<< " x " << ny << std::endl;
+ // The following two functions return the value of a given pixel with
+ // coordinates $i,j$, which we identify with the values of a function
+ // defined at positions <code>i*hx, j*hy</code>, and at arbitrary
+ // coordinates $x,y$ where we do a bilinear interpolation between
+ // point values returned by the first of the two functions. In the
+ // second function, for each $x,y$, we first compute the (integer)
+ // location of the nearest pixel coordinate to the bottom left of
+ // $x,y$, and then compute the coordinates $\xi,\eta$ within this
+ // pixel. We truncate both kinds of variables from both below
+ // and above to avoid problems when evaluating the function outside
+ // of its defined range as may happen due to roundoff errors.
template <int dim>
- BitmapFile<dim>::get_pixel_value(const int i, const int j) const
+ BitmapFile<dim>::get_pixel_value(const int i,
+ const int j) const
assert(i >= 0 && i < nx);
assert(j >= 0 && j < ny);
template <int dim>
- BitmapFile<dim>::get_value(const double x, const double y) const
+ BitmapFile<dim>::get_value(const double x,
+ const double y) const
const int ix = std::min(std::max((int) (x / hx), 0), nx - 2);
const int iy = std::min(std::max((int) (y / hy), 0), ny - 2);
- FullMatrix<double> H(4, 4);
- Vector<double> X(4);
- Vector<double> b(4);
- double xx, yy;
- xx = ix * hx;
- yy = iy * hy;
- H(0, 0) = xx;
- H(0, 1) = yy;
- H(0, 2) = xx * yy;
- H(0, 3) = 1.0;
- b(0) = get_pixel_value(ix, iy);
- xx = (ix + 1) * hx;
- yy = iy * hy;
- H(1, 0) = xx;
- H(1, 1) = yy;
- H(1, 2) = xx * yy;
- H(1, 3) = 1.0;
- b(1) = get_pixel_value(ix + 1, iy);
- xx = (ix + 1) * hx;
- yy = (iy + 1) * hy;
- H(2, 0) = xx;
- H(2, 1) = yy;
- H(2, 2) = xx * yy;
- H(2, 3) = 1.0;
- b(2) = get_pixel_value(ix + 1, iy + 1);
- xx = ix * hx;
- yy = (iy + 1) * hy;
- H(3, 0) = xx;
- H(3, 1) = yy;
- H(3, 2) = xx * yy;
- H(3, 3) = 1.0;
- b(3) = get_pixel_value(ix, iy + 1);
- H.gauss_jordan();
- H.vmult(X, b);
- return (X(0) * x + X(1) * y + X(2) * x * y + X(3));
+ const double xi = std::min(std::max((x-ix*hx)/hx, 1.), 0.);
+ const double eta = std::min(std::max((y-iy*hy)/hy, 1.), 0.);
+ return ((1-xi)*(1-eta)*get_pixel_value(ix,iy)
+ +
+ xi*(1-eta)*get_pixel_value(ix+1,iy)
+ +
+ (1-xi)*eta*get_pixel_value(ix,iy+1)
+ +
+ xi*eta*get_pixel_value(ix+1,iy+1));
// Finally, this is the class that actually uses the class above. It
for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_face_q_points; ++q_point)
- contact_force += lambda_values[q_point][2]
- * fe_values_face.JxW(q_point);
+ contact_force += lambda_values[q_point][2]
+ * fe_values_face.JxW(q_point);
contact_force = Utilities::MPI::sum(contact_force, MPI_COMM_WORLD);