template <int dim>
void Triangulation<dim>::distort_random (const double factor,
const bool keep_boundary) {
- // note number of lines adjacent
- // to a vertex
- vector<short unsigned int> adjacent_lines (vertices.size(), 0);
- // sum up the length of the lines
+ // find the smallest length of the lines
// adjecent to the vertex
- vector<double> cumulated_length (vertices.size(), 0);
+ vector<double> minimal_length (vertices.size(), 1e308);
// also note if a vertex is at
// the boundary
vector<bool> at_boundary (vertices.size(), false);
at_boundary[line->vertex_index(1)] = true;
- adjacent_lines[line->vertex_index(0)]++;
- adjacent_lines[line->vertex_index(1)]++;
- cumulated_length[line->vertex_index(0)] += line->diameter();
- cumulated_length[line->vertex_index(1)] += line->diameter();
+ minimal_length[line->vertex_index(0)]
+ = min(line->diameter(), minimal_length[line->vertex_index(0)]);
+ minimal_length[line->vertex_index(1)]
+ = min(line->diameter(), minimal_length[line->vertex_index(1)]);
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
shift_vector(d) = rand()*1.0/RAND_MAX;
- // bring the random vector to the
- // specified length by dividing
- // through its original length, then
- // multiplication by the average length
- // of the adjacent lines times the given
- // factor
- shift_vector *= (factor *
- cumulated_length[vertex]) /
- (adjacent_lines[vertex] *
- sqrt(shift_vector.square()));
+ shift_vector *= factor * minimal_length[vertex] /
+ sqrt(shift_vector.square());
// finally move the vertex
vertices[vertex] += shift_vector;