]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Split fe_lib.cc into linear and quadratic elements.
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 12:24:15 +0000 (12:24 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 12:24:15 +0000 (12:24 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@413 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.quadratic.cc [new file with mode: 0644]

index 11ef7c4980d819348ca0299ad71f50b21f3d61dc..a58dd9cd1238ef391d4bd38150206dee7a33c0b4 100644 (file)
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #if deal_II_dimension == 1
 template <>
@@ -270,6 +272,7 @@ FELinear<2>::FELinear () :
 template <>
 FELinear<2>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
                          const Point<2>& p) const
@@ -559,7 +562,8 @@ void FELinear<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
                                       // x_l(xi_l) = sum_j p_j N_j(xi_l)
       for (unsigned int j=0; j<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++j) 
        for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_points; ++l) 
-         q_points[l] += vertices[j] * shape_value(j, unit_points[l]);
+         q_points[l] += vertices[j] *
+                        FELinear<dim>::shape_value(j, unit_points[l]);
@@ -641,924 +645,6 @@ void FELinear<dim>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face
-#if deal_II_dimension == 1
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<1>::FEQuadraticSub () :
-               FiniteElement<1> (1, 1) {};
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                    const vector<Point<1> >            &unit_points,
-                                    vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
-                                    const bool         compute_jacobians,
-                                    vector<Point<1> > &ansatz_points,
-                                    const bool         compute_ansatz_points,
-                                    vector<Point<1> > &q_points,
-                                    const bool         compute_q_points,
-                                    const Boundary<1> &boundary) const {
-                                  // simply pass down
-  FiniteElement<1>::fill_fe_values (cell, unit_points,
-                                   jacobians, compute_jacobians,
-                                   ansatz_points, compute_ansatz_points,
-                                   q_points, compute_q_points, boundary);
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<1>::shape_value(const unsigned int i,
-                              const Point<1>     &p) const
-  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  const double xi = p(0);
-  switch (i)
-    {
-      case 0: return (1-xi)*(1-2*xi);
-      case 1: return xi*(2*xi-1);
-      case 2: return 4*xi*(1-xi);
-    }
-  return 0.;
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<1>::shape_grad(const unsigned int i,
-                             const Point<1>    &p) const
-  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  const double xi = p(0);
-  switch (i)
-    {
-      case 0: return Point<1>(-3+4*xi);
-      case 1: return Point<1>(4*xi-1);
-      case 2: return Point<1>(4-8*xi);
-    }
-  return Point<1>();
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                          const Boundary<1>  &boundary,
-                                          vector<Point<1> >  &ansatz_points) const {
-  FiniteElement<1>::get_ansatz_points (cell, boundary, ansatz_points);
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                            const Boundary<1>  &,
-                                            vector<Point<1> >  &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                           const Boundary<1>         &,
-                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                           vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                              const unsigned int           ,
-                                              const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                              vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
-                                           const unsigned int,
-                                           const Boundary<1> &,
-                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                           vector<Point<1> > &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
-                                           const unsigned int,
-                                           const unsigned int,
-                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                           vector<Point<1> > &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                              const Boundary<1> &,
-                                              dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const {
-  Assert (local_mass_matrix.n() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.n(),total_dofs));
-  Assert (local_mass_matrix.m() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.m(),total_dofs));
-  const double h = cell->vertex(1)(0) - cell->vertex(0)(0);
-  Assert (h>0, ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
-  local_mass_matrix(0,0) = local_mass_matrix(1,1) = 2./15.*h;
-  local_mass_matrix(0,1) = local_mass_matrix(1,0) = -1./30.*h;
-  local_mass_matrix(0,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,0) = 1./15.*h;
-  local_mass_matrix(1,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,1) = 1./15.*h;
-  local_mass_matrix(2,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,2) = 8./15.*h;
-#if deal_II_dimension == 2
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<2>::FEQuadraticSub () :
-               FiniteElement<2> (1, 1, 1)
-  interface_constraints(0,2) = 1.0;
-  interface_constraints(1,0) = 3./8.;
-  interface_constraints(1,1) = -1./8.;
-  interface_constraints(1,2) = 3./4.;
-  interface_constraints(2,0) = -1./8.;
-  interface_constraints(2,1) = 3./8.;
-  interface_constraints(2,2) = 3./4.;
-                                  // still implement restriction
-                                  // and prolongation
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<2>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
-                               const Point<2>    &p) const
-  Assert (i<total_dofs, ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  const double xi = p(0),
-              eta= p(1);
-  switch (i)
-    {
-      case 0: return (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
-      case 1: return    xi *(-2*xi+1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
-      case 2: return    xi *(-2*xi+1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
-      case 3: return (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
-      case 4: return 4 * (1-xi)*xi        * (1-eta)*(1-2*eta);
-      case 5: return 4 *    xi *(-1+2*xi) * (1-eta)*eta;
-      case 6: return 4 * (1-xi)*xi        *    eta *(-1+2*eta);
-      case 7: return 4 * (1-xi)*(1-2*xi)  * (1-eta)*eta;
-      case 8: return 16 * xi*(1-xi) * eta*(1-eta);
-    };
-  return 0;
-template <>
-FEQuadraticSub<2>::shape_grad (const unsigned int i,
-                              const Point<2>    &p) const
-  Assert (i<total_dofs, ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  const double xi = p(0),
-              eta= p(1);
-  switch (i)
-    {
-      case 0: return Point<2>(-(2*xi-1)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1)+2*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1),
-                             -(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(2*eta-1)+2*(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta));
-      case 1: return Point<2>((-2*xi+1)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1)-2*xi*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1),
-                             -xi*(-2*xi+1)*(2*eta-1)+2*xi*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta));
-      case 2: return Point<2>((-2*xi+1)*eta*(-2*eta+1)-2*xi*eta*(-2*eta+1),
-                             xi*(-2*xi+1)*(-2*eta+1)-2*xi*(-2*xi+1)*eta);
-      case 3: return Point<2>(-(2*xi-1)*eta*(-2*eta+1)+2*(1-xi)*eta*(-2*eta+1),
-                             (1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(-2*eta+1)-2*(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*eta);
-      case 4: return Point<2>(-4*xi*(1-eta)*(-2*eta+1)+4*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*(-2*eta+1),
-                             -4*(1-xi)*xi*(-2*eta+1)-8*(1-xi)*xi*(1-eta));
-      case 5: return Point<2>(4*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta)*eta+8*xi*(1-eta)*eta,
-                             -4*xi*(2*xi-1)*eta+4*xi*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta));
-      case 6: return Point<2>(-4*xi*eta*(2*eta-1)+4*(1-xi)*eta*(2*eta-1),
-                             4*(1-xi)*xi*(2*eta-1)+8*(1-xi)*xi*eta);
-      case 7: return Point<2>(-4*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta)*eta-8*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*eta,
-                             -4*(1-xi)*(-2*xi+1)*eta+4*(1-xi)*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta));
-      case 8: return Point<2>(16*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*eta-16*xi*eta*(1-eta),
-                             16*xi*(1-xi)*(1-eta)-16*(1-xi)*xi*eta);
-    };
-  return Point<2> ();
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                              const Boundary<2> &,
-                                              dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const {
-  Assert (local_mass_matrix.n() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.n(),total_dofs));
-  Assert (local_mass_matrix.m() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.m(),total_dofs));
-/* Get the computation of the local mass matrix by these lines in maple. Note
-   that tphi[i] are the basis function of the linear finite element, which
-   are used by the transformation (therefore >t<phi), while the phi[i]
-   are the basis functions of the biquadratic element.
