--- /dev/null
+/*---------------------------- time-dependent.h ---------------------------*/
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef __time_dependent_H
+#define __time_dependent_H
+/*---------------------------- time-dependent.h ---------------------------*/
+#include <base/exceptions.h>
+#include <base/subscriptor.h>
+#include <basic/forward-declarations.h>
+#include <vector>
+template <int dim>
+class TimeDependent
+ public:
+ struct TimeSteppingData;
+ /**
+ * Destructor. This will delete the
+ * objects pointed to by the pointers
+ * given to the #insert_*# and
+ * #add_timestep# functions, i.e.
+ * it will delete the objects doing
+ * the computations on each time step.
+ */
+ virtual ~TimeDependent ();
+ /**
+ * Add a timestep at any position. The
+ * position may be zero (at the start)
+ * through #N# (at the end), where
+ * #N# is the number of timesteps
+ * stored in this object previously.
+ *
+ * Note that by giving an object
+ * to this function, the
+ * #TimeDependent# object assumes
+ * ownership of the object; it will
+ * therefore also take care of
+ * deletion of the objects its manages.
+ * This mechanism usually will result
+ * in a set-up loop like this
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * for (i=0; i<N; ++i)
+ * manager.add_timestep(new MyTimeStep());
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * There is another function,
+ * #add_timestep#, which inserts a
+ * time step at the end of the list.
+ */
+ void insert_timestep (TimeStepBase<dim> *new_timestep,
+ const unsigned int position);
+ /**
+ * Just like #insert_timestep#, but
+ * insert at the end.
+ */
+ void add_timestep (TimeStepBase<dim> *new_timestep);
+ void solve_primal_problem ();
+ /**
+ * Initialize the objects for the next
+ * sweep. This function specifically does
+ * the following: assign each time
+ * level the number it presently has
+ * within the array (which may change,
+ * if time levels are inserted or
+ * deleted) and transmit the number of
+ * the present sweep to these objects.
+ *
+ * It also calls the #init_for_sweep#
+ * function of each time step object,
+ * after the numbers above are set.
+ *
+ * This function is virtual, so you
+ * may overload it. You should, however
+ * not forget to call this function as
+ * well from your overwritten version,
+ * at best at the beginning of your
+ * function since this is some kind of
+ * "constructor-like" function, which
+ * should be called bottom-up.
+ */
+ virtual void start_sweep (const unsigned int sweep_no);
+ /**
+ * Exception.
+ */
+ DeclException2 (ExcInvalidPosition,
+ int, int,
+ << "Can't insert time step at position " << arg1
+ << " since there only " << arg2 << " positions at all.");
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Vector holding pointers to the time
+ * level objects. This is the main data
+ * this object operates on. Note that
+ * this object takes possession of the
+ * objects pointed to by the pointers
+ * in this collection.
+ */
+ vector<TimeStepBase<dim>*> timesteps;
+ /**
+ * Number of the present sweep. This is
+ * reset by the #start_sweep# function
+ * called at the outset of each sweep.
+ */
+ unsigned int sweep_no;
+ /**
+ * Some flags telling the
+ * #solve_primal_problem# function what to
+ * do. See the documentation of this struct
+ * for more information.
+ */
+ TimeSteppingData timestepping_data_primal;
+template <int dim>
+struct TimeDependent<dim>::TimeSteppingData
+ /**
+ * Constructor; see the different
+ * fields for a description of the
+ * meaning of the parameters.
+ */
+ TimeSteppingData (const unsigned int look_ahead,
+ const unsigned int look_back);
+ /**
+ * This denotes the number of timesteps
+ * the timestepping algorithm needs to
+ * look ahead. Usually, this number
+ * will be zero, since algorithms
+ * looking ahead can't act as
+ * timestepping schemes since they
+ * can't compute their data from knowledge
+ * of the past only and are therefore
+ * global in time.
+ *
+ * However, it may be necessary to look
+ * ahead in other circumstances, when
+ * not wanting to access the data of the
+ * next time step(s), but for example
+ * to know the next grid, the solution
+ * of a dual problem on the next
+ * time level, etc.
+ *
+ * Note that for a dual problem walking
+ * back in time, "looking ahead" means
+ * looking towards smaller time values.
+ */
+ const unsigned int look_ahead;
+ /**
+ * This is the opposite variable to the
+ * above one. It denotes the number of
+ * time steps behind the present one
+ * for which we need to keep all data
+ * in order to do the computations on
+ * the present time level.
+ *
+ * For one step schemes (e.g. the
+ * Euler schemes, or the Crank-Nicolson
+ * scheme), this value will be one.
+ */
+ const unsigned int look_back;
+template <int dim>
+class TimeStepBase : public Subscriptor
+ public:
+ // forward declaration
+ struct Flags;
+ /**
+ * Enum denoting the type of problem
+ * which will have to be solved next.
