* the size of the index space $[0,\text{size})$ of which objects of this
* class are a subset.
+ * There are two ways to iterate over the IndexSets: First, begin() and end()
+ * allow iteration over individual indices in the set. Second, begin_interval()
+ * and end_interval() allow iteration over the half-open ranges as described
+ * above.
+ *
* The data structures used in this class along with a rationale can be found
* in the
* @ref distributed_paper "Distributed Computing paper".
class IndexSet
+ // forward declarations:
+ class ElementIterator;
+ class IntervalIterator;
+ /**
+ * @p size_type is the type used for storing the size and the individual
+ * entries in the IndexSet.
+ */
+ typedef types::global_dof_index size_type;
* One can see an IndexSet as a container of size size(), where the elements
* of the containers are bool values that are either false or true,
typedef signed int value_type;
* Default constructor.
* Constructor that also sets the overall size of the index range.
- explicit IndexSet (const types::global_dof_index size);
+ explicit IndexSet (const size_type size);
* Remove all indices from this index set. The index set retains its size,
* This function can only be called if the index set does not yet contain
* any elements. This can be achieved by calling clear(), for example.
- void set_size (const types::global_dof_index size);
+ void set_size (const size_type size);
* Return the size of the index space of which this index set is a subset
* Note that the result is not equal to the number of indices within this
* set. The latter information is returned by n_elements().
- types::global_dof_index size () const;
+ size_type size () const;
* Add the half-open range $[\text{begin},\text{end})$ to the set of indices
* represented by this class.
- void add_range (const types::global_dof_index begin,
- const types::global_dof_index end);
+ void add_range (const size_type begin,
+ const size_type end);
* Add an individual index to the set of indices.
- void add_index (const types::global_dof_index index);
+ void add_index (const size_type index);
* Add a whole set of indices described by dereferencing every element of
* Return whether the specified index is an element of the index set.
- bool is_element (const types::global_dof_index index) const;
+ bool is_element (const size_type index) const;
* Return whether the index set stored by this object defines a contiguous
* Return the number of elements stored in this index set.
- types::global_dof_index n_elements () const;
+ size_type n_elements () const;
* Return the global index of the local index with number @p local_index
* stored in this index set. @p local_index obviously needs to be less than
* n_elements().
- types::global_dof_index nth_index_in_set (const unsigned int local_index) const;
+ size_type nth_index_in_set (const unsigned int local_index) const;
* Return the how-manyth element of this set (counted in ascending order) @p
* function throws an exception if the index @p global_index is not actually
* a member of this index set, i.e. if is_element(global_index) is false.
- types::global_dof_index index_within_set (const types::global_dof_index global_index) const;
+ size_type index_within_set (const size_type global_index) const;
* Each index set can be represented as the union of a number of contiguous
* interval <tt>[begin, end)</tt> is a <i>window</i> through which we see
* the set represented by the current object.
- IndexSet get_view (const types::global_dof_index begin,
- const types::global_dof_index end) const;
+ IndexSet get_view (const size_type begin,
+ const size_type end) const;
* Fills the given vector with all indices contained in this IndexSet.
- void fill_index_vector(std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &indices) const;
+ void fill_index_vector(std::vector<size_type> &indices) const;
* Fill the given vector with either zero or one elements, providing a
std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
- DeclException1 (ExcIndexNotPresent, types::global_dof_index,
+ DeclException1 (ExcIndexNotPresent, size_type,
<< "The global index " << arg1
<< " is not an element of this set.");
template <class Archive>
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
+ /**
+ * @name Iterators
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing an IntervalIterator will return a reference to an object of
+ * this type. It allows access to a contiguous interval $[a,b[$ (also called
+ * a range) of the IndexSet being iterated over.
+ */
+ class IntervalAccessor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct a valid accessor given an Indexset and the index @p range_idx
+ * of the range to point to.
+ */
+ IntervalAccessor(const IndexSet *idxset, const size_type range_idx);
+ /**
+ * Construct an invalid accessor for the Indexset.
+ */
+ explicit IntervalAccessor(const IndexSet *idxset);
+ /**
+ * Number of elements in this interval.
+ */
+ size_type n_elements() const;
+ /**
+ * If true, we are pointing at a valid interval in the IndexSet.
