number* values = const_cast<number*> (this->data());
- int info;
- int lwork = -1;
+ int info = 0;
+ int lwork = 1;
+ // Optimal workspace query:
+ // The LAPACK routine DGEEV requires
+ // a sufficient large workspace variable,
+ // minimum requirement is
+ // work.size>=4*nn.
+ // However, to improve performance, a
+ // somewhat larger workspace may be needed.
+ // SOME implementations of the LAPACK routine
+ // provide a workspace query call,
+ // info:=0, lwork:=-1
+ // which returns an optimal value for the
+ // size of the workspace array
+ // (the PETSc 2.3.0 implementation does NOT
+ // provide this functionality!).
+ // define the HAVE_LIBLAPACK_NOQUERYMODE flag to
+ // disable the workspace query.
+ lwork = -1;
geev(&N, &N, &nn, values, &nn,
&wr[0], &wi[0],
0, &one, 0, &one,
// everything else would not be
// acceptable.
Assert (info == 0, ExcInternalError());
// Allocate working array according
// to suggestion.
lwork = (int) (work[0]+.1);
+ lwork = 4*nn; // no query mode
+ // resize workspace array
work.resize((unsigned int) lwork);
// Finally compute the eigenvalues.
geev(&N, &N, &nn, values, &nn,
&wr[0], &wi[0],
// Negative return value implies a
// wrong argument. This should be
// internal.
Assert (info >=0, ExcInternalError());
//TODO:[GK] What if the QR method fails?
if (info != 0)