+ */
+ enum ProblemType {
+ primal_problem,
+ dual_problem
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Takes a coarse
+ * grid from which the grids on this
+ * time level will be derived and
+ * some flags steering the behaviour
+ * of this object.
+ *
+ * The ownership of the coarse grid
+ * stays with the creator of this
+ * object. However, it is locked
+ * from destruction to guarantee
+ * the lifetime of the coarse grid
+ * is longer than it is needed by
+ * this object.
+ */
+ TimeStepBase (const Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
+ const Flags &flags);
+ /**
+ * Destructor. At present, this does
+ * not more than releasing the lock on
+ * the coarse grid triangulation given
+ * to the constructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~TimeStepBase ();
+ virtual void wake_up ();
+ virtual void sleep ();
+ /**
+ * This function is called each time
+ * before a new sweep is started. You
+ * may want to set up some fields needed
+ * in the course of the computations,
+ * and so on. You should take good care,
+ * however, not to install large objects,
+ * which should be deferred until the
+ * #wake_up# function is called.
+ *
+ * At the time this function is called,
+ * the values of #timestep_no#, #sweep_no#
+ * and the pointer to the previous and
+ * next time step object already have
+ * their correct value.
+ *
+ * The default implementation of this
+ * function does nothing.
+ */
+ virtual void init_for_sweep ();
+ /**
+ * Before the primal problem is
+ * solved on each time level, this
+ * function is called (i.e. before the
+ * solution takes place on the first
+ * time level). By default, this function
+ * sets the #problem_type# variable of
+ * this class. You may overload this
+ * function, but you should call this
+ * function within your own one.
+ */
+ virtual void init_for_primal_problem ();
+ /**
+ * Same as above, but called before
+ * a round of dual problem solves.
+ */
+ virtual void init_for_dual_problem ();
+ /**
+ * This function is called by the
+ * manager object when solving the
+ * primal problem on this time level
+ * is needed. It is called after
+ * the #wake_up# function was
+ * called and before the #sleep#
+ * function will be called. There
+ * is no default implementation for
+ * obvious reasons, so you have
+ * to overload this function.
+ */
+ virtual void solve_primal_problem () = 0;
+ /**
+ * This function is called by the
+ * manager object when solving the
+ * dual problem on this time level
+ * is needed. It is called after
+ * the #wake_up# function was
+ * called and before the #sleep#
+ * function will be called. There
+ * is a default implementation
+ * doing plain nothing since some
+ * problems may not need solving a
+ * dual problem. However, it
+ * will abort the program when
+ * being called anyway, since then you
+ * should really overload the function.
+ */
+ virtual void solve_dual_problem ();
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcGridNotDeleted);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcInternalError);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcPureVirtualFunctionCalled);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Triangulation used at this
+ * time level. Since this is
+ * something that every time
+ * stepping scheme needs to have,
+ * we can safely put it into the
+ * base class. Note that the
+ * triangulation is frequently
+ * deleted and rebuilt by the
+ * functions #sleep# and
+ * #wake_up# to save memory, if
+ * such a behaviour is specified
+ * in the #flags# structure.
+ */
+ Triangulation<dim> *tria;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to a grid which is to
+ * be used as the coarse grid for
+ * this time level. This pointer
+ * is set through the
+ * constructor; ownership remains
+ * with the owner of this
+ * management object. */
+ const Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the previous time step object
+ * in the list.
+ */
+ const TimeStepBase *previous_timestep;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the next time step object
+ * in the list.
+ */
+ const TimeStepBase *next_timestep;
+ /**
+ * Number of the sweep we are presently
+ * in. This number is reset by the time
+ * level manager before a sweep is
+ * started.
+ */
+ unsigned int sweep_no;
+ /**
+ * Number of the time step, counted from
+ * zero onwards. This number is reset at
+ * the start of each sweep by the time
+ * level manager, since some time steps
+ * may have been inserted or deleted
+ * after the previous sweep.
+ */
+ unsigned int timestep_no;
+ /**
+ * Discrete time this level operates on.
+ */
+ const double time;
+ /**
+ * Variable storing whether the solution
+ * of a primal or a dual problem is
+ * actual. This variable is set by the
+ * two functions
+ * #init_for_{primal,dual}_problem#.
+ */
+ ProblemType problem_type;
+ /**
+ * Some flags about how this time level
+ * shall behave. See the documentation
+ * of this struct to find out more about
+ * that.
+ */
+ const Flags flags;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Vectors holding the refinement and
+ * coarsening flags of the different
+ * sweeps on this time level. The
+ * vectors therefore hold the history
+ * of the grid.
+ */
+ vector<vector<bool> > refine_flags, coarsen_flags;
+ /**
+ * Reset the pointer to the previous time
+ * step; shall only be called by the
+ * time level manager object.