+ */
+ bool is_valid() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing at the first index in this interval.
+ */
+ ElementIterator begin() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing directly after the last index in this
+ * interval.
+ */
+ ElementIterator end() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the index of the last index in this interval.
+ */
+ size_type last() const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Private copy constructor.
+ */
+ IntervalAccessor(const IntervalAccessor &other);
+ /**
+ * Private copy operator.
+ */
+ IntervalAccessor &operator = (const IntervalAccessor &other);
+ /**
+ * Test for equality, used by IntervalIterator.
+ */
+ bool operator == (const IntervalAccessor &other) const;
+ /**
+ * Smaller-than operator, used by IntervalIterator.
+ */
+ bool operator < (const IntervalAccessor &other) const;
+ /**
+ * Advance this accessor to point to the next interval in the @p
+ * index_set.
+ */
+ void advance ();
+ /**
+ * Reference to the IndexSet.
+ */
+ const IndexSet *index_set;
+ /**
+ * Index into index_set.ranges[]. Set to numbers::invalid_dof_index if
+ * invalid or the end iterator.
+ */
+ size_type range_idx;
+ friend class IntervalIterator;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class that represents an iterator pointing to a contiguous interval
+ * $[a,b[$ as returned by IndexSet::begin_interval().
+ */
+ class IntervalIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct a valid iterator pointing to the interval with index @p
+ * range_idx.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator(const IndexSet *idxset, const size_type range_idx);
+ /**
+ * Construct an invalid iterator (used as end()).
+ */
+ explicit IntervalIterator(const IndexSet *idxset);
+ /**
+ * Construct an empty iterator.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator();
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor from @p other iterator.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator(const IntervalIterator &other);
+ /**
+ * Assignment of another iterator.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator &operator = (const IntervalIterator &other);
+ /**
+ * Prefix increment.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator &operator++ ();
+ /**
+ * Postfix increment.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator operator++ (int);
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing operator, returns an IntervalAccessor.
+ */
+ const IntervalAccessor &operator* () const;
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing operator, returns a pointer to an IntervalAccessor.
+ */
+ const IntervalAccessor *operator-> () const;
+ /**
+ * Comparison.
+ */
+ bool operator == (const IntervalIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Inverse of <tt>==</tt>.
+ */
+ bool operator != (const IntervalIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Comparison operator.
+ */
+ bool operator < (const IntervalIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the distance between the current iterator and the argument. The
+ * distance is given by how many times one has to apply operator++ to the
+ * current iterator to get the argument (for a positive return value), or
+ * operator-- (for a negative return value).
+ */
+ int operator - (const IntervalIterator &p) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Accessor that contains what IndexSet and interval we are pointing at.
+ */
+ IntervalAccessor accessor;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class that represents an iterator pointing to a single element in the
+ * IndexSet as returned by IndexSet::begin().
+ */
+ class ElementIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct an iterator pointing to the global index @p index in the
+ * interval @p range_idx
+ */
+ ElementIterator(const IndexSet *idxset, const size_type range_idx, const size_type index);
+ /**
+ * Construct an iterator pointing to the end of the IndexSet.
+ */
+ explicit ElementIterator(const IndexSet *idxset);
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing operator. The returned value is the index of the element
+ * inside the IndexSet.
+ */
+ size_type operator* () const;
+ /**
+ * Does this iterator point to an existing element?
+ */
+ bool is_valid () const;
+ /**
+ * Prefix increment.
+ */
+ ElementIterator &operator++ ();
+ /**
+ * Postfix increment.
+ */
+ ElementIterator operator++ (int);
+ /**
+ * Comparison.
+ */
+ bool operator == (const ElementIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Inverse of <tt>==</tt>.
+ */
+ bool operator != (const ElementIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Comparison operator.
+ */
+ bool operator < (const ElementIterator &) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the distance between the current iterator and the argument. In
+ * the expression <code>it_left-it_right</code> the distance is given by
+ * how many times one has to apply operator++ to the right operand @p
+ * it_right to get the left operand @p it_left (for a positive return
+ * value), or to @p it_left to get the @p it_right (for a negative return
+ * value).
