--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef __lac__block_vector_H
+#define __lac__block_vector_H
+#include <lac/vector.h>
+#include <base/exceptions.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+ * Several vectors of data.
+ *
+ * The BlockVector is a collection of normal LAC-#Vector#s. Each of
+ * the vectors inside can have a different size.
+ *
+ * The functionality of #BlockVector# includes everything, a #Vector#
+ * can do, plus the access to a single #Vector# inside the
+ * #BlockVector# by #block(i)#.
+ *
+ * @author Guido Kanschat, 1999
+ */
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+class BlockVector
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Dummy-Constructor. Dimension=0
+ */
+ BlockVector ();
+ /**
+ * Copy-Constructor. Dimension set to
+ * that of V, all components are copied
+ * from V
+ */
+ BlockVector (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+// note: I disabled this function for the time being, since egcs1.1.2
+// does not respect the "explicit" keyword for template constructors.
+// this leads to unwanted conversions and in some places to automatically
+// generated temporaries, where this is not a good idea. [WB]
+// /**
+// * Copy constructor taking a BlockVector of
+// * another data type. This will fail if
+// * there is no conversion path from
+// * #OtherNumber# to #Number#. Note that
+// * you may lose accuracy when copying
+// * to a BlockVector with data elements with
+// * less accuracy.
+// */
+// template <typename OtherNumber>
+// explicit
+// BlockVector (const BlockVector<OtherNumber> &v);
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Set dimension to #n# and
+ * initialize all elements with zero.
+ */
+ BlockVector (const vector<unsigned int>& n);
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Clears memory
+ */
+ ~BlockVector ();
+ /**
+ * Access to a single block.
+ */
+ Vector<Number>& block(unsigned int i);
+ /**
+ * Read-only access to a single block.
+ */
+ const Vector<Number>& block(unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * Set all entries to zero. Equivalent to
+ * #v = 0#, but more obvious and faster.
+ * Note that this function does not change
+ * the size of the vector, unlike the
+ * STL's #vector<>::clear# function.
+ */
+ void clear ();
+ /**
+ * $U(0-N) = s$: fill all components.
+ */
+ BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> & operator= (const Number s);
+ /**
+ * $U = V$: copy all components.
+ */
+ BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &
+ operator= (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * $U = V$ for different types.
+ */
+ template<typename Number2>
+ BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &
+ operator= (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number2>& V);
+ /**
+ * $U = U * V$: scalar product.
+ */
+ Number operator* (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V) const;
+ /**
+ * Return square of the $l_2$-norm.
+ */
+ Number norm_sqr () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the mean value of the elements of
+ * this vector.
+ */
+ Number mean_value () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the $l_1$-norm of the vector, i.e.
+ * the sum of the absolute values.
+ */
+ Number l1_norm () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the $l_2$-norm of the vector, i.e.
+ * the square root of the sum of the
+ * squares of the elements.
+ */
+ Number l2_norm () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the maximum absolute value of the
+ * elements of this vector, which is the
+ * $l_\infty$-norm of a vector.
+ */
+ Number linfty_norm () const;
+ /**
+ * Change the dimension of the vector to
+ * #N#. The reserved memory for this vector
+ * remains unchanged if possible, to make
+ * things faster, but this may waste some
+ * memory, so take this in the back of your
+ * head.
+ * However, if #N==0# all memory is freed,
+ * i.e. if you want to resize the vector
+ * and release the memory not needed, you
+ * have to first call #reinit(0)# and then
+ * #reinit(N)#. This cited behaviour is
+ * analogous to that of the STL containers.
+ *
+ * On #fast==false#, the vector is filled by
+ * zeros.
+ */
+ void reinit (const vector<unsigned int>& N,
+ const bool fast=false);
+ /**
+ * Change the dimension to that of the
+ * vector #V#. The same applies as for
+ * the other #reinit# function.
+ *
+ * The elements of #V# are not copied, i.e.
+ * this function is the same as calling
+ * #reinit (V.size(), fast)#.
+ */
+ void reinit (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &V,
+ const bool fast=false);
+ /**
+ * Return dimension of the vector. This is the
+ * sum of the dimensions of all components.
+ */
+ unsigned int size () const;
+ /**
+ * Return whether the vector contains only
+ * elements with value zero. This function
+ * is mainly for internal consistency
+ * check and should seldomly be used when
+ * not in debug mode since it uses quite
+ * some time.
+ */
+ bool all_zero () const;
+// See above.
+// /**
+// * Make the #Vector# class a bit like the
+// * #vector<># class of the C++ standard
+// * library by returning iterators to
+// * the start and end of the elements of this
+// * vector.
+// */
+// iterator begin ();
+// /**
+// * Return constant iterator to the start of
+// * the vectors.
