+ // @sect3{MixedLaplaceProblem class implementation (continued)}
+ // @sect4{MixedLaplace::compute_errors}
+ // After we have dealt with the
+ // linear solver and preconditioners,
+ // we continue with the
+ // implementation of our main
+ // class. In particular, the next
+ // task is to compute the errors in
+ // our numerical solution, in both
+ // the pressures as well as
+ // velocities.
+ //
+ // To compute errors in the solution,
+ // we have already introduced the
+ // ``VectorTools::integrate_difference''
+ // function in step-7 and
+ // step-11. However, there we only
+ // dealt with scalar solutions,
+ // whereas here we have a
+ // vector-valued solution with
+ // components that even denote
+ // different quantities and may have
+ // different orders of convergence
+ // (this isn't the case here, by
+ // choice of the used finite
+ // elements, but is frequently the
+ // case in mixed finite element
+ // applications). What we therefore
+ // have to do is to `mask' the
+ // components that we are interested
+ // in. This is easily done: the
+ // ``VectorTools::integrate_difference''
+ // function takes as its last
+ // argument a pointer to a weight
+ // function (the parameter defaults
+ // to the null pointer, meaning unit
+ // weights). What we simply have to
+ // do is to pass a function object
+ // that equals one in the components
+ // we are interested in, and zero in
+ // the other ones. For example, to
+ // compute the pressure error, we
+ // should pass a function that
+ // represents the constant vector
+ // with a unit value in component
+ // ``dim'', whereas for the velocity
+ // the constant vector should be one
+ // in the first ``dim'' components,
+ // and zero in the location of the
+ // pressure.
+ //
+ // In deal.II, the
+ // ``ComponentSelectFunction'' does
+ // exactly this: it wants to know how
+ // many vector components the
+ // function it is to represent should
+ // have (in our case this would be
+ // ``dim+1'', for the joint
+ // velocity-pressure space) and which
+ // individual or range of components
+ // should be equal to one. We
+ // therefore define two such masks at
+ // the beginning of the function,
+ // following by an object
+ // representing the exact solution
+ // and a vector in which we will
+ // store the cellwise errors as
+ // computed by
+ // ``integrate_difference'':
template <int dim>
void MixedLaplaceProblem<dim>::compute_errors () const
- Vector<double> tmp (triangulation.n_active_cells());
- ExactSolution<dim> exact_solution;
+ const ComponentSelectFunction<dim>
+ pressure_mask (dim, dim+1);
+ const ComponentSelectFunction<dim>
+ velocity_mask(std::make_pair(0, dim), dim+1);
- // do NOT use QGauss here!
- QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
+ ExactSolution<dim> exact_solution;
+ Vector<double> cellwise_errors (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ // As already discussed in step-7,
+ // we have to realize that it is
+ // impossible to integrate the
+ // errors exactly. All we can do is
+ // approximate this integral using
+ // quadrature. This actually
+ // presents a slight twist here: if
+ // we naively chose an object of
+ // type ``QGauss<dim>(degree+1)''
+ // as one may be inclined to do
+ // (this is what we used for
+ // integrating the linear system),
+ // one realizes that the error is
+ // very small and does not follow
+ // the expected convergence curves
+ // at all. What is happening is
+ // that for the mixed finite
+ // elements used here, the Gauss
+ // points happen to be
+ // superconvergence points in which
+ // the pointwise error is much
+ // smaller (and converges with
+ // higher order) than anywhere
+ // else. These are therefore not
+ // particularly good points for
+ // ingration. To avoid this
+ // problem, we simply use a
+ // trapezoidal rule and iterate it
+ // ``degree+2'' times in each
+ // coordinate direction (again as
+ // explained in step-7):
+ QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
QIterated<dim> quadrature (q_trapez, degree+2);
- {
- const ComponentSelectFunction<dim> mask (dim, 1., dim+1);
- VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler, solution, exact_solution,
- tmp, quadrature,
- VectorTools::L2_norm,
- &mask);
- }
- const double p_l2_error = tmp.l2_norm();
+ // With this, we can then let the
+ // library compute the errors and
+ // output them to the screen:
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler, solution, exact_solution,
+ cellwise_errors, quadrature,
+ VectorTools::L2_norm,
+ &pressure_mask);
+ const double p_l2_error = cellwise_errors.l2_norm();
- double u_l2_error = 0;
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- {
- const ComponentSelectFunction<dim> mask(d, 1., dim+1);
- VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler, solution, exact_solution,
- tmp, quadrature,
- VectorTools::L2_norm,
- &mask);
- u_l2_error = std::sqrt (u_l2_error * u_l2_error +
- tmp.l2_norm() * tmp.l2_norm());
- }
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler, solution, exact_solution,
+ cellwise_errors, quadrature,
+ VectorTools::L2_norm,
+ &velocity_mask);
+ const double u_l2_error = cellwise_errors.l2_norm();
- std::cout << "Errors: ||e_p||_L2 = " << p_l2_error
+ std::cout << " Errors: ||e_p||_L2 = " << p_l2_error
<< ", ||e_u||_L2 = " << u_l2_error
<< std::endl;