* This function uses insert_global_particles and consequently may induce
* considerable mpi communication overhead.
+ * This function is used in step-70.
+ *
* @param[in] dof_handler A DOF handler that may live on another
* triangulation that is used to establsh the positions of the particles.
* and particles that belong to neighbor processes and live in the ghost cells
* around the locally owned domain "ghost particles".
+ * This class is used in step-70.
+ *
* @ingroup Particle
template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
* at these positions, which are then distributed and added to the local
* particle collection of a procesor. Note that this function uses
* GridTools::distributed_compute_point_locations(). Consequently, it can
- * require intense communications between the processors.
+ * require intense communications between the processors. This function
+ * is used in step-70.
* This function figures out what mpi process owns the points that do not
* fall within the locally owned part of the triangulation, it sends