-   x_real := sum(x[i]*tphi[i], i=0..3);
-   y_real := sum(y[i]*tphi[i], i=0..3);
-   tphi[0] := (1-xi)*(1-eta);
-   tphi[1] := xi*(1-eta);
-   tphi[2] := xi*eta;
-   tphi[3] := (1-xi)*eta;
-   detJ := diff(x_real,xi)*diff(y_real,eta) - diff(x_real,eta)*diff(y_real,xi);
-   phi[0] := (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
-   phi[1] :=    xi *(-2*xi+1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
-   phi[2] :=    xi *(-2*xi+1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
-   phi[3] := (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
-   phi[4] := 4 * (1-xi)*xi        * (1-eta)*(1-2*eta);
-   phi[5] := 4 *    xi *(-1+2*xi) * (1-eta)*eta;
-   phi[6] := 4 * (1-xi)*xi        *    eta *(-1+2*eta);
-   phi[7] := 4 * (1-xi)*(1-2*xi)  * (1-eta)*eta;
-   phi[8] := 16 * xi*(1-xi) * eta*(1-eta);
-   m := proc (i,j)  int( int(phi[i]*phi[j]*detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1); end;
-   M := array(0..8,0..8);
-   for i from 0 to 8 do
-     for j from 0 to 8 do
-       M[i,j] := m(i,j);
-     od;
-   od;
-   readlib(C);
-   C(M, optimized);
-  const double x[4] = { cell->vertex(0)(0),
-                       cell->vertex(1)(0),
-                       cell->vertex(2)(0),
-                       cell->vertex(3)(0)  };
-  const double y[4] = { cell->vertex(0)(1),
-                       cell->vertex(1)(1),
-                       cell->vertex(2)(1),
-                       cell->vertex(3)(1)  };
-/* check that the Jacobi determinant
-    t0 = (-x[0]*(1.0-eta)+x[1]*(1.0-eta)+x[2]*eta-x[3]*eta) *
-         (-y[0]*(1.0-xi)-y[1]*xi+y[2]*xi+y[3]*(1.0-xi))        -
-        (-x[0]*(1.0-xi)-x[1]*xi+x[2]*xi+x[3]*(1.0-xi)) *
-        (-y[0]*(1.0-eta)+y[1]*(1.0-eta)+y[2]*eta-y[3]*eta)
-   has the right sign.  
-   We do not attempt to check its (hopefully) positive sign at all points
-   on the unit cell, but we check that it is positive in the four corners,
-   which is sufficient since $det J$ is a bilinear function.
-  Assert ((-x[0]+x[1])*(-y[0]+y[3])-(-x[0]+x[3])*(-y[0]+y[1]),  // xi=eta=0
-         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
-  Assert ((x[2]-x[3])*(-y[0]+y[3])-(-x[0]+x[3])*(y[2]-y[3]),    // xi=0, eta=1
-         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
-  Assert ((x[2]-x[3])*(-y[1]+y[2])-(-x[1]+x[2])*(y[2]-y[3]),    // xi=eta=1
-         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
-  Assert ((-x[0]+x[1])*(-y[1]+y[2])-(-x[1]+x[2])*(-y[0]+y[1]),  // xi=1, eta=0
-         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
-  const double t1 = (x[1]*y[0]);
-  const double t2 = (x[1]*y[2]);
-  const double t3 = (x[0]*y[3]);
-  const double t4 = (x[3]*y[2]);
-  const double t5 = (x[2]*y[3]);
-  const double t6 = (x[0]*y[1]);
-  const double t7 = (x[3]*y[1]);
-  const double t8 = (x[3]*y[0]);
-  const double t9 = (x[2]*y[1]);
-  const double t10 = (x[1]*y[3]);
-  const double t12 = (x[0]*y[2]);
-  const double t13 = (x[2]*y[0]);
-  const double t14 = (7.0/1800.0*t1-t2/450+t3/450+t4/1800-t5/1800-
-                     7.0/1800.0*t6+t12/600+
-                     t7/600-t8/450-t13/600+t9/450-t10/600);
-  const double t15 = (-t1/1800+t2/1800-t3/1800-t4/1800+t5/1800+
-                     t6/1800+t8/1800-t9/1800);
-  const double t16 = (t1/450-t2/1800+7.0/1800.0*t3+t4/450-
-                     t5/450-t6/450-t12/600+t7/600
-                     -7.0/1800.0*t8+t13/600+t9/1800-t10/600);
-  const double t17 = (-7.0/900.0*t1-2.0/225.0*t3-t4/900+t5/900
-                     +7.0/900.0*t6+t12/900-7.0/
-                     900.0*t7+2.0/225.0*t8-t13/900+7.0/900.0*t10);
-  const double t18 = (t1/450-t2/900+t3/900-t6/450+t12/900+
-                     t7/900-t8/900-t13/900+t9/900-
-                     t10/900);
-  const double t19 = (t1/900+t3/450+t4/900-t5/900-t6/900
-                     -t12/900+t7/900-t8/450+t13/900-
-                     t10/900);
-  const double t20 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+t2/900-7.0/900.0*t3+
-                     2.0/225.0*t6-t12/900-7.0/900.0*t7
-                     +7.0/900.0*t8+t13/900-t9/900+7.0/900.0*t10);
-  const double t21 = (-t1/225-t3/225+t6/225-t7/225+t8/225+t10/225);
-  const double t23 = (t1/450-7.0/1800.0*t2+t3/1800+t4/450
-                     -t5/450-t6/450+t12/600-t7/600-t8
-                     /1800-t13/600+7.0/1800.0*t9+t10/600);
-  const double t24 = (-7.0/900.0*t1+2.0/225.0*t2-t4/900+t5/900
-                     +7.0/900.0*t6-7.0/900.0*t12
-                     +t7/900+7.0/900.0*t13-2.0/225.0*t9-t10/900);
-  const double t25 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+7.0/900.0*t2-t3/900+2.0/225.0*t6
-                     -7.0/900.0*t12-t7/900
-                     +t8/900+7.0/900.0*t13-7.0/900.0*t9+t10/900);
-  const double t26 = (t1/900-t2/450+t4/900-t5/900-t6/900+t12/900
-                     -t7/900-t13/900+t9/450+
-                     t10/900);
-  const double t27 = (-t1/225+t2/225+t6/225-t12/225+t13/225-t9/225);
-  const double t29 = (t1/1800-t2/450+t3/450+7.0/1800.0*t4-7.0/1800.0*t5
-                     -t6/1800-t12/600-
-                     t7/600-t8/450+t13/600+t9/450+t10/600);
-  const double t30 = (7.0/900.0*t2-t3/900-2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5
-                     +t12/900+7.0/900.0*t7+
-                     t8/900-t13/900-7.0/900.0*t9-7.0/900.0*t10);
-  const double t31 = (-t1/900+2.0/225.0*t2-7.0/900.0*t4+7.0/900.0*t5
-                     +t6/900-t12/900+7.0/
-                     900.0*t7+t13/900-2.0/225.0*t9-7.0/900.0*t10);
-  const double t32 = (-t2/900+t3/900+t4/450-t5/450-t12/900-t7/900
-                     -t8/900+t13/900+t9/900+
-                     t10/900);
-  const double t33 = (t2/225-t4/225+t5/225+t7/225-t9/225-t10/225);
-  const double t35 = (-t1/900-2.0/225.0*t3-7.0/900.0*t4+7.0/900.0*t5
-                     +t6/900+7.0/900.0*t12
-                     -t7/900+2.0/225.0*t8-7.0/900.0*t13+t10/900);
-  const double t36 = (t2/900-7.0/900.0*t3-2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5
-                     +7.0/900.0*t12+t7/900+
-                     7.0/900.0*t8-7.0/900.0*t13-t9/900-t10/900);
-  const double t37 = (-t3/225-t4/225+t5/225+t12/225+t8/225-t13/225);
-  const double t38 = (-14.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-8.0/225.0*t3
-                     -2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5+
-                     14.0/225.0*t6-2.0/75.0*t12-2.0/75.0*t7
-                     +8.0/225.0*t8+2.0/75.0*t13-8.0/225.0*t9+
-                     2.0/75.0*t10);
-  const double t39 = (2.0/225.0*t1-2.0/225.0*t2+2.0/225.0*t3
-                     +2.0/225.0*t4-2.0/225.0*t5
-                     -2.0/225.0*t6-2.0/225.0*t8+2.0/225.0*t9);
-  const double t40 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+4.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t3
-                     +8.0/225.0*t6-4.0/225.0*t12
-                     -4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t8+4.0/225.0*t13
-                     -4.0/225.0*t9+4.0/225.0*t10);
-  const double t41 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+14.0/225.0*t2-2.0/225.0*t3
-                     -8.0/225.0*t4+8.0/225.0*t5+
-                     8.0/225.0*t6-2.0/75.0*t12+2.0/75.0*t7
-                     +2.0/225.0*t8+2.0/75.0*t13-14.0/225.0*t9
-                     -2.0/75.0*t10);
-  const double t42 = (-4.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t4
-                     +4.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t6
-                     -4.0/225.0*t12+4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t13
-                     -8.0/225.0*t9-4.0/225.0*t10);
-  const double t43 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-8.0/225.0*t3
-                     -14.0/225.0*t4+14.0/225.0*t5
-                     +2.0/225.0*t6+2.0/75.0*t12+2.0/75.0*t7
-                     +8.0/225.0*t8-2.0/75.0*t13-8.0/225.0*t9
-                     -2.0/75.0*t10);
-  const double t44 = (4.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t3-8.0/225.0*t4
-                     +8.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t12+
-                     4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t8-4.0/225.0*t13
-                     -4.0/225.0*t9-4.0/225.0*t10);
-  const double t45 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+2.0/225.0*t2-14.0/225.0*t3
-                     -8.0/225.0*t4+8.0/225.0*t5+
-                     8.0/225.0*t6+2.0/75.0*t12-2.0/75.0*t7
-                     +14.0/225.0*t8-2.0/75.0*t13-2.0/225.0*t9+
-                     2.0/75.0*t10);
-  const double t46 = (-4.0/225.0*t1-8.0/225.0*t3-4.0/225.0*t4
-                     +4.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t6+
-                     4.0/225.0*t12-4.0/225.0*t7+8.0/225.0*t8
-                     -4.0/225.0*t13+4.0/225.0*t10);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,0) = (-7.0/450.0*t1+t2/450-7.0/450.0*t3
-                           -t4/450+t5/450+7.0/450.0*t6-t7/75
-                           +7.0/450.0*t8-t9/450+t10/75);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,1) = (t14);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,2) = (t15);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,3) = (t16);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,4) = (t17);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,5) = (t18);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,6) = (t19);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,7) = (t20);
