* Virtual destructor; absolutely necessary in this case.
+ *
virtual ~ZeroFunction ();
- /**
- * Return the value of the function at the given point for one component.
- */
virtual double value (const Point<dim> &p,
const unsigned int component) const;
- /**
- * Return the value of the function at the given point for all
- * components.
- */
virtual void vector_value (const Point<dim> &p,
Vector<double> &return_value) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>values</tt> to the point values of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for the given component. It is assumed that
- * <tt>values</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as the
- * <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<double> &values,
const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>values</tt> to the point values of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for all components. It is assumed that
- * <tt>values</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as the
- * <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void vector_value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<Vector<double> > &values) const;
- /**
- * Return the gradient of the function at the given point, for the given
- * component.
- */
virtual Tensor<1,dim> gradient (const Point<dim> &p,
const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- /**
- * Return the gradient of the specified component of the function at the
- * given point, for all components.
- */
virtual void vector_gradient (const Point<dim> &p,
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > &gradients) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>gradients</tt> to the gradients of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for the given component. It is assumed that
- * <tt>values</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as the
- * <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void gradient_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > &gradients,
const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>gradients</tt> to the gradients of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for all components. It is assumed that
- * <tt>gradients</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as
- * the <tt>points</tt> array.
- *
- * The outer loop over <tt>gradients</tt> is over the points in the list,
- * the inner loop over the different components of the function.
- */
virtual void vector_gradient_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > &gradients) const;
virtual ~ConstantFunction ();
- /**
- * Return the value of the function at the given point for one component.
- */
virtual double value (const Point<dim> &p,
const unsigned int component) const;
- /**
- * Return the value of the function at the given point for all
- * components.
- */
virtual void vector_value (const Point<dim> &p,
Vector<double> &return_value) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>values</tt> to the point values of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for the given component. It is assumed that
- * <tt>values</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as the
- * <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<double> &values,
const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>values</tt> to the point values of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>, for all components. It is assumed that
- * <tt>values</tt> already has the right size, i.e. the same size as the
- * <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void vector_value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<Vector<double> > &values) const;
- /**
- * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
- * object. Since sometimes the size of objects can not be determined
- * exactly (for example: what is the memory consumption of an STL
- * <tt>std::map</tt> type with a certain number of elements?), this is
- * only an estimate. however often quite close to the true value.
- */
std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
ConstantTensorFunction (const dealii::Tensor<rank, dim> &value,
const double initial_time = 0.0);
- /**
- * Virtual destructor; absolutely necessary in this case, as classes are
- * usually not used by their true type, but rather through pointers to
- * this base class.
- */
virtual ~ConstantTensorFunction ();
- /**
- * Return the value of the function at the given point.
- */
virtual typename dealii::TensorFunction<rank, dim>::value_type value (const Point<dim> &p) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>values</tt> to the point values of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>. It is assumed that <tt>values</tt> already has the
- * right size, i.e. the same size as the <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<typename dealii::TensorFunction<rank, dim>::value_type> &values) const;
- /**
- * Return the gradient of the function at the given point.
- */
virtual typename dealii::TensorFunction<rank, dim>::gradient_type gradient (const Point<dim> &p) const;
- /**
- * Set <tt>gradients</tt> to the gradients of the function at the
- * <tt>points</tt>. It is assumed that <tt>values</tt> already has the
- * right size, i.e. the same size as the <tt>points</tt> array.
- */
virtual void gradient_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
std::vector<typename dealii::TensorFunction<rank, dim>::gradient_type> &gradients) const;