* @note It is not required that all symbolic expressions be fully resolved
* when using this function. In other words, partial substitutions are
* valid.
+ *
+ * @tparam ValueType A type that corresponds to the @p value that the
+ * @p symbol is to represent. Although it is typically
+ * arithmetic in nature, it may also represent another symbolic
+ * expression type.
template <typename ValueType>
* when using this function. In other words, partial substitutions are
* valid.
+ * @tparam ExpressionType A type that represents a symbolic expression.
+ * The Differentiation::SD::Expression class is often suitable for
+ * this purpose, but this may also represent Tensors and
+ * SymmetricTensors of Expressions.
* @tparam Args Any symbolic type and value combination that is understood
* by the make_substitution_map() functions. This includes
* arguments involving individual Expressions,
* std::vector<Expression>, as well as Tensors and SymmetricTensors
* of Expressions.
- template <typename ExpressionType = SD::Expression, typename... Args>
+ template <typename ExpressionType, typename... Args>
substitute(const ExpressionType &expression, const Args &... symbol_values);
* @note It is required that all symbols in the @p expression be
* successfully resolved by the @p substitution_map.
* If only partial substitution is performed, then an error is thrown.
+ *
+ * @tparam ValueType A type that corresponds to the @p value that the
+ * @p symbol is to represent. In the context of this particular
+ * function, this template parameter is typically arithmetic in
+ * nature.
template <typename ValueType>
* input collection of @p symbol_values.
* If only partial substitution is performed, then an error is thrown.
+ * @tparam ValueType A type that corresponds to the @p value that the
+ * @p symbol is to represent. In the context of this particular
+ * function, this template parameter is typically arithmetic in
+ * nature.
* @tparam Args Any symbolic type and value combination that is understood
* by the make_substitution_map() functions. This includes
* arguments involving individual Expressions,
* @note It is required that all symbols in @p expression_tensor be
* successfully resolved by the @p substitution_map.
* If only partial substitution is performed, then an error is thrown.
+ *
+ * @tparam ValueType A type that corresponds to the @p value that the
+ * @p symbol is to represent. In the context of this particular
+ * function, this template parameter is typically arithmetic in
+ * nature.
template <typename ValueType, int rank, int dim>
Tensor<rank, dim, ValueType>
* @note It is required that all symbols in @p expression_tensor be
* successfully resolved by the @p substitution_map.
* If only partial substitution is performed, then an error is thrown.
+ *
+ * @tparam ValueType A type that corresponds to the @p value that the
+ * @p symbol is to represent. In the context of this particular
+ * function, this template parameter is typically arithmetic in
+ * nature.
template <typename ValueType, int rank, int dim>
SymmetricTensor<rank, dim, ValueType>