for (unsigned int d=0; d<dofs_per_vertex; ++d, ++index)
- // now copy dof numbers into the line. for
- // lines with the wrong orientation, we have
- // already made sure that we're ok by picking
- // the correct vertices (this happens
- // automatically in the vertex()
- // function). however, if the line is in
- // wrong orientation, we look at it in
- // flipped orientation and we will have to
- // adjust the shape function indices that we
- // see to correspond to the correct
- // (cell-local) ordering.
+ // now copy dof numbers into the line. for lines with the
+ // wrong orientation, we have already made sure that we're ok
+ // by picking the correct vertices (this happens automatically
+ // in the vertex() function). however, if the line is in wrong
+ // orientation, we look at it in flipped orientation and we
+ // will have to adjust the shape function indices that we see
+ // to correspond to the correct (cell-local) ordering.
for (unsigned int line=0; line<12; ++line)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dofs_per_line; ++d, ++index)
- // now copy dof numbers into the face. for
- // faces with the wrong orientation, we
- // have already made sure that we're ok by
- // picking the correct lines and vertices
- // (this happens automatically in the
- // line() and vertex() functions). however,
- // if the face is in wrong orientation, we
- // look at it in flipped orientation and we
- // will have to adjust the shape function
- // indices that we see to correspond to the
- // correct (cell-local) ordering. The same
- // applies, if the face_rotation or
- // face_orientation is non-standard
+ // now copy dof numbers into the face. for faces with the
+ // wrong orientation, we have already made sure that we're ok
+ // by picking the correct lines and vertices (this happens
+ // automatically in the line() and vertex()
+ // functions). however, if the face is in wrong orientation,
+ // we look at it in flipped orientation and we will have to
+ // adjust the shape function indices that we see to correspond
+ // to the correct (cell-local) ordering. The same applies, if
+ // the face_rotation or face_orientation is non-standard
for (unsigned int quad=0; quad<6; ++quad)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dofs_per_quad; ++d, ++index)
- // implementation for the case of
- // hp::DoFHandler objects. it's
- // not implemented there, for no
- // space dimension
+ // implementation for the case of hp::DoFHandler objects. it's
+ // not implemented there, for no space dimension
template <int dim, int spacedim, bool level_dof_access>