+ */
+ std::ptrdiff_t operator - (const ElementIterator &p) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Advance iterator by one.
+ */
+ void advance ();
+ /**
+ * The parent IndexSet.
+ */
+ const IndexSet *index_set;
+ /**
+ * Index into index_set.ranges.
+ */
+ size_type range_idx;
+ /**
+ * The global index this iterator is pointing at.
+ */
+ size_type idx;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator that points at the first index that is contained in
+ * this IndexSet.
+ */
+ ElementIterator begin() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator that points one after the last index that is contained
+ * in this IndexSet.
+ */
+ ElementIterator end() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an Iterator that points at the first interval of this IndexSet.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator begin_intervals() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an Iterator that points one after the last interval of this
+ * IndexSet.
+ */
+ IntervalIterator end_intervals() const;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
* A type that denotes the half open index range <code>[begin,end)</code>.
struct Range
- types::global_dof_index begin;
- types::global_dof_index end;
+ size_type begin;
+ size_type end;
- types::global_dof_index nth_index_in_set;
+ size_type nth_index_in_set;
* Default constructor. Since there is no useful choice for a default
* @param i2 First index greater than the last index of the indicated
* range.
- Range (const types::global_dof_index i1,
- const types::global_dof_index i2);
+ Range (const size_type i1,
+ const size_type i2);
inline bool operator< (const Range &range_1,
* The overall size of the index range. Elements of this index set have to
* have a smaller number than this value.
- types::global_dof_index index_space_size;
+ size_type index_space_size;
* This integer caches the index of the largest range in @p ranges. This
* locally owned range), whereas there are only a few other elements
* (ghosts).
- mutable types::global_dof_index largest_range;
+ mutable size_type largest_range;
* Actually perform the compress() operation.
/* ------------------ inline functions ------------------ */
+/* IntervalAccessor */
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::IntervalAccessor(const IndexSet *idxset, const IndexSet::size_type range_idx)
+ : index_set(idxset), range_idx(range_idx)
+ Assert(range_idx < idxset->n_intervals(), ExcInternalError("Invalid range index"));
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::IntervalAccessor(const IndexSet *idxset)
+ : index_set(idxset), range_idx(numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+IndexSet::size_type IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::n_elements() const
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+ return index_set->ranges[range_idx].end - index_set->ranges[range_idx].begin;
+bool IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::is_valid() const
+ return index_set != NULL && range_idx < index_set->n_intervals();
+IndexSet::ElementIterator IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::begin() const
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+ return IndexSet::ElementIterator(index_set, range_idx, index_set->ranges[range_idx].begin);
+IndexSet::ElementIterator IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::end() const
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+ // point to first index in next interval unless we are the last interval.
+ if (range_idx < index_set->ranges.size()-1)
+ return IndexSet::ElementIterator(index_set, range_idx+1, index_set->ranges[range_idx+1].begin);
+ else
+ return index_set->end();
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::last() const
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+ return index_set->ranges[range_idx].end-1;
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::IntervalAccessor(const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &other)
+ : index_set (other.index_set), range_idx(other.range_idx)
+ Assert( range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index || is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &
+IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::operator = (const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &other)
+ index_set = other.index_set;
+ range_idx = other.range_idx;
+ Assert( range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index || is_valid(), ExcMessage("invalid iterator"));
+ return *this;
+bool IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::operator == (const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &other) const
+ Assert (index_set == other.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare accessors pointing to different IndexSets"));
+ return range_idx == other.range_idx;
+bool IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::operator < (const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &other) const
+ Assert (index_set == other.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare accessors pointing to different IndexSets"));
+ return range_idx < other.range_idx;
+void IndexSet::IntervalAccessor::advance ()
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("Impossible to advance an IndexSet::IntervalIterator that is invalid"));
+ ++range_idx;
+ // set ourselves to invalid if we walk off the end
+ if (range_idx>=index_set->ranges.size())
+ range_idx = numbers::invalid_dof_index;
+/* IntervalIterator */
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::IntervalIterator(const IndexSet *idxset, const IndexSet::size_type range_idx)