-  local_mass_matrix(0,8) = (t21);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,0) = (t14);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,1) = (-7.0/450.0*t1+7.0/450.0*t2-t3/450
-                           -t4/450+t5/450+7.0/450.0*t6-
-                           t12/75+t8/450+t13/75-7.0/450.0*t9);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,2) = (t23);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,3) = (t15);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,4) = (t24);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,5) = (t25);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,6) = (t26);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,7) = (t18);
-  local_mass_matrix(1,8) = (t27);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,0) = (t15);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,1) = (t23);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,2) = (-t1/450+7.0/450.0*t2-t3/450-7.0/450.0*t4
-                           +7.0/450.0*t5+t6/450+t7/75
-                           +t8/450-7.0/450.0*t9-t10/75);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,3) = (t29);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,4) = (t26);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,5) = (t30);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,6) = (t31);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,7) = (t32);
-  local_mass_matrix(2,8) = (t33);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,0) = (t16);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,1) = (t15);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,2) = (t29);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,3) = (-t1/450+t2/450-7.0/450.0*t3-7.0/450.0*t4
-                           +7.0/450.0*t5+t6/450+
-                           t12/75+7.0/450.0*t8-t13/75-t9/450);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,4) = (t19);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,5) = (t32);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,6) = (t35);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,7) = (t36);
-  local_mass_matrix(3,8) = (t37);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,0) = (t17);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,1) = (t24);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,2) = (t26);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,3) = (t19);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,4) = (t38);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,5) = (t27);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,6) = (t39);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,7) = (t21);
-  local_mass_matrix(4,8) = (t40);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,0) = (t18);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,1) = (t25);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,2) = (t30);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,3) = (t32);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,4) = (t27);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,5) = (t41);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,6) = (t33);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,7) = (t39);
-  local_mass_matrix(5,8) = (t42);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,0) = (t19);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,1) = (t26);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,2) = (t31);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,3) = (t35);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,4) = (t39);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,5) = (t33);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,6) = (t43);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,7) = (t37);
-  local_mass_matrix(6,8) = (t44);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,0) = (t20);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,1) = (t18);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,2) = (t32);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,3) = (t36);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,4) = (t21);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,5) = (t39);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,6) = (t37);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,7) = (t45);
-  local_mass_matrix(7,8) = (t46);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,0) = (t21);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,1) = (t27);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,2) = (t33);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,3) = (t37);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,4) = (t40);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,5) = (t42);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,6) = (t44);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,7) = (t46);
-  local_mass_matrix(8,8) = (-32.0/225.0*t1+32.0/225.0*t2-32.0/225.0*t3
-                           -32.0/225.0*t4+32.0/225.0*t5+32.0/225.0*t6
-                           +32.0/225.0*t8-32.0/225.0*t9);  
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                          const Boundary<2>&,
-                                          vector<Point<2> >  &ansatz_points) const {
-  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
-  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<4; ++vertex)
-    ansatz_points[vertex] = cell->vertex(vertex);
-                                  // for the bilinear mapping, the centers
-                                  // of the face on the unit cell are mapped
-                                  // to the mean coordinates of the vertices
-  for (unsigned int line=0; line<4; ++line)
-    ansatz_points[4+line] = (cell->line(line)->vertex(0) +
-                            cell->line(line)->vertex(1)) / 2;
-                                  // same for the center of the square:
-                                  // since all four linear basis functions
-                                  // take on the value 1/4 at the center,
-                                  // the center is mapped to the mean
-                                  // coordinates of the four vertices
-  ansatz_points[8] = (ansatz_points[0] +
-                     ansatz_points[1] +
-                     ansatz_points[2] +
-                     ansatz_points[3]) / 4;
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
-                                               const Boundary<2>  &,
-                                               vector<Point<2> >  &ansatz_points) const {
-  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == dofs_per_face,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(), dofs_per_face));
-  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<2; ++vertex)
-    ansatz_points[vertex] = face->vertex(vertex);
-  ansatz_points[2] = (ansatz_points[0] + ansatz_points[1]) / 1;
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
-                                           const Boundary<2>         &,
-                                           const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
-                                           vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
-                                  // more or less copied from the linear
-                                  // finite element
-  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
-                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
-                                  // produces particularly simple
-                                  // expressions for the jacobi
-                                  // determinant :-)
-  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
-  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
-         unit_points.size(),
-         h);  
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
-                                             const unsigned int           ,
-                                             const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
-                                             vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
-                                  // more or less copied from the linear
-                                  // finite element
-  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
-  Assert (face->at_boundary() == false,
-         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
-                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
-                                  // produces particularly simple
-                                  // expressions for the jacobi
-                                  // determinant :-)
-  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
-  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
-         unit_points.size(),
-         h/2);
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                          const unsigned int       face_no,
-                                          const Boundary<2>       &,
-                                          const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
-                                          vector<Point<2> > &normal_vectors) const {
-                                  // more or less copied from the linear
-                                  // finite element
-  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
-  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
-                                  // compute direction of line
-  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
-                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
