// callback functions. If so, exit by rethrowing the exception that
// we had previously saved. This also calls the destructors of all of
// the member variables above, so we do not have to clean things up by hand.
- const auto status = solver->solve();
- if (pending_exception)
+ //
+ // NOX has the annoying habit of reporting success through a return code,
+ // but if a user callback function throws an exception (which we translate
+ // into a return code of -1), then it throws its own exception. So we
+ // have to check both the return code and also catch exceptions :-(
+ try
- std::exception_ptr this_exception = pending_exception;
- pending_exception = nullptr;
+ const auto status = solver->solve();
- std::rethrow_exception(this_exception);
+ if (status == NOX::StatusTest::Converged)
+ return solver->getNumIterations();
+ else
+ {
+ // See if NOX aborted because we had thrown an exception in a user
+ // callback:
+ if (pending_exception)
+ {
+ std::exception_ptr this_exception = pending_exception;
+ pending_exception = nullptr;
+ std::rethrow_exception(this_exception);
+ }
+ // If that was not the case, NOX just didn't converge:
+ AssertThrow(status == NOX::StatusTest::Converged,
+ ExcNOXNoConvergence());
+ }
+ // See if NOX returned by triggering an exception. In a sign of generally
+ // poor software design, NOX throws an exception that is not of a class
+ // derived from std::exception, but just a char*. That's a nuisance -- you
+ // just have to know :-(
+ catch (const char *s)
+ {
+ // Like above, see if NOX aborted because there was an exception
+ // in a user callback. In that case, collate the errors if we can
+ // (namely, if the user exception was derived from std::exception),
+ // and otherwise just let the user exception propagate (then swallowing
+ // the NOX exception):
+ if (pending_exception)
+ {
+ std::exception_ptr this_exception = pending_exception;
+ pending_exception = nullptr;
+ try
+ {
+ std::rethrow_exception(this_exception);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e)
+ {
+ // Collate the exception texts:
+ throw ExcMessage(
+ "NOX aborted with an error text of <" + std::string(s) +
+ "> after a user callback function had thrown an exception " +
+ "with the following message:\n" + e.what());
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Let user exception propagate if of a different type:
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
- AssertThrow(status == NOX::StatusTest::Converged, ExcNOXNoConvergence());
+ // NOX just happened to throw an exception, but it wasn't because there
+ // was a user callback exception before. Convert the char* to something
+ // more readable:
+ AssertThrow(false,
+ ExcMessage("NOX aborted with an error text of <" +
+ std::string(s) + ">."));
+ }
- return solver->getNumIterations();
+ return 0; // unreachable
} // namespace TrilinosWrappers