+ *
+ * This function is called at the set-up
+ * of the manager object and whenever
+ * a timestep is inserted or deleted.
+ */
+ void set_previous_timestep (const TimeStepBase *previous);
+ /**
+ * Reset the pointer to the next time
+ * step; shall only be called by the
+ * time level manager object.
+ *
+ * This function is called at the set-up
+ * of the manager object and whenever
+ * a timestep is inserted or deleted.
+ */
+ void set_next_timestep (const TimeStepBase *next);
+ /**
+ * Set the number this time step
+ * has in the list of timesteps.
+ * This function is called by the
+ * time step management object at
+ * the beginning of each sweep, to
+ * update information which may have
+ * changed due to addition or deleltion
+ * of time levels.
+ */
+ void set_timestep_no (const unsigned int step_no);
+ /**
+ * Set the number of the sweep we are
+ * presently in. This function is
+ * called by the time level management
+ * object at start-up time of each
+ * sweep.
+ */
+ void set_sweep_no (const unsigned int sweep_no);
+ /**
+ * The refinement
+ * flags of the triangulation are stored
+ * in a local variable thus allowing
+ * a restoration. The coarsening flags
+ * are also stored.
+ */
+ void save_refine_flags ();
+ /**
+ * Restore the grid according to the saved
+ * data. For this, the coarse grid is
+ * copied and the grid is stepwise
+ * rebuilt using the saved flags.
+ */
+ void restore_grid ();
+ // make the manager object a friend
+ template <> friend class TimeDependent<dim>;
+template <int dim>
+struct TimeStepBase<dim>::Flags
+ /**
+ * Constructor; see the different
+ * fields for a description of the
+ * meaning of the parameters.
+ */
+ Flags (const unsigned int max_refinement_level,
+ const bool delete_and_rebuild_tria);
+ /**
+ * Maximum level of a cell in the
+ * triangulation of a time level. If it
+ * is set to zero, then no limit is imposed
+ * on the number of refinements a coarse
+ * grid cell may undergo. Usually, this
+ * field is used, if for some reason you
+ * want to limit refinement in an
+ * adaptive process, for example to avoid
+ * overly large numbers of cells or to
+ * compare with grids which have a certain
+ * number of refinements.
+ */
+ const unsigned int max_refinement_level;
+ /**
+ * This flag determines whether the
+ * #sleep# and #wake_up# functions shall
+ * delete and rebuild the triangulation.
+ * While for small problems, this is
+ * not necessary, for large problems
+ * it is indispensable to save memory.
+ * The reason for this is that there
+ * may be several hundred time levels
+ * in memory, each with its own
+ * triangulation, which may require
+ * large amounts if there are many
+ * cells on each. Having a total
+ * of 100.000.000 cells on all time
+ * levels taken together is not
+ * uncommon, which makes this flag
+ * understandable.
+ */
+ const bool delete_and_rebuild_tria;
+/*---------------------------- time-dependent.h ---------------------------*/
+/* end of #ifndef __time_dependent_H */
+/*---------------------------- time-dependent.h ---------------------------*/
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+#include <numerics/time-dependent.h>
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+template <int dim>
+TimeDependent<dim>::~TimeDependent ()
+ for (typename vector<TimeStepBase<dim>*>::iterator i=timesteps.begin();
+ i!=timesteps.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ (*i)->unsubscribe();
+ delete (*i);
+ };
+ timesteps.erase (timesteps.begin(), timesteps.end());
+template <int dim>
+TimeDependent<dim>::insert_timestep (TimeStepBase<dim> *new_timestep,
+ const unsigned int position)
+ Assert (position<=timesteps.size(),
+ ExcInvalidPosition(position, timesteps.size()));
+ // lock this timestep from deletion
+ timesteps.back()->subscribe();
+ // first insert the new time step
+ // into the doubly linked list
+ // of timesteps
+ if (position != 0)
+ {
+ timesteps[position]->set_next_timestep (new_timestep);
+ new_timestep->set_previous_timestep (timesteps[position]);
+ }
+ else
+ new_timestep->set_previous_timestep (0);
+ if (position+1 < timesteps.size())
+ {
+ timesteps[position+1]->set_previous_timestep (new_timestep);
+ new_timestep->set_next_timestep (timesteps[position+1]);
+ }
+ else
+ new_timestep->set_next_timestep (0);
+ // finally enter it into the
+ // array
+ timesteps.insert (×teps[position], new_timestep);
+template <int dim>
+TimeDependent<dim>::add_timestep (TimeStepBase<dim> *new_timestep)
+ insert_timestep (new_timestep, timesteps.size());
+template <int dim>
+TimeDependent<dim>::solve_primal_problem ()
+ const unsigned int n_timesteps = timesteps.size();
+ // initialize the time steps for
+ // a round of primal problems
+ for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+ timesteps[step]->init_for_primal_problem();
+ for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+ {
