FEQ1<dim> fe;
DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ // This is the only addition to
+ // the main class. We need an
+ // object which holds a list of
+ // the constraints from the
+ // hanging nodes:
ConstraintMatrix hanging_node_constraints;
SparseMatrixStruct sparsity_pattern;
dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- //...
+ // After setting up all the degrees
+ // of freedoms, we can make up the
+ // list of constraints associated
+ // with the hanging nodes. This is
+ // done using the following
+ // function calls (the first clears
+ // the contents of the object,
+ // which is still there from the
+ // previous cycle, i.e. before the
+ // grid was refined):
hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
+ // In principle, the
+ // ConstraintMatrix class can hold
+ // other constraints as well,
+ // i.e. constraints that do not
+ // stem from hanging
+ // nodes. Sometimes, it is useful
+ // to use such constraints, in
+ // which case they may be added to
+ // the ConstraintMatrix object
+ // after the hanging node
+ // constraints were computed. After
+ // all constraints have been added,
+ // they need to be sorted and
+ // rearranged to perform some
+ // actions more efficiently. This
+ // postprocessing is done using the
+ // ``close'' function, after which
+ // no further constraints may be
+ // added any more.
hanging_node_constraints.close ();
sparsity_pattern.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
- //...
+ // The constrained hanging nodes
+ // will later be eliminated from
+ // the linear system of
+ // equations. When doing so, some
+ // additional entries in the global
+ // matrix will be set to non-zero
+ // values, so we have to reserve
+ // some space for them here. Since
+ // the process of elimination of
+ // these constrained nodes is
+ // called ``condensation'', the
+ // functions that eliminate them
+ // are called ``condense'' for both
+ // the system matrix and right hand
+ // side, as well as for teh
+ // sparsity pattern.
hanging_node_constraints.condense (sparsity_pattern);
+ // Now all non-zero entries of the
+ // matrix are known (i.e. those
+ // from regularly assembling the
+ // matrix and those that were
+ // introduced by eliminating
+ // constraints). We can thus close
+ // the sparsity pattern and remove
+ // unneeded space:
system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ // After the system of equations
+ // has been assembled just as for
+ // the previous examples, we still
+ // have to eliminate the
+ // constraints due to hanging
+ // nodes. This is done using the
+ // following two function calls:
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_matrix);
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_rhs);
+ // Using them, degrees of freedom
+ // associated to hanging nodes have
+ // been removed from the linear
+ // system and the independent
+ // variables are only regular
+ // nodes. The constrained nodes are
+ // still in the linear system
+ // (there is a one on the diagonal
+ // of the matrix and all other
+ // entries for this line are set to
+ // zero) but the computed values
+ // are invalid. They are set to
+ // reasonable values in the
+ // ``solve'' function.
cg.solve (system_matrix, solution, system_rhs,
+ // To set the constrained nodes to
+ // resonable values, you have to
+ // use the following function. It
+ // computes the values of these
+ // nodes from the values of the
+ // unconstrained nodes, which are
+ // the solutions of the linear
+ // system just solved.
hanging_node_constraints.distribute (solution);
- //...
+ // Instead of global refinement, we
+ // now use a slightly more elaborate
+ // scheme.
+ // ...
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::refine_grid ()
FEQ1<dim> fe;
DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ // This is the only addition to
+ // the main class. We need an
+ // object which holds a list of
+ // the constraints from the
+ // hanging nodes:
ConstraintMatrix hanging_node_constraints;
SparseMatrixStruct sparsity_pattern;
dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- //...
+ // After setting up all the degrees
+ // of freedoms, we can make up the
+ // list of constraints associated
+ // with the hanging nodes. This is
+ // done using the following
+ // function calls (the first clears
+ // the contents of the object,
+ // which is still there from the
+ // previous cycle, i.e. before the
+ // grid was refined):
hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
+ // In principle, the
+ // ConstraintMatrix class can hold
+ // other constraints as well,
+ // i.e. constraints that do not
+ // stem from hanging
+ // nodes. Sometimes, it is useful
+ // to use such constraints, in
+ // which case they may be added to
+ // the ConstraintMatrix object
+ // after the hanging node
+ // constraints were computed. After
+ // all constraints have been added,
+ // they need to be sorted and
+ // rearranged to perform some
+ // actions more efficiently. This
+ // postprocessing is done using the
+ // ``close'' function, after which
+ // no further constraints may be
+ // added any more.
hanging_node_constraints.close ();
sparsity_pattern.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
- //...
+ // The constrained hanging nodes
+ // will later be eliminated from
+ // the linear system of
+ // equations. When doing so, some
+ // additional entries in the global
+ // matrix will be set to non-zero
+ // values, so we have to reserve
+ // some space for them here. Since
+ // the process of elimination of
+ // these constrained nodes is
+ // called ``condensation'', the
+ // functions that eliminate them
+ // are called ``condense'' for both
+ // the system matrix and right hand
+ // side, as well as for teh
+ // sparsity pattern.
hanging_node_constraints.condense (sparsity_pattern);
+ // Now all non-zero entries of the
+ // matrix are known (i.e. those
+ // from regularly assembling the
+ // matrix and those that were
+ // introduced by eliminating
+ // constraints). We can thus close
+ // the sparsity pattern and remove
+ // unneeded space:
system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ // After the system of equations
+ // has been assembled just as for
+ // the previous examples, we still
+ // have to eliminate the
+ // constraints due to hanging
+ // nodes. This is done using the
+ // following two function calls:
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_matrix);
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_rhs);
+ // Using them, degrees of freedom
+ // associated to hanging nodes have
+ // been removed from the linear
+ // system and the independent
+ // variables are only regular
+ // nodes. The constrained nodes are
+ // still in the linear system
+ // (there is a one on the diagonal
+ // of the matrix and all other
+ // entries for this line are set to
+ // zero) but the computed values
+ // are invalid. They are set to
+ // reasonable values in the
+ // ``solve'' function.
cg.solve (system_matrix, solution, system_rhs,
+ // To set the constrained nodes to
+ // resonable values, you have to
+ // use the following function. It
+ // computes the values of these
+ // nodes from the values of the
+ // unconstrained nodes, which are
+ // the solutions of the linear
+ // system just solved.
hanging_node_constraints.distribute (solution);
- //...
+ // Instead of global refinement, we
+ // now use a slightly more elaborate
+ // scheme.
+ // ...
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::refine_grid ()