+// */
+// const_iterator begin () const;
+// /**
+// * Return an iterator pointing to the
+// * element past the end of the array.
+// */
+// iterator end ();
+// /**
+// * Return a constant iterator pointing to
+// * the element past the end of the array.
+// */
+// const_iterator end () const;
+// //@}
+ /**
+ * @name 2: Data-Access
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Access components, returns U(i).
+ */
+ Number operator() (const unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * Access components, returns U(i)
+ * as a writeable reference.
+ */
+ Number& operator() (const unsigned int i);
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * @name 3: Modification of vectors
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Addition operator.
+ * Fast equivalent to #U.add(1, V)#.
+ */
+ BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &
+ operator += (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Subtraction operator.
+ * Fast equivalent to #U.add(-1, V)#.
+ */
+ BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &
+ operator -= (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * $U(0-DIM)+=s$.
+ * Addition of #s# to all components. Note
+ * that #s# is a scalar and not a vector.
+ */
+ void add (const Number s);
+ /**
+ * U+=V.
+ * Simple vector addition, equal to the
+ * #operator +=#.
+ */
+ void add (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * U+=a*V.
+ * Simple addition of a scaled vector.
+ */
+ void add (const Number a, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * U+=a*V+b*W.
+ * Multiple addition of scaled vectors.
+ */
+ void add (const Number a, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V,
+ const Number b, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& W);
+ /**
+ * U=s*U+V.
+ * Scaling and simple vector addition.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * U=s*U+a*V.
+ * Scaling and simple addition.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s, const Number a, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * U=s*U+a*V+b*W.
+ * Scaling and multiple addition.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s, const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V,
+ const Number b, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& W);
+ /**
+ * U=s*U+a*V+b*W+c*X.
+ * Scaling and multiple addition.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s, const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V,
+ const Number b, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& W,
+ const Number c, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& X);
+ /**
+ * Scale each element of the vector by the
+ * given factor. This function was
+ * previously called #equ(Number)#, which
+ * in my eyes is an extremely unintuitive
+ * naming and was thus replaced.
+ */
+ void scale (const Number factor);
+ /**
+ * U=a*V. Replacing.
+ */
+ void equ (const Number a, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V);
+ /**
+ * U=a*V+b*W.
+ * Replacing by sum.
+ */
+ void equ (const Number a, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& V,
+ const Number b, const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& W);
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * @name 5: Mixed stuff
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Output of vector in user-defined format.
+ */
+ void print (FILE* fp, const char* format = 0) const;
+ /**
+ * Output of vector in user-defined format.
+ */
+ void print (const char* format = 0) const;
+ /**
+ * Print to a stream.
+ *
+ */
+ void print (ostream &, unsigned int precision = 3,
+ bool scientific = true,
+ bool across = true) const;
+ /**
+ * Write the vector en bloc to a file. This
+ * is done in a binary mode, so the output
+ * is neither readable by humans nor
+ * (probably) by other computers using
+ * a different operating system of number
+ * format.
+ */
+ void block_write (ostream &out) const;
+ /**
+ * Read a vector en block from a file. This
+ * is done using the inverse operations to
+ * the above function, so it is reasonably
+ * fast because the bitstream is not
+ * interpreted.
+ *
+ * The vector is resized if necessary.
+ *
+ * A primitive form of error checking is
+ * performed which will recognize the
+ * bluntest attempts to interpret some
+ * data as a vector stored bitwise to a
+ * file, but not more.
+ */
+ void block_read (istream &in);
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException2 (ExcDimensionsDontMatch,
+ int, int,
+ << "The dimensions " << arg1 << " and " << arg2
+ << " do not match here.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException2 (ExcInvalidIndex,
+ int, int,
+ << "The given index " << arg1
+ << " should be less than " << arg2 << ".");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException1 (ExcInvalidNumber,
+ int,
+ << "The provided number is invalid here: " << arg1);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcOutOfMemory);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcEmptyVector);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcIO);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the array of components.
+ */
+ Vector<Number> components[n_blocks];
+ /**
+ * Global starting index of each vector.
+ * The last andredundant value is the total
+ * number of entries.