-  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
-                                 -line_direction(0));
-  if (face_no <= 1)
-                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
-                                    // scaled vector
-    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
-         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
-  else
-                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
-                                    // vector
-    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
-         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
-template <>
-void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                          const unsigned int       face_no,
-                                          const unsigned int,
-                                          const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
-                                          vector<Point<2> > &normal_vectors) const {
-                                  // more or less copied from the linear
-                                  // finite element
-                                  // note, that in 2D the normal vectors to the
-                                  // subface have the same direction as that
-                                  // for the face
-  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
-  Assert (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary() == false,
-         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
-  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
-                                  // compute direction of line
-  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
-                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
-  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
-                                 -line_direction(0));
-  if (face_no <= 1)
-                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
-                                    // scaled vector
-    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
-         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
-  else
-                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
-                                    // vector
-    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
-         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
-template <int dim>
-void FEQuadraticSub<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
-                                      const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
-                                      vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
-                                      const bool,
-                                      vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
-                                      const bool,
-                                      vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
-                                      const bool,
-                                      const Boundary<dim> &) const {
-  Assert (jacobians.size() == unit_points.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(jacobians.size(), unit_points.size()));
-  Assert (q_points.size() == unit_points.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(q_points.size(), unit_points.size()));
-  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-#if deal_II_dimension == 1
-template <>
-FECubic<1>::FECubic () :
-               FiniteElement<1> (1, 2) {};
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                const vector<Point<1> >            &unit_points,
-                                vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
-                                const bool         compute_jacobians,
-                                vector<Point<1> > &ansatz_points,
-                                const bool         compute_ansatz_points,
-                                vector<Point<1> > &q_points,
-                                const bool         compute_q_points,
-                                const Boundary<1> &boundary) const {
-                                  // simply pass down
-  FiniteElement<1>::fill_fe_values (cell, unit_points,
-                                   jacobians, compute_jacobians,
-                                   ansatz_points, compute_ansatz_points,
-                                   q_points, compute_q_points, boundary);
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                   const Boundary<1>  &boundary,
-                                   vector<Point<1> >  &ansatz_points) const {
-  FiniteElement<1>::get_ansatz_points (cell, boundary, ansatz_points);
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                        const Boundary<1>  &,
-                                        vector<Point<1> >  &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                    const Boundary<1>         &,
-                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                    vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
-                                       const unsigned int           ,
-                                       const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                       vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
-                                    const unsigned int,
-                                    const Boundary<1> &,
-                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                    vector<Point<1> > &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-template <>
-void FECubic<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
-                                    const unsigned int,
-                                    const unsigned int,                                     
-                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
-                                    vector<Point<1> > &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-#if deal_II_dimension == 2
-template <>
-FECubic<2>::FECubic () :
-               FiniteElement<2> (1, 2, 4) {};
-template <int dim>
-FECubic<dim>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
-                          const Point<dim> &) const
-  Assert (i<total_dofs, typename FiniteElementBase<dim>::ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-  return 0.;
-template <int dim>
-FECubic<dim>::shape_grad (const unsigned int i,
-                         const Point<dim> &) const
-  Assert (i<total_dofs, typename FiniteElementBase<dim>::ExcInvalidIndex(i));
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-  return Point<dim> ();
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
-                                  const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
-                                  vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
-                                  const bool,
-                                  vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
-                                  const bool,
-                                  vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
-                                  const bool,
-                                  const Boundary<dim> &) const {
-  Assert (jacobians.size() == unit_points.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(jacobians.size(), unit_points.size()));
-  Assert (q_points.size() == unit_points.size(),
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(q_points.size(), unit_points.size()));
-  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
-         ExcWrongFieldDimension(ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
-                                     const Boundary<dim>  &,
-                                     vector<Point<dim> >  &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &,
-                                          const Boundary<dim>  &,
-                                          vector<Point<dim> >  &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &,
-                                      const Boundary<dim>         &,
-                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
-                                      vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face,
-                                         const unsigned int           ,
-                                         const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
-                                         vector<double>      &) const {
-  Assert (face->at_boundary() == false,
-         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
-                                      const unsigned int,
-                                      const Boundary<dim> &,
-                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
-                                      vector<Point<dim> > &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                                      const unsigned int           face_no,
-                                      const unsigned int           ,
-                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
-                                      vector<Point<dim> > &) const {
-  Assert (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary() == false,
-         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-template <int dim>
-void FECubic<dim>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