+ : accessor(idxset, range_idx)
+ : accessor(NULL)
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::IntervalIterator(const IndexSet *idxset)
+ : accessor(idxset)
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::IntervalIterator(const IndexSet::IntervalIterator &other)
+ : accessor(other.accessor)
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator &
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator = (const IntervalIterator &other)
+ accessor = other.accessor;
+ return *this;
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator &
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator++ ()
+ accessor.advance();
+ return *this;
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator++ (int)
+ const IndexSet::IntervalIterator iter = *this;
+ accessor.advance ();
+ return iter;
+const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor &
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator* () const
+ return accessor;
+const IndexSet::IntervalAccessor *
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator-> () const
+ return &accessor;
+bool IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator == (const IndexSet::IntervalIterator &other) const
+ return accessor == other.accessor;
+bool IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator != (const IndexSet::IntervalIterator &other) const
+ return !(*this == other);
+bool IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator < (const IndexSet::IntervalIterator &other) const
+ return accessor < other.accessor;
+int IndexSet::IntervalIterator::operator - (const IndexSet::IntervalIterator &other) const
+ Assert (accessor.index_set == other.accessor.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare iterators belonging to different IndexSets"));
+ const size_type lhs = (accessor.range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index) ? accessor.index_set->ranges.size() : accessor.range_idx;
+ const size_type rhs = (other.accessor.range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index) ? accessor.index_set->ranges.size() : other.accessor.range_idx;
+ if (lhs > rhs)
+ return static_cast<int>(lhs - rhs);
+ else
+ return -static_cast<int>(rhs - lhs);
+/* ElementIterator */
+bool IndexSet::ElementIterator::is_valid() const
+ Assert(
+ (range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index && idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+ ||
+ (range_idx < index_set->ranges.size() && idx<index_set->ranges[range_idx].end)
+ , ExcInternalError("Invalid ElementIterator state."));
+ return range_idx < index_set->ranges.size() && idx<index_set->ranges[range_idx].end;
+IndexSet::ElementIterator::ElementIterator(const IndexSet *idxset, const IndexSet::size_type range_idx, const IndexSet::size_type index)
+ : index_set(idxset), range_idx(range_idx), idx(index)
+ Assert(range_idx < index_set->ranges.size(),
+ ExcMessage("Invalid range index for IndexSet::ElementIterator constructor."));
+ Assert(idx >= index_set->ranges[range_idx].begin
+ &&
+ idx < index_set->ranges[range_idx].end,
+ ExcInternalError("Invalid index argument for IndexSet::ElementIterator constructor."));
+IndexSet::ElementIterator::ElementIterator(const IndexSet *idxset)
+ : index_set(idxset), range_idx(numbers::invalid_dof_index), idx(numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator* () const
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("Impossible to dereference an IndexSet::ElementIterator that is invalid"));
+ return idx;
+bool IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator == (const IndexSet::ElementIterator &other) const
+ Assert (index_set == other.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare iterators belonging to different IndexSets"));
+ return range_idx == other.range_idx && idx==other.idx;
+void IndexSet::ElementIterator::advance ()
+ Assert(is_valid(), ExcMessage("Impossible to advance an IndexSet::ElementIterator that is invalid"));
+ if (idx < index_set->ranges[range_idx].end)
+ ++idx;
+ // end of this range?
+ if (idx == index_set->ranges[range_idx].end)
+ {
+ // point to first element in next interval if possible
+ if (range_idx < index_set->ranges.size()-1)
+ {
+ ++range_idx;
+ idx = index_set->ranges[range_idx].begin;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we just fell off the end, set to invalid:
+ range_idx = numbers::invalid_dof_index;
+ idx = numbers::invalid_dof_index;
+ }
+ }
+IndexSet::ElementIterator &
+IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator++ ()
+ advance();
+ return *this;
+IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator++ (int)
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it = *this;
+ advance();
+ return it;
+bool IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator != (const IndexSet::ElementIterator &other) const
+ return !(*this == other);
+bool IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator < (const IndexSet::ElementIterator &other) const
+ Assert (index_set == other.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare iterators belonging to different IndexSets"));
+ return range_idx < other.range_idx || (range_idx == other.range_idx && idx<other.idx);
+std::ptrdiff_t IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator - (const IndexSet::ElementIterator &other) const
+ Assert (index_set == other.index_set, ExcMessage("Can not compare iterators belonging to different IndexSets"));
+ if (*this == other)
+ return 0;
+ if (!(*this < other))
+ return -(other-*this);
+ // only other can be equal to end() because of the checks above.
