MeshConversion::MeshConversion (const unsigned int dimension):
-dimension (dimension),
-tolerance (5e-16) // Used to offset Cubit tolerance error when outputting value close to zero
+tolerance (5e-16), // Used to offset Cubit tolerance error when outputting value close to zero
+dimension (dimension)
greeting ();
// Loop over all the contents of the fibre data file and read it into buffer
while (input_stream >> buffer)
- for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); ++i)
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); ++i)
if (buffer[i] == ',') // Get rid of the .inp file's useless comma's
std::ofstream output;
- for (int ii = 0; ii < temp_data.size(); ii++ )
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < temp_data.size(); ii++ )
output << temp_data[ii] << std::endl;
// =========== TEMP ===========
- for (int k = 0; k < temp_data.size(); ++k)
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < temp_data.size(); ++k)
// ================================ NODES ===================================
// ABAQUS formatting
std::vector <double> node (dimension+1);
// Convert from string to the variable types
- for (int i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i)
from_string<double> (node[i], temp_data[k + 1 + j*(dimension+1+(dimension==2 ? 1 : 0)) + i], std::dec);
// Add to the global node number vector
// Get material id
std::string material_id_line = temp_data[k+ 2];
std::string material_id_temp;
- for (int ll = 8 /*Characters in "ELSET=EB" */; ll < material_id_line.length(); ++ll)
+ for (unsigned int ll = 8 /*Characters in "ELSET=EB" */; ll < material_id_line.length(); ++ll)
material_id_temp += material_id_line[ll];
int material_id = 0;
- for (int ll = 0; ll < material_id_temp.length(); ++ll)
+ for (unsigned int ll = 0; ll < material_id_temp.length(); ++ll)
material_id += (material_id_temp[material_id_temp.length() - ll - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,ll);
while ((k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell) < temp_data.size())
// Get sideset id
std::string sideset_id_line = temp_data[k + 1];
std::string sideset_id_temp;
- for (int m = 7 /*Characters in "NAME=SS" */; m < sideset_id_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 7 /*Characters in "NAME=SS" */; m < sideset_id_line.length(); ++m)
sideset_id_temp += sideset_id_line[m];
int sideset_id = 0;
- for (int m = 0; m < sideset_id_temp.length(); ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 0; m < sideset_id_temp.length(); ++m)
sideset_id += (sideset_id_temp[sideset_id_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
const int data_per_face = 2;
// Get cell to which the face belongs
std::string face_cell_no_line = temp_data[(k + 2) + j * data_per_face];
int face_cell_no = 0;
- for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_no_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 0; m < face_cell_no_line.length(); ++m)
face_cell_no += (face_cell_no_line[face_cell_no_line.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
// Get ABAQUS cell face number
std::string face_cell_face_no_line = temp_data[(k + 2) + j * data_per_face + 1];
std::string face_cell_face_no_temp;
- for (int m = 1 /*Characters in "S" */; m < face_cell_face_no_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 1 /*Characters in "S" */; m < face_cell_face_no_line.length(); ++m)
face_cell_face_no_temp += face_cell_face_no_line[m];
int face_cell_face_no = 0;
- for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_face_no_temp.length(); ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 0; m < face_cell_face_no_temp.length(); ++m)
face_cell_face_no += (face_cell_face_no_temp[face_cell_face_no_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
// Initilise storage variables
quad[0] = sideset_id;
// Global node numbers
- for (int m = 0; m < node_per_face; ++m)
+ for (unsigned int m = 0; m < node_per_face; ++m)
quad[m + 1] = quad_node_list[m];
// Add to the global quad vector
output << node_list.size() << "\t" << (cell_list.size() + face_list.size()) << "\t0\t0\t0" << std::endl;
// Write out node numbers
- for (int ii = 0; ii < node_list.size(); ++ii) // Loop over all nodes
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < node_list.size(); ++ii) // Loop over all nodes
- for (int jj = 0; jj < dimension + 1; ++jj) // Loop over entries to be outputted
+ for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj < dimension + 1; ++jj) // Loop over entries to be outputted
if (jj == 0) // Node number
// Write out cell node numbers
- for (int ii = 0; ii < cell_list.size(); ++ii)
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < cell_list.size(); ++ii)
output << ii + 1 << "\t" << cell_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "quad" : "hex") << "\t";
- for (int jj = 1; jj < node_per_cell + 1; ++jj)
+ for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < node_per_cell + 1; ++jj)
output << cell_list[ii][jj] << "\t";
output << std::endl;
// Write out quad node numbers
- for (int ii = 0; ii < face_list.size(); ++ii)
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < face_list.size(); ++ii)
output << ii + 1 << "\t" << face_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "line" : "quad") << "\t";
- for (int jj = 1; jj < node_per_face + 1; ++jj)
+ for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < node_per_face + 1; ++jj)
output << face_list[ii][jj] << "\t";
output << std::endl;