-                                         const Boundary<dim> &,
-                                         dFMatrix &) const {
-  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
 // explicit instantiations
 template class FELinear<deal_II_dimension>;
-template class FEQuadraticSub<deal_II_dimension>;
-template class FECubic<deal_II_dimension>;
diff --git a/deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.quadratic.cc b/deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.quadratic.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..49ec2a0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <fe/fe_lib.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <grid/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <grid/geometry_info.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#if deal_II_dimension == 1
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<1>::FEQuadraticSub () :
+               FiniteElement<1> (1, 1) {};
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                    const vector<Point<1> >            &unit_points,
+                                    vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
+                                    const bool         compute_jacobians,
+                                    vector<Point<1> > &ansatz_points,
+                                    const bool         compute_ansatz_points,
+                                    vector<Point<1> > &q_points,
+                                    const bool         compute_q_points,
+                                    const Boundary<1> &boundary) const {
+                                  // simply pass down
+  FiniteElement<1>::fill_fe_values (cell, unit_points,
+                                   jacobians, compute_jacobians,
+                                   ansatz_points, compute_ansatz_points,
+                                   q_points, compute_q_points, boundary);
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<1>::shape_value(const unsigned int i,
+                              const Point<1>     &p) const
+  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double xi = p(0);
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return (1-xi)*(1-2*xi);
+      case 1: return xi*(2*xi-1);
+      case 2: return 4*xi*(1-xi);
+    }
+  return 0.;
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<1>::shape_grad(const unsigned int i,
+                             const Point<1>    &p) const
+  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double xi = p(0);
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return Point<1>(-3+4*xi);
+      case 1: return Point<1>(4*xi-1);
+      case 2: return Point<1>(4-8*xi);
+    }
+  return Point<1>();
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                          const Boundary<1>  &boundary,
+                                          vector<Point<1> >  &ansatz_points) const {
+  FiniteElement<1>::get_ansatz_points (cell, boundary, ansatz_points);
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                            const Boundary<1>  &,
+                                            vector<Point<1> >  &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                           const Boundary<1>         &,
+                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                           vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                              const unsigned int           ,
+                                              const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                              vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                           const unsigned int,
+                                           const Boundary<1> &,
+                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                           vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                           const unsigned int,
+                                           const unsigned int,
+                                           const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                           vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<1>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                              const Boundary<1> &,
+                                              dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const {
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.n() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.n(),total_dofs));
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.m() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.m(),total_dofs));
+  const double h = cell->vertex(1)(0) - cell->vertex(0)(0);
+  Assert (h>0, ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
+  local_mass_matrix(0,0) = local_mass_matrix(1,1) = 2./15.*h;
+  local_mass_matrix(0,1) = local_mass_matrix(1,0) = -1./30.*h;
+  local_mass_matrix(0,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,0) = 1./15.*h;
+  local_mass_matrix(1,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,1) = 1./15.*h;
+  local_mass_matrix(2,2) = local_mass_matrix(2,2) = 8./15.*h;
+#if deal_II_dimension == 2
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<2>::FEQuadraticSub () :
+               FiniteElement<2> (1, 1, 1)
+  interface_constraints(0,2) = 1.0;
+  interface_constraints(1,0) = 3./8.;
+  interface_constraints(1,1) = -1./8.;
+  interface_constraints(1,2) = 3./4.;
+  interface_constraints(2,0) = -1./8.;
+  interface_constraints(2,1) = 3./8.;
+  interface_constraints(2,2) = 3./4.;
+                                  // still implement restriction
+                                  // and prolongation
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<2>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
+                               const Point<2>    &p) const
+  Assert (i<total_dofs, ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double xi = p(0),
+              eta= p(1);
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
+      case 1: return    xi *(-2*xi+1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
+      case 2: return    xi *(-2*xi+1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
+      case 3: return (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
+      case 4: return 4 * (1-xi)*xi        * (1-eta)*(1-2*eta);
+      case 5: return 4 *    xi *(-1+2*xi) * (1-eta)*eta;
+      case 6: return 4 * (1-xi)*xi        *    eta *(-1+2*eta);
+      case 7: return 4 * (1-xi)*(1-2*xi)  * (1-eta)*eta;
+      case 8: return 16 * xi*(1-xi) * eta*(1-eta);
+    };
+  return 0;
+template <>
+FEQuadraticSub<2>::shape_grad (const unsigned int i,
+                              const Point<2>    &p) const
+  Assert (i<total_dofs, ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double xi = p(0),
+              eta= p(1);
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return Point<2>(-(2*xi-1)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1)+2*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1),
+                             -(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(2*eta-1)+2*(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta));
+      case 1: return Point<2>((-2*xi+1)*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1)-2*xi*(1-eta)*(2*eta-1),
+                             -xi*(-2*xi+1)*(2*eta-1)+2*xi*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta));
+      case 2: return Point<2>((-2*xi+1)*eta*(-2*eta+1)-2*xi*eta*(-2*eta+1),
+                             xi*(-2*xi+1)*(-2*eta+1)-2*xi*(-2*xi+1)*eta);
+      case 3: return Point<2>(-(2*xi-1)*eta*(-2*eta+1)+2*(1-xi)*eta*(-2*eta+1),
+                             (1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*(-2*eta+1)-2*(1-xi)*(2*xi-1)*eta);
+      case 4: return Point<2>(-4*xi*(1-eta)*(-2*eta+1)+4*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*(-2*eta+1),
+                             -4*(1-xi)*xi*(-2*eta+1)-8*(1-xi)*xi*(1-eta));
+      case 5: return Point<2>(4*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta)*eta+8*xi*(1-eta)*eta,
+                             -4*xi*(2*xi-1)*eta+4*xi*(2*xi-1)*(1-eta));
+      case 6: return Point<2>(-4*xi*eta*(2*eta-1)+4*(1-xi)*eta*(2*eta-1),
+                             4*(1-xi)*xi*(2*eta-1)+8*(1-xi)*xi*eta);
+      case 7: return Point<2>(-4*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta)*eta-8*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*eta,
+                             -4*(1-xi)*(-2*xi+1)*eta+4*(1-xi)*(-2*xi+1)*(1-eta));
+      case 8: return Point<2>(16*(1-xi)*(1-eta)*eta-16*xi*eta*(1-eta),
+                             16*xi*(1-xi)*(1-eta)-16*(1-xi)*xi*eta);
+    };
+  return Point<2> ();
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                              const Boundary<2> &,
+                                              dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const {
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.n() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.n(),total_dofs));
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.m() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.m(),total_dofs));
+/* Get the computation of the local mass matrix by these lines in maple. Note
+   that tphi[i] are the basis function of the linear finite element, which
+   are used by the transformation (therefore >t<phi), while the phi[i]
+   are the basis functions of the biquadratic element.