+ Assert (is_valid(), ExcInternalError());
+ // Note: we now compute how far advance *this in "*this < other" to get other, so we need to return -c at the end.
+ // first finish the current range:
+ std::ptrdiff_t c = index_set->ranges[range_idx].end-idx;
+ // now walk in steps of ranges (need to start one behind our current one):
+ for (size_type range=range_idx+1; range<index_set->ranges.size() && range<=other.range_idx; ++range)
+ c += index_set->ranges[range].end-index_set->ranges[range].begin;
+ Assert(other.range_idx < index_set->ranges.size() || other.range_idx == numbers::invalid_dof_index,
+ ExcMessage("Inconsistent iterator state. Did you invalidate iterators by modifying the IndexSet?"));
+ // We might have walked too far because we went until the end of other.range_idx, so walk backwards to other.idx:
+ if (other.range_idx != numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+ c -= index_set->ranges[other.range_idx].end - other.idx;
+ return -c;
+/* Range */
IndexSet::Range::Range ()
-IndexSet::Range::Range (const types::global_dof_index i1,
- const types::global_dof_index i2)
+IndexSet::Range::Range (const size_type i1,
+ const size_type i2)
+/* IndexSet itself */
+IndexSet::ElementIterator IndexSet::begin() const
+ compress();
+ if (ranges.size()>0)
+ return IndexSet::ElementIterator(this, 0, ranges[0].begin);
+ else
+ return end();
+IndexSet::ElementIterator IndexSet::end() const
+ compress();
+ return IndexSet::ElementIterator(this);
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator IndexSet::begin_intervals() const
+ compress();
+ if (ranges.size()>0)
+ return IndexSet::IntervalIterator(this, 0);
+ else
+ return end_intervals();
+IndexSet::IntervalIterator IndexSet::end_intervals() const
+ compress();
+ return IndexSet::IntervalIterator(this);
IndexSet::IndexSet ()
-IndexSet::IndexSet (const types::global_dof_index size)
+IndexSet::IndexSet (const size_type size)
is_compressed (true),
index_space_size (size),
-IndexSet::set_size (const types::global_dof_index sz)
+IndexSet::set_size (const size_type sz)
Assert (ranges.empty(),
ExcMessage ("This function can only be called if the current "
IndexSet::size () const
return index_space_size;
-IndexSet::add_index (const types::global_dof_index index)
+IndexSet::add_index (const size_type index)
Assert (index < index_space_size,
- ExcIndexRangeType<types::global_dof_index> (index, 0, index_space_size));
+ ExcIndexRangeType<size_type> (index, 0, index_space_size));
const Range new_range(index, index+1);
if (ranges.size() == 0 || index > ranges.back().end)
// consecutive, merge them to a range
for (ForwardIterator p=begin; p!=end;)
- const types::global_dof_index begin_index = *p;
- types::global_dof_index end_index = begin_index + 1;
+ const size_type begin_index = *p;
+ size_type end_index = begin_index + 1;
ForwardIterator q = p;
while ((q != end) && (*q == end_index))
-IndexSet::is_element (const types::global_dof_index index) const
+IndexSet::is_element (const size_type index) const
if (ranges.empty() == false)
IndexSet::n_elements () const
// make sure we have non-overlapping ranges
compress ();
- types::global_dof_index v = 0;
+ size_type v = 0;
if (!ranges.empty())
Range &r = ranges.back();
#ifdef DEBUG
- types::global_dof_index s = 0;
+ size_type s = 0;
for (std::vector<Range>::iterator range = ranges.begin();
range != ranges.end();
IndexSet::nth_index_in_set (const unsigned int n) const
// to make this call thread-safe, compress() must not be called through this
// function
Assert (is_compressed == true, ExcMessage ("IndexSet must be compressed."));
- Assert (n < n_elements(), ExcIndexRangeType<types::global_dof_index> (n, 0, n_elements()));
+ Assert (n < n_elements(), ExcIndexRangeType<size_type> (n, 0, n_elements()));
// first check whether the index is in the largest range
Assert (largest_range < ranges.size(), ExcInternalError());
-IndexSet::index_within_set (const types::global_dof_index n) const
+IndexSet::index_within_set (const size_type n) const
// to make this call thread-safe, compress() must not be called through this
// function
Assert (is_compressed == true, ExcMessage ("IndexSet must be compressed."));
Assert (is_element(n) == true, ExcIndexNotPresent (n));
- Assert (n < size(), ExcIndexRangeType<types::global_dof_index> (n, 0, size()));
+ Assert (n < size(), ExcIndexRangeType<size_type> (n, 0, size()));
// check whether the index is in the largest range. use the result to
// perform a one-sided binary search afterward
for (std::vector<Range>::iterator it = ranges.begin();
it != ranges.end();
- for (types::global_dof_index i=it->begin; i<it->end; ++i)
+ for (size_type i=it->begin; i<it->end; ++i)