+ */
+ unsigned int start[n_blocks+1];
+/*----------------------- Inline functions ----------------------------------*/
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+unsigned int BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::size () const
+ return start[n_blocks];
+// template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+// inline
+// BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::iterator BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::begin () {
+// return &val[0];
+// };
+// template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+// inline
+// BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::const_iterator BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::begin () const {
+// return &val[0];
+// };
+// template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+// inline
+// BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::iterator BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::end () {
+// return &val[dim];
+// };
+// template <typename Number>
+// inline
+// BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::const_iterator BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::end () const {
+// return &val[dim];
+// };
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator() (const unsigned int i) const
+ // Assert (i<start[n_blocks], ExcInvalidIndex(i,dim));
+ int j=n_blocks-1;
+ while ((start[j]>i) && (j!=0)) --j;
+ return components[j](i-start[j]);
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number& BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator() (const unsigned int i)
+ // Assert (i<dim, ExcInvalidIndex(i,dim));
+ int j=n_blocks-1;
+ while ((start[j]>i) && (j!=0)) --j;
+ return components[j](i-start[j]);
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::block(unsigned int i)
+ Assert(i<n_blocks, ExcIndexRange(i,0,n_blocks));
+ return components[i];
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+const Vector<Number>&
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::block(unsigned int i) const
+ Assert(i<n_blocks, ExcIndexRange(i,0,n_blocks));
+ return components[i];
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// This file was once part of the DEAL Library
+// DEAL is Copyright(1995) by
+// Roland Becker, Guido Kanschat, Franz-Theo Suttmeier
+// Revised and extended by Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998, 1999
+#include <lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+static inline Number sqr (const Number x)
+ return x*x;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::BlockVector ()
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<=n_blocks;++i)
+ start[n_blocks] = 0;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::BlockVector (const vector<unsigned int>& n)
+ Assert(n.size()==n_blocks, ExcDimensionMismatch(n.size(), n_blocks));
+ reinit (n, false);
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::BlockVector (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ start[i] = v.start[i];
+ components[i] = v.components[i];
+ }
+ start[n_blocks] = v.start[n_blocks];
+// see the .h file for why this function was disabled
+// template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+// template <typename OtherNumber>
+// BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::Vector (const BlockVector<n_blocks, OtherNumber>& v) :
+// dim(v.size()),
+// maxdim(v.size()),
+// val(0)
+// {
+// if (dim)
+// {
+// val = new Number[maxdim];
+// Assert (val != 0, ExcOutOfMemory());
+// copy (v.begin(), v.end(), begin());
+// }
+// }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::reinit (const vector<unsigned int>& n,
+ const bool fast)
+ unsigned int j=0;
+ start[0] = j;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;)
+ {
+ components[i].reinit(n[i], fast);
+ j += n[i];
+ start[++i] = j;
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::reinit (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v,
+ const bool fast)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].reinit(v.components[i], fast);
+ start[i] = v.start[i];
+ }
+ start[n_blocks] = v.start[n_blocks];
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::~BlockVector ()
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::clear ()
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].clear();
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+bool BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::all_zero () const
+ bool result = true;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ result = result && components[i].all_zero();
+ }
+ return result;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator * (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v) const
+ Number sum = 0.;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ sum += components[i]*v.components[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::norm_sqr () const
+ Number sum = 0.;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ sum += components[i].norm_sqr();
+ }
+ return sum;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::mean_value () const
+ Number sum = 0.;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ sum += components[i].mean_value() * components[i].size();
+ }
+ return sum/size();
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::l1_norm () const
+ Number sum = 0.;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ sum += components[i].l1_norm();
+ }
+ return sum;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::l2_norm () const
+ return sqrt(norm_sqr());
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+Number BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::linfty_norm () const
+ Number sum = 0.;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ Number newval = components[i].linfty_norm();
+ if (sum<newval)
+ sum = newval;
+ }
+ return sum;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator += (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ add (v);
+ return *this;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator -= (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i] -= v.components[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::add (const Number v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].add(v);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::add (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].add(v.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::add (const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].add(a, v.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::add (const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& w)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].add(a, v.components[i], b, w.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::sadd (const Number x,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].sadd(x, v.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::sadd (const Number x, const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].sadd(x, a, v.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::sadd (const Number x, const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& w)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].sadd(x, a, v.components[i], b, w.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::sadd (const Number x, const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& w,
+ const Number c,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& y)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].sadd(x, a, v.components[i],
+ b, w.components[i], c, y.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::scale (const Number factor)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].scale(factor);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::equ (const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& w)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].equ( a, v.components[i], b, w.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::equ (const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].equ( a, v.components[i]);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator = (const Number s)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i] = s;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>&
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator = (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i] = v.components[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+template<typename Number2>
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>&
+BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::operator = (const BlockVector<n_blocks, Number2>& v)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i] = v.components[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::print (ostream &out,
+ unsigned int precision,
+ bool scientific,
+ bool across) const
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ if (across)
+ out << 'C' << i << ':';
+ else
+ out << "Component " << i << endl;
+ components[i].print(out, precision, scientific, across);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::block_write (ostream &out) const
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].block_write(out);
+ }
+template <int n_blocks, typename Number>
+void BlockVector<n_blocks, Number>::block_read (istream &in)
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_blocks;++i)
+ {
+ components[i].block_read(in);
+ }