+   x_real := sum(x[i]*tphi[i], i=0..3);
+   y_real := sum(y[i]*tphi[i], i=0..3);
+   tphi[0] := (1-xi)*(1-eta);
+   tphi[1] := xi*(1-eta);
+   tphi[2] := xi*eta;
+   tphi[3] := (1-xi)*eta;
+   detJ := diff(x_real,xi)*diff(y_real,eta) - diff(x_real,eta)*diff(y_real,xi);
+   phi[0] := (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
+   phi[1] :=    xi *(-2*xi+1) * (1-eta)*( 2*eta-1);
+   phi[2] :=    xi *(-2*xi+1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
+   phi[3] := (1-xi)*( 2*xi-1) *    eta *(-2*eta+1);
+   phi[4] := 4 * (1-xi)*xi        * (1-eta)*(1-2*eta);
+   phi[5] := 4 *    xi *(-1+2*xi) * (1-eta)*eta;
+   phi[6] := 4 * (1-xi)*xi        *    eta *(-1+2*eta);
+   phi[7] := 4 * (1-xi)*(1-2*xi)  * (1-eta)*eta;
+   phi[8] := 16 * xi*(1-xi) * eta*(1-eta);
+   m := proc (i,j)  int( int(phi[i]*phi[j]*detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1); end;
+   M := array(0..8,0..8);
+   for i from 0 to 8 do
+     for j from 0 to 8 do
+       M[i,j] := m(i,j);
+     od;
+   od;
+   readlib(C);
+   C(M, optimized);
+  const double x[4] = { cell->vertex(0)(0),
+                       cell->vertex(1)(0),
+                       cell->vertex(2)(0),
+                       cell->vertex(3)(0)  };
+  const double y[4] = { cell->vertex(0)(1),
+                       cell->vertex(1)(1),
+                       cell->vertex(2)(1),
+                       cell->vertex(3)(1)  };
+/* check that the Jacobi determinant
+    t0 = (-x[0]*(1.0-eta)+x[1]*(1.0-eta)+x[2]*eta-x[3]*eta) *
+         (-y[0]*(1.0-xi)-y[1]*xi+y[2]*xi+y[3]*(1.0-xi))        -
+        (-x[0]*(1.0-xi)-x[1]*xi+x[2]*xi+x[3]*(1.0-xi)) *
+        (-y[0]*(1.0-eta)+y[1]*(1.0-eta)+y[2]*eta-y[3]*eta)
+   has the right sign.  
+   We do not attempt to check its (hopefully) positive sign at all points
+   on the unit cell, but we check that it is positive in the four corners,
+   which is sufficient since $det J$ is a bilinear function.
+  Assert ((-x[0]+x[1])*(-y[0]+y[3])-(-x[0]+x[3])*(-y[0]+y[1]),  // xi=eta=0
+         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
+  Assert ((x[2]-x[3])*(-y[0]+y[3])-(-x[0]+x[3])*(y[2]-y[3]),    // xi=0, eta=1
+         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
+  Assert ((x[2]-x[3])*(-y[1]+y[2])-(-x[1]+x[2])*(y[2]-y[3]),    // xi=eta=1
+         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
+  Assert ((-x[0]+x[1])*(-y[1]+y[2])-(-x[1]+x[2])*(-y[0]+y[1]),  // xi=1, eta=0
+         ExcJacobiDeterminantHasWrongSign());
+  const double t1 = (x[1]*y[0]);
+  const double t2 = (x[1]*y[2]);
+  const double t3 = (x[0]*y[3]);
+  const double t4 = (x[3]*y[2]);
+  const double t5 = (x[2]*y[3]);
+  const double t6 = (x[0]*y[1]);
+  const double t7 = (x[3]*y[1]);
+  const double t8 = (x[3]*y[0]);
+  const double t9 = (x[2]*y[1]);
+  const double t10 = (x[1]*y[3]);
+  const double t12 = (x[0]*y[2]);
+  const double t13 = (x[2]*y[0]);
+  const double t14 = (7.0/1800.0*t1-t2/450+t3/450+t4/1800-t5/1800-
+                     7.0/1800.0*t6+t12/600+
+                     t7/600-t8/450-t13/600+t9/450-t10/600);
+  const double t15 = (-t1/1800+t2/1800-t3/1800-t4/1800+t5/1800+
+                     t6/1800+t8/1800-t9/1800);
+  const double t16 = (t1/450-t2/1800+7.0/1800.0*t3+t4/450-
+                     t5/450-t6/450-t12/600+t7/600
+                     -7.0/1800.0*t8+t13/600+t9/1800-t10/600);
+  const double t17 = (-7.0/900.0*t1-2.0/225.0*t3-t4/900+t5/900
+                     +7.0/900.0*t6+t12/900-7.0/
+                     900.0*t7+2.0/225.0*t8-t13/900+7.0/900.0*t10);
+  const double t18 = (t1/450-t2/900+t3/900-t6/450+t12/900+
+                     t7/900-t8/900-t13/900+t9/900-
+                     t10/900);
+  const double t19 = (t1/900+t3/450+t4/900-t5/900-t6/900
+                     -t12/900+t7/900-t8/450+t13/900-
+                     t10/900);
+  const double t20 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+t2/900-7.0/900.0*t3+
+                     2.0/225.0*t6-t12/900-7.0/900.0*t7
+                     +7.0/900.0*t8+t13/900-t9/900+7.0/900.0*t10);
+  const double t21 = (-t1/225-t3/225+t6/225-t7/225+t8/225+t10/225);
+  const double t23 = (t1/450-7.0/1800.0*t2+t3/1800+t4/450
+                     -t5/450-t6/450+t12/600-t7/600-t8
+                     /1800-t13/600+7.0/1800.0*t9+t10/600);
+  const double t24 = (-7.0/900.0*t1+2.0/225.0*t2-t4/900+t5/900
+                     +7.0/900.0*t6-7.0/900.0*t12
+                     +t7/900+7.0/900.0*t13-2.0/225.0*t9-t10/900);
+  const double t25 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+7.0/900.0*t2-t3/900+2.0/225.0*t6
+                     -7.0/900.0*t12-t7/900
+                     +t8/900+7.0/900.0*t13-7.0/900.0*t9+t10/900);
+  const double t26 = (t1/900-t2/450+t4/900-t5/900-t6/900+t12/900
+                     -t7/900-t13/900+t9/450+
+                     t10/900);
+  const double t27 = (-t1/225+t2/225+t6/225-t12/225+t13/225-t9/225);
+  const double t29 = (t1/1800-t2/450+t3/450+7.0/1800.0*t4-7.0/1800.0*t5
+                     -t6/1800-t12/600-
+                     t7/600-t8/450+t13/600+t9/450+t10/600);
+  const double t30 = (7.0/900.0*t2-t3/900-2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5
+                     +t12/900+7.0/900.0*t7+
+                     t8/900-t13/900-7.0/900.0*t9-7.0/900.0*t10);
+  const double t31 = (-t1/900+2.0/225.0*t2-7.0/900.0*t4+7.0/900.0*t5
+                     +t6/900-t12/900+7.0/
+                     900.0*t7+t13/900-2.0/225.0*t9-7.0/900.0*t10);
+  const double t32 = (-t2/900+t3/900+t4/450-t5/450-t12/900-t7/900
+                     -t8/900+t13/900+t9/900+
+                     t10/900);
+  const double t33 = (t2/225-t4/225+t5/225+t7/225-t9/225-t10/225);
+  const double t35 = (-t1/900-2.0/225.0*t3-7.0/900.0*t4+7.0/900.0*t5
+                     +t6/900+7.0/900.0*t12
+                     -t7/900+2.0/225.0*t8-7.0/900.0*t13+t10/900);
+  const double t36 = (t2/900-7.0/900.0*t3-2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5
+                     +7.0/900.0*t12+t7/900+
+                     7.0/900.0*t8-7.0/900.0*t13-t9/900-t10/900);
+  const double t37 = (-t3/225-t4/225+t5/225+t12/225+t8/225-t13/225);
+  const double t38 = (-14.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-8.0/225.0*t3
+                     -2.0/225.0*t4+2.0/225.0*t5+
+                     14.0/225.0*t6-2.0/75.0*t12-2.0/75.0*t7
+                     +8.0/225.0*t8+2.0/75.0*t13-8.0/225.0*t9+
+                     2.0/75.0*t10);
+  const double t39 = (2.0/225.0*t1-2.0/225.0*t2+2.0/225.0*t3
+                     +2.0/225.0*t4-2.0/225.0*t5
+                     -2.0/225.0*t6-2.0/225.0*t8+2.0/225.0*t9);
+  const double t40 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+4.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t3
+                     +8.0/225.0*t6-4.0/225.0*t12
+                     -4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t8+4.0/225.0*t13
+                     -4.0/225.0*t9+4.0/225.0*t10);
+  const double t41 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+14.0/225.0*t2-2.0/225.0*t3
+                     -8.0/225.0*t4+8.0/225.0*t5+
+                     8.0/225.0*t6-2.0/75.0*t12+2.0/75.0*t7
+                     +2.0/225.0*t8+2.0/75.0*t13-14.0/225.0*t9
+                     -2.0/75.0*t10);
+  const double t42 = (-4.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t4
+                     +4.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t6
+                     -4.0/225.0*t12+4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t13
+                     -8.0/225.0*t9-4.0/225.0*t10);
+  const double t43 = (-2.0/225.0*t1+8.0/225.0*t2-8.0/225.0*t3
+                     -14.0/225.0*t4+14.0/225.0*t5
+                     +2.0/225.0*t6+2.0/75.0*t12+2.0/75.0*t7
+                     +8.0/225.0*t8-2.0/75.0*t13-8.0/225.0*t9
+                     -2.0/75.0*t10);
+  const double t44 = (4.0/225.0*t2-4.0/225.0*t3-8.0/225.0*t4
+                     +8.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t12+
+                     4.0/225.0*t7+4.0/225.0*t8-4.0/225.0*t13
+                     -4.0/225.0*t9-4.0/225.0*t10);
+  const double t45 = (-8.0/225.0*t1+2.0/225.0*t2-14.0/225.0*t3
+                     -8.0/225.0*t4+8.0/225.0*t5+
+                     8.0/225.0*t6+2.0/75.0*t12-2.0/75.0*t7
+                     +14.0/225.0*t8-2.0/75.0*t13-2.0/225.0*t9+
+                     2.0/75.0*t10);
+  const double t46 = (-4.0/225.0*t1-8.0/225.0*t3-4.0/225.0*t4
+                     +4.0/225.0*t5+4.0/225.0*t6+
+                     4.0/225.0*t12-4.0/225.0*t7+8.0/225.0*t8
+                     -4.0/225.0*t13+4.0/225.0*t10);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,0) = (-7.0/450.0*t1+t2/450-7.0/450.0*t3
+                           -t4/450+t5/450+7.0/450.0*t6-t7/75
+                           +7.0/450.0*t8-t9/450+t10/75);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,1) = (t14);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,2) = (t15);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,3) = (t16);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,4) = (t17);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,5) = (t18);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,6) = (t19);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,7) = (t20);