+ // first thing: wake up as many
+ // timesteps ahead as necessary
+ if (step==0)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<timestepping_data_primal.look_ahead; ++i)
+ if (i < n_timesteps)
+ timesteps[i]->wake_up();
+ }
+ else
+ if (step+timestepping_data_primal.look_ahead < n_timesteps)
+ timesteps[step+timestepping_data_primal.look_ahead]->wake_up();
+ // actually do the work
+ timesteps[step]->solve_primal_problem ();
+ // last thing: make those time levels
+ // sleep that are no more needed
+ if (step=n_timesteps-1)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<timestepping_data_primal.look_back; ++i)
+ if (step >= i)
+ timesteps[step-i]->sleep();
+ }
+ else
+ if (step >= timestepping_data_primal.look_back)
+ timesteps[step-timestepping_data_primal.look_back]->sleep();
+ };
+template <int dim>
+void TimeDependent<dim>::start_sweep (const unsigned int s)
+ sweep_no = s;
+ // reset the number each
+ // time step has, since some time
+ // steps might have been added since
+ // the last time we visited them
+ //
+ // also set the sweep we will
+ // process in the sequel
+ for (unsigned int step=0; step<timesteps.size(); ++step)
+ {
+ timesteps[step]->set_timestep_no (step);
+ timesteps[step]->set_sweep_no (sweep_no);
+ };
+ for (unsigned int step=0; step<timesteps.size(); ++step)
+ timesteps[step]->init_for_sweep ();
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::Flags::Flags (const unsigned int max_refinement_level,
+ const bool delete_and_rebuild_tria):
+ max_refinement_level (max_refinement_level),
+ delete_and_rebuild_tria (delete_and_rebuild_tria)
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::TimeStepBase (const Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
+ const Flags &flags) :
+ tria(0),
+ coarse_grid (coarse_grid),
+ previous_timestep(0),
+ next_timestep (0),
+ flags (flags)
+ coarse_grid.subscribe();
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::~TimeStepBase ()
+ Assert (tria!=0, ExcInternalError());
+ coarse_grid.unsubscribe();
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::wake_up () {
+ if (flags.delete_and_rebuild_tria)
+ restore_grid ();
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::sleep ()
+ Assert (tria!=0, ExcInternalError());
+ if (flags.delete_and_rebuild_tria)
+ {
+ tria->unsubscribe();
+ delete tria;
+ tria = 0;
+ };
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::init_for_sweep ()
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::init_for_primal_problem ()
+ problem_type = primal_problem;
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::init_for_dual_problem ()
+ problem_type = dual_problem;
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::solve_dual_problem ()
+ Assert (false, ExcPureVirtualFunctionCalled());
+template <int dim>
+void TimeStepBase<dim>::save_refine_flags ()
+ // for any of the non-initial grids
+ // store the refinement flags
+ refine_flags.push_back (vector<bool>());
+ coarsen_flags.push_back (vector<bool>());
+ tria->save_refine_flags (refine_flags.back());
+ tria->save_coarsen_flags (coarsen_flags.back());
+template <int dim>
+void TimeStepBase<dim>::restore_grid () {
+ Assert (tria == 0, ExcGridNotDeleted());
+ Assert (refine_flags.size() == coarsen_flags.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // create a virgin triangulation and
+ // set it to a copy of the coarse grid
+ tria = new Triangulation<dim> ();
+ tria->subscribe();
+ tria->copy_triangulation (coarse_grid);
+ // for each of the previous refinement
+ // sweeps
+ for (unsigned int previous_sweep=0; previous_sweep<refine_flags.size();
+ ++previous_sweep)
+ {
+ // get flags
+ tria->load_refine_flags (refine_flags[previous_sweep]);
+ tria->load_coarsen_flags (coarsen_flags[previous_sweep]);
+ // limit refinement depth if the user
+ // desired so
+ if (flags.max_refinement_level != 0)
+ {
+ Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell, endc;
+ for (cell = tria->begin_active(),
+ endc = tria->end();
+ cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ if (static_cast<unsigned int>(cell->level()) >=
+ flags.max_refinement_level)
+ cell->clear_refine_flag();
+ };
+ tria->execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
+ };
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::set_previous_timestep (const TimeStepBase *previous)
+ previous_timestep = previous;
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::set_next_timestep (const TimeStepBase *next)
+ next_timestep = next;
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::set_timestep_no (const unsigned int step_no)
+ timestep_no = step_no;
+template <int dim>
+TimeStepBase<dim>::set_sweep_no (const unsigned int sweep)
+ sweep_no = sweep;
+// explicit instantiations
+template class TimeDependent<deal_II_dimension>;
+template class TimeStepBase<deal_II_dimension>;