// for, possibly, the output file name and
// format, we nevertheless want to show how
// to work with parameter files.
+ //
+ // In short, the ``ParameterHandler'' class
+ // works as follows: one declares the entries
+ // of parameters that can be given in input
+ // files together, and later on one can read
+ // an input file in which these parameters
+ // are set to their values. If a parameter is
+ // not listed in the input file, the default
+ // value specified in the declaration of that
+ // parameter is used. After that, the program
+ // can query the values assigned to certain
+ // parameters from the ``ParameterHandler''
+ // object.
+ //
+ // Declaring parameters can be done using the
+ // ``ParameterHandler::declare_entry''
+ // function. It's arguments are the name of a
+ // parameter, a default value (given as a
+ // string, even if the parameter is numeric
+ // in nature, and thirdly an object that
+ // describes constraints on values that may
+ // be passed to this parameter. In the
+ // example below, we use an object of type
+ // ``Patterns::Anything'' to denote that
+ // there are no constraints on file names
+ // (this is, of course, not true -- the
+ // operating system does have constraints,
+ // but from an application standpoint, almost
+ // all names are valid). In other cases, one
+ // may, for example, use
+ // ``Patterns::Integer'' to make sure that
+ // only parameters are accepted that can be
+ // interpreted as integer values (it is also
+ // possible to specify bounds for integer
+ // values, and all values outside this range
+ // are rejected), ``Patterns::Double'' for
+ // floating point values, classes that make
+ // sure that the given parameter value is a
+ // comma separated list of things, etc. Take
+ // a look at the ``Patterns'' namespace to
+ // see what is possible.
+ //
+ // The fourth argument to ``declare_entry''
+ // is a help string that can be printed to
+ // document what this parameter is meant to
+ // be used for and other information you may
+ // consider important when declaring this
+ // parameter. The default value of this
+ // fourth argument is the empty string.
void declare_parameters ()
prm.declare_entry ("Output file", "",