#include <lac/precondition.h>
#include <lac/sparse_direct.h>
#include <lac/sparse_ilu.h>
-#include <lac/block_matrix_array.h>
+#include <lac/trilinos_precondition_amg.h>
#include <grid/tria.h>
#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <sstream>
// This is Trilinos
-#include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
-#include <Epetra_Map.h>
-#include <Epetra_CrsMatrix.h>
-#include <Epetra_Vector.h>
-#include <Teuchos_ParameterList.hpp>
-#include <ml_include.h>
-#include <ml_MultiLevelPreconditioner.h>
// Next, we import all deal.II
// names into global namespace
// @sect3{Defining the AMG preconditioner}
- // This implements an AMG
- // preconditioner based on the
- // Trilinos ML implementation.
- // What this class does is twofold.
- // When the constructor of the class
- // is invoked, a ML preconditioner
- // object is created based on the
- // DoFHandler and matrix
- // that we want the preconditioner to
- // be based on. A call of
- // the respective <code>vmult</code>
- // function does call the respective
- // operation in the Trilinos package,
- // where it is called
- // <code>ApplyInverse</code>.
- // There are a few pecularities in
- // the constructor. Since the
- // Trilinos objects we want to use are
- // heavily dependent on Epetra objects,
- // the fundamental construction
- // routines for vectors and
- // matrices in Trilinos, we do a
- // copy of our deal.II preconditioner
- // matrix to a Epetra matrix. This
- // is of course not optimal, but for
- // the time being there is no direct
- // support for our data interface.
- // When doing this time-consuming
- // operation, we can still profit
- // from the fact that some of the
- // entries in the preconditioner matrix
- // are zero and hence can be
- // neglected.
-class PreconditionerTrilinosAmg : public Subscriptor
- public:
- PreconditionerTrilinosAmg ();
- void initialize (const SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const std::vector<double> &null_space,
- const unsigned int null_space_dimension,
- const bool higher_order_elements,
- const bool elliptic,
- const bool output_details,
- const double drop_tolerance = 1e-13);
- void vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
- const Vector<double> &src) const;
- private:
- boost::shared_ptr<ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner> multigrid_operator;
- Epetra_SerialComm communicator;
- boost::shared_ptr<Epetra_Map> Map;
- boost::shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> Matrix;
-PreconditionerTrilinosAmg::PreconditionerTrilinosAmg ()
-void PreconditionerTrilinosAmg::initialize (
- const SparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- const std::vector<double> &null_space,
- const unsigned int null_space_dimension,
- const bool elliptic,
- const bool higher_order_elements,
- const bool output_details,
- const double drop_tolerance
- )
- Assert (drop_tolerance >= 0,
- ExcMessage ("Drop tolerance must be a non-negative number."));
- const unsigned int n_rows = matrix.m();
- const SparsityPattern *sparsity_pattern = &(matrix.get_sparsity_pattern());
- // Init Epetra Matrix, avoid
- // storing the nonzero elements.
- {
- Map.reset (new Epetra_Map(n_rows, 0, communicator));
- std::vector<int> row_lengths (n_rows);
- for (SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator p = matrix.begin();
- p != matrix.end(); ++p)
- if (std::abs(p->value()) > drop_tolerance)
- ++row_lengths[p->row()];
- Matrix.reset (new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *Map, &row_lengths[0], true));
- const unsigned int max_nonzero_entries
- = *std::max_element (row_lengths.begin(), row_lengths.end());
- std::vector<double> values(max_nonzero_entries, 0);
- std::vector<int> row_indices(max_nonzero_entries);
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<n_rows; ++row)
- {
- unsigned int index = 0;
- for (SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator p = matrix.begin(row);
- p != matrix.end(row); ++p)
- if (std::abs(p->value()) > drop_tolerance)
- {
- row_indices[index] = p->column();
- values[index] = p->value();
- ++index;
- }
- Assert (index == static_cast<unsigned int>(row_lengths[row]),
- ExcMessage("Filtering out zeros could not "
- "be successfully finished!"));
- Matrix->InsertGlobalValues(row, row_lengths[row],
- &values[0], &row_indices[0]);
- }
- Matrix->FillComplete();
- }
- // Build the AMG preconditioner.