+  local_mass_matrix(0,8) = (t21);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,0) = (t14);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,1) = (-7.0/450.0*t1+7.0/450.0*t2-t3/450
+                           -t4/450+t5/450+7.0/450.0*t6-
+                           t12/75+t8/450+t13/75-7.0/450.0*t9);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,2) = (t23);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,3) = (t15);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,4) = (t24);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,5) = (t25);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,6) = (t26);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,7) = (t18);
+  local_mass_matrix(1,8) = (t27);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,0) = (t15);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,1) = (t23);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,2) = (-t1/450+7.0/450.0*t2-t3/450-7.0/450.0*t4
+                           +7.0/450.0*t5+t6/450+t7/75
+                           +t8/450-7.0/450.0*t9-t10/75);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,3) = (t29);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,4) = (t26);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,5) = (t30);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,6) = (t31);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,7) = (t32);
+  local_mass_matrix(2,8) = (t33);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,0) = (t16);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,1) = (t15);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,2) = (t29);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,3) = (-t1/450+t2/450-7.0/450.0*t3-7.0/450.0*t4
+                           +7.0/450.0*t5+t6/450+
+                           t12/75+7.0/450.0*t8-t13/75-t9/450);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,4) = (t19);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,5) = (t32);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,6) = (t35);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,7) = (t36);
+  local_mass_matrix(3,8) = (t37);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,0) = (t17);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,1) = (t24);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,2) = (t26);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,3) = (t19);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,4) = (t38);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,5) = (t27);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,6) = (t39);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,7) = (t21);
+  local_mass_matrix(4,8) = (t40);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,0) = (t18);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,1) = (t25);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,2) = (t30);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,3) = (t32);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,4) = (t27);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,5) = (t41);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,6) = (t33);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,7) = (t39);
+  local_mass_matrix(5,8) = (t42);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,0) = (t19);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,1) = (t26);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,2) = (t31);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,3) = (t35);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,4) = (t39);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,5) = (t33);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,6) = (t43);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,7) = (t37);
+  local_mass_matrix(6,8) = (t44);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,0) = (t20);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,1) = (t18);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,2) = (t32);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,3) = (t36);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,4) = (t21);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,5) = (t39);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,6) = (t37);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,7) = (t45);
+  local_mass_matrix(7,8) = (t46);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,0) = (t21);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,1) = (t27);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,2) = (t33);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,3) = (t37);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,4) = (t40);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,5) = (t42);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,6) = (t44);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,7) = (t46);
+  local_mass_matrix(8,8) = (-32.0/225.0*t1+32.0/225.0*t2-32.0/225.0*t3
+                           -32.0/225.0*t4+32.0/225.0*t5+32.0/225.0*t6
+                           +32.0/225.0*t8-32.0/225.0*t9);  
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                          const Boundary<2>&,
+                                          vector<Point<2> >  &ansatz_points) const {
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
+  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<4; ++vertex)
+    ansatz_points[vertex] = cell->vertex(vertex);
+                                  // for the bilinear mapping, the centers
+                                  // of the face on the unit cell are mapped
+                                  // to the mean coordinates of the vertices
+  for (unsigned int line=0; line<4; ++line)
+    ansatz_points[4+line] = (cell->line(line)->vertex(0) +
+                            cell->line(line)->vertex(1)) / 2;
+                                  // same for the center of the square:
+                                  // since all four linear basis functions
+                                  // take on the value 1/4 at the center,
+                                  // the center is mapped to the mean
+                                  // coordinates of the four vertices
+  ansatz_points[8] = (ansatz_points[0] +
+                     ansatz_points[1] +
+                     ansatz_points[2] +
+                     ansatz_points[3]) / 4;
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                               const Boundary<2>  &,
+                                               vector<Point<2> >  &ansatz_points) const {
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == dofs_per_face,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(), dofs_per_face));
+  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<2; ++vertex)
+    ansatz_points[vertex] = face->vertex(vertex);
+  ansatz_points[2] = (ansatz_points[0] + ansatz_points[1]) / 1;
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                           const Boundary<2>         &,
+                                           const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                           vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
+                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
+                                  // produces particularly simple
+                                  // expressions for the jacobi
+                                  // determinant :-)
+  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
+  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
+         unit_points.size(),
+         h);  
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                             const unsigned int           ,
+                                             const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                             vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
+  Assert (face->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
+                                  // produces particularly simple
+                                  // expressions for the jacobi
+                                  // determinant :-)
+  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
+  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
+         unit_points.size(),
+         h/2);
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                          const unsigned int       face_no,
+                                          const Boundary<2>       &,
+                                          const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                          vector<Point<2> > &normal_vectors) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
+  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
+                                  // compute direction of line
