refined grid:
@image html step-33.slide_adapt.gif
-The adaptivity follows and preceeds the flow pattern, based on this heuristic refinement scheme.
+The adaptivity follows and preceeds the flow pattern, based on the heuristic
+refinement scheme discussed above.