where the rank-4 tensor $I_\Pi=I_\Pi(\varepsilon^D(\mathbf u^{i-1}))$ given by
I_\Pi = \begin{cases}
- C_{\mu} + C_{\kappa}, & \hspace{-8em}\hfill \text{if } \vert C\varepsilon^D(\mathbf u^{i-1}) \vert \leq \sigma_0,
+ C_{\mu} + C_{\kappa}, & \hspace{-8em} \text{if } \vert C\varepsilon^D(\mathbf u^{i-1}) \vert \leq \sigma_0,
\frac{\gamma^{\text{iso}}}{2\mu + \gamma^{\text{iso}}} C_{\mu} + \frac{\left(1-\frac{\gamma^{\text{iso}}}{2\mu + \gamma^{\text{iso}}}\right)\sigma_0}{\vert C\varepsilon^D(\mathbf u^{i-1}) \vert}\left(C_{\mu} -
2\mu\dfrac{C\varepsilon^D(\mathbf u^{i-1})\otimes C\varepsilon^D(\mathbf
from the undisplaced configuration of the body.
<li> If $\mathcal{A}_{i+1} = \mathcal{A}_k$ and $\left\|
- {\hat R}\left({\mathbf u}^{i}\right)\right) \right\|_{\ell_2} < \delta$ then stop, else set $i=i+1$ and go to
+ {\hat R}\left({\mathbf u}^{i}\right) \right\|_{\ell_2} < \delta$ then stop, else set $i=i+1$ and go to
step (1). This step ensures that we only stop iterations if both the correct
active set has been found and the plasticity has been iterated to sufficient