vector[i] = 1;
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2015 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// test IndexSet iterators
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
+void test (IndexSet &index_set)
+ index_set.print(deallog);
+ Assert((int)index_set.n_intervals() == index_set.end_intervals()-index_set.begin_intervals(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator endit = index_set.end_intervals();
+ Assert(!endit->is_valid(), ExcInternalError());
+ // print intervals
+ for (IndexSet::IntervalIterator it = index_set.begin_intervals(); it != endit; ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->n_elements()==1)
+ deallog << *(it->begin()) << " ";
+ else
+ deallog << "[" << *(it->begin()) << "," << it->last() << "] ";
+ }
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ // print entries
+ {
+ for (IndexSet::ElementIterator it = index_set.begin(); it != index_set.end(); ++it)
+ deallog << *it << " ";
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
+ // check comparison, distance, and n_elements:
+ unsigned int c = 0;
+ for (IndexSet::IntervalIterator it = index_set.begin_intervals(); it != endit; ++it, ++c)
+ {
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it2 = it;
+ Assert(it == it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it-it2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(endit != it, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it != endit, ExcInternalError());
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it3 = it2++;
+ Assert(it == it3, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it2-it3 == 1, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it3 < it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(++it3 == it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it->is_valid(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it < endit, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(!(it < it), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert((it-index_set.begin_intervals()) == (int)c, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert((index_set.begin_intervals()-it) == -(int)c, ExcInternalError());
+ deallog << c << ": n_el: " << it->n_elements() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // ElementIterator checks
+ {
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it = index_set.begin();
+ unsigned int c = 0;
+ for (; it != index_set.end(); ++it, ++c)
+ {
+ Assert(it < index_set.end(), ExcInternalError());
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it2 = it;
+ Assert(it == it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(!(it < it2), ExcInternalError());
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it3 = it2++;
+ Assert(it == it3, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it < it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(it != it2, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert((it - index_set.begin()) == c, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert((index_set.begin() - it) == -(int)c, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ // pre vs post increment
+ {
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it = index_set.begin();
+ IndexSet::ElementIterator it2 = index_set.begin();
+ for (; it != index_set.end(); ++it, it2++)
+ Assert(it == it2, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ // pre vs post increment, part 2
+ {
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it = index_set.begin_intervals();
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it2 = index_set.begin_intervals();
+ for (; it != index_set.end_intervals(); ++it, it2++)
+ Assert(it == it2, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ // Assignment
+ {
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it = index_set.begin_intervals();
+ Assert(it->is_valid() || index_set.n_elements()==0, ExcInternalError());
+ it = index_set.end_intervals();
+ Assert(!it->is_valid(), ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ // Construct empty iterator
+ {
+ IndexSet::IntervalIterator it;
+ Assert(!it->is_valid(), ExcInternalError());
+ it = index_set.begin_intervals();
+ Assert(it->is_valid() || index_set.n_elements()==0, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+void test()
+ IndexSet index_set (20);
+ index_set.add_range (2,4);
+ index_set.add_range (12,18);
+ index_set.add_index (6);
+ index_set.add_index (8);
+ index_set.add_index (9);
+ index_set.add_index (16);
+ test(index_set);
+ IndexSet empty (42);
+ test(empty);
+int main()
+ std::ofstream logfile("output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ test ();