- Teuchos::ParameterList parameter_list;
- // The implementation is able
- // to distinguish between
- // matrices from elliptic problems
- // and convection dominated
- // problems. We use the standard
- // options for elliptic problems,
- // except that we use a
- // Chebyshev smoother instead
- // of a symmetric Gauss-Seidel
- // smoother. For most elliptic
- // problems, Chebyshev is better
- // than Gauss-Seidel (SSOR).
- if (elliptic)
- {
- ML_Epetra::SetDefaults("SA",parameter_list);
- parameter_list.set("smoother: type", "Chebyshev");
- parameter_list.set("smoother: sweeps", 4);
- }
- else
- {
- ML_Epetra::SetDefaults("NSSA",parameter_list);
- parameter_list.set("aggregation: type", "Uncoupled");
- parameter_list.set("aggregation: block scaling", true);
- }
- if (output_details)
- parameter_list.set("ML output", 10);
- else
- parameter_list.set("ML output", 0);
- if (higher_order_elements)
- parameter_list.set("aggregation: type", "MIS");
- Assert (n_rows * null_space_dimension == null_space.size(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch(n_rows * null_space_dimension,
- null_space.size()));
- if (null_space_dimension > 1)
- {
- parameter_list.set("null space: type", "pre-computed");
- parameter_list.set("null space: dimension", int(null_space_dimension));
- parameter_list.set("null space: vectors", (double *)&null_space[0]);
- }
- multigrid_operator = boost::shared_ptr<ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner>
- (new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(*Matrix, parameter_list, true));
- if (output_details)
- multigrid_operator->PrintUnused(0);
- // For the implementation of the
- // <code>vmult</code> function we
- // note that invoking a call of
- // the Trilinos preconditioner
- // requires us to use Epetra vectors
- // as well. Luckily, it is sufficient
- // to provide a view, i.e., feed
- // Trilinos with a pointer to the
- // data, so we avoid copying the
- // content of the vectors during
- // the iteration. In the declaration
- // of the right hand side, we need
- // to cast the source vector (that
- // is <code>const</code> in all deal.II
- // calls) to non-constant value, as
- // this is the way Trilinos wants to
- // have them.
-void PreconditionerTrilinosAmg::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
- const Vector<double> &src) const
- Epetra_Vector LHS (View, *Map, dst.begin());
- Epetra_Vector RHS (View, *Map, const_cast<double*>(src.begin()));
- const int res = multigrid_operator->ApplyInverse (RHS, LHS);
- Assert (res == 0,
- ExcMessage ("Trilinos AMG MultiLevel preconditioner returned "
- "with an error!"));
// @sect3{Equation data}
double old_time_step;
unsigned int timestep_number;
- boost::shared_ptr<PreconditionerTrilinosAmg> Amg_preconditioner;
+ boost::shared_ptr<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG> Amg_preconditioner;
boost::shared_ptr<SparseILU<double> > Mp_preconditioner;
bool rebuild_stokes_matrix;
// boost library.
assemble_stokes_preconditioner ();
- Amg_preconditioner = boost::shared_ptr<PreconditionerTrilinosAmg>
- (new PreconditionerTrilinosAmg());
+ Amg_preconditioner = boost::shared_ptr<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG>
+ (new TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG());
const unsigned int n_u = stokes_preconditioner_matrix.block(0,0).m();
std::vector<double> null_space (dim * n_u, 0.);
/*BlockSchurPreconditioner<typename InnerPreconditioner<dim>::type,
SparseILU<double> >
preconditioner (stokes_matrix, mp_inverse, *A_preconditioner);*/
- LinearSolvers::BlockSchurPreconditioner<PreconditionerTrilinosAmg,
+ LinearSolvers::BlockSchurPreconditioner<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG,
SparseILU<double> >
preconditioner (stokes_matrix, mp_inverse, *Amg_preconditioner);