can pass to our visualization program of choice. When we collate them into a
movie, the results of last several time steps looks like this:
-<img src="file:///Users/qiaol/devel/dealii/examples/step-33/step-33.oscillaton.gif " alt="" height="300">
+<img src=" " alt="" height="300">
As we see, when the heavy mass of fluid hits the left bottom corner,
some oscillation occurs and lead to the divergence of the iteration. A lazy solution to
the simulation would be able to survive this crisis. Then, the result looks like this:
-<img src="file:///Users/qiaol/devel/dealii/examples/step-33/step-33.slide.ed2.gif " alt="" height="300">
+<img src=" " alt="" height="300">
The heavy mass of fluid is drawn down the slope by gravity, where
it collides with the ski lodge and is flung into the air! Hopefully everyone
We can also visualize the evolution of the adaptively refined grid:
-<img src="file:///Users/qiaol/devel/dealii/examples/step-33/step-33.slide.adapt.ed2.gif " alt="" height="300">
+<img src=" " alt="" height="300">
The adaptivity follows and precedes the flow pattern, based on the heuristic
refinement scheme discussed above.