+  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
+                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
+  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
+                                 -line_direction(0));
+  if (face_no <= 1)
+                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
+                                    // scaled vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
+  else
+                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
+                                    // vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
+template <>
+void FEQuadraticSub<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                          const unsigned int       face_no,
+                                          const unsigned int,
+                                          const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                          vector<Point<2> > &normal_vectors) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+                                  // note, that in 2D the normal vectors to the
+                                  // subface have the same direction as that
+                                  // for the face
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
+  Assert (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
+                                  // compute direction of line
+  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
+                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
+  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
+                                 -line_direction(0));
+  if (face_no <= 1)
+                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
+                                    // scaled vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
+  else
+                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
+                                    // vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
+template <int dim>
+void FEQuadraticSub<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
+                                      const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
+                                      vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
+                                      const bool,
+                                      vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
+                                      const bool,
+                                      vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
+                                      const bool,
+                                      const Boundary<dim> &) const {
+  Assert (jacobians.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(jacobians.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (q_points.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(q_points.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#if deal_II_dimension == 1
+template <>
+FECubic<1>::FECubic () :
+               FiniteElement<1> (1, 2) {};
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                const vector<Point<1> >            &unit_points,
+                                vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
+                                const bool         compute_jacobians,
+                                vector<Point<1> > &ansatz_points,
+                                const bool         compute_ansatz_points,
+                                vector<Point<1> > &q_points,
+                                const bool         compute_q_points,
+                                const Boundary<1> &boundary) const {
+                                  // simply pass down
+  FiniteElement<1>::fill_fe_values (cell, unit_points,
+                                   jacobians, compute_jacobians,
+                                   ansatz_points, compute_ansatz_points,
+                                   q_points, compute_q_points, boundary);
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                   const Boundary<1>  &boundary,
+                                   vector<Point<1> >  &ansatz_points) const {
+  FiniteElement<1>::get_ansatz_points (cell, boundary, ansatz_points);
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                        const Boundary<1>  &,
+                                        vector<Point<1> >  &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                    const Boundary<1>         &,
+                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                    vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                       const unsigned int           ,
+                                       const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                       vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                    const unsigned int,
+                                    const Boundary<1> &,
+                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                    vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+template <>
+void FECubic<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                    const unsigned int,
+                                    const unsigned int,                                     
+                                    const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                    vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+#if deal_II_dimension == 2
+template <>
+FECubic<2>::FECubic () :
+               FiniteElement<2> (1, 2, 4) {};
+template <int dim>
+FECubic<dim>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
+                          const Point<dim> &) const
+  Assert (i<total_dofs, typename FiniteElementBase<dim>::ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+  return 0.;
+template <int dim>
+FECubic<dim>::shape_grad (const unsigned int i,
+                         const Point<dim> &) const
+  Assert (i<total_dofs, typename FiniteElementBase<dim>::ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+  return Point<dim> ();
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
+                                  const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
+                                  vector<dFMatrix>  &jacobians,
+                                  const bool,
+                                  vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
+                                  const bool,
+                                  vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
+                                  const bool,
+                                  const Boundary<dim> &) const {
+  Assert (jacobians.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(jacobians.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (q_points.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(q_points.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
+                                     const Boundary<dim>  &,
+                                     vector<Point<dim> >  &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_face_ansatz_points (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &,
+                                          const Boundary<dim>  &,
+                                          vector<Point<dim> >  &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &,
+                                      const Boundary<dim>         &,
+                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
+                                      vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face,
+                                         const unsigned int           ,
+                                         const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
+                                         vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (face->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
+                                      const unsigned int,
+                                      const Boundary<dim> &,
+                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
+                                      vector<Point<dim> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                      const unsigned int           face_no,
+                                      const unsigned int           ,
+                                      const vector<Point<dim-1> > &,
+                                      vector<Point<dim> > &) const {
+  Assert (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <int dim>
+void FECubic<dim>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &,
+                                         const Boundary<dim> &,
+                                         dFMatrix &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+// explicit instantiations
+template class FEQuadraticSub<deal_II_dimension>;

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.