// - The obvious use of
// parallel::distributed::Triangulation
// instead of Triangulation.
- // - The fact that all matrices and vectors
- // are now distributed. We use their
- // PETScWrapper versions for this since
- // deal.II's own classes do not provide
- // %parallel functionality.
// - The presence of two IndexSet objects
// that denote which sets of degrees of
// freedom (and associated elements of
// own on the current processor and which
// we need (as ghost elements) for the
// algorithms in this program to work.
+ // - The fact that all matrices and
+ // vectors are now distributed. We
+ // use their PETScWrapper versions
+ // for this since deal.II's own
+ // classes do not provide %parallel
+ // functionality. Note that as part
+ // of this class, we store a
+ // solution vector that does not
+ // only contain the degrees of
+ // freedom the current processor
+ // owns, but also (as ghost
+ // elements) all those vector
+ // elements that correspond to
+ // "locally relevant" degrees of
+ // freedom (i.e. all those that
+ // live on locally owned cells or
+ // the layer of ghost cells that
+ // surround it).
template <int dim>
class LaplaceProblem
dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
+ // The next two lines extract some
+ // informatino we will need later
+ // on, namely two index sets that
+ // provide information about which
+ // degrees of freedom are owned by
+ // the current processor (this
+ // information will be used to
+ // initialize solution and right
+ // hand side vectors, and the
+ // system matrix, indicating which
+ // elements to store on the current
+ // processor and which to expect to
+ // be stored somewhere else); and
+ // an index set that indicates
+ // which degrees of freedom are
+ // locally relevant (i.e. live on
+ // cells that the current processor
+ // owns or on the layer of ghost
+ // cells around the locally owned
+ // cells; we need all of these
+ // degrees of freedom, for example,
+ // to estimate the error on the
+ // local cells).
locally_owned_dofs = dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs ();
DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs (dof_handler,
- // note in class doc!
+ // Next, let us initialize the
+ // solution and right hand side
+ // vectors. As mentioned above, the
+ // solution vector we seek does not
+ // only store elements we own, but
+ // also ghost entries; on the other
+ // hand, the right hand side vector
+ // only needs to have the entries
+ // the current processor owns since
+ // all we will ever do is write
+ // into it, never read from it on
+ // locally owned cells (of course
+ // the linear solvers will read
+ // from it, but they do not care
+ // about the geometric location of
+ // degrees of freedom).
locally_relevant_solution.reinit (mpi_communicator,
+ locally_relevant_solution = 0;
system_rhs.reinit (mpi_communicator,
- locally_relevant_solution = 0;
system_rhs = 0;
+ // xxx
constraints.clear ();
constraints.reinit (locally_relevant_dofs);
DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler, constraints);
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,