]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Reimplementation of the execute_refinement function in 2D. This will change the order...
authorhartmann <hartmann@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 12:27:31 +0000 (12:27 +0000)
committerhartmann <hartmann@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 12:27:31 +0000 (12:27 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@10055 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 210061fc53343d562c444a91bd90bc915a9a73f1..2ae8a88f94df874b0bc601ce9b1c13586714566e 100644 (file)
@@ -4558,6 +4558,13 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
+                                  // first clear user flags for
+                                  // lines; we're going to use them
+                                  // to flag which lines need
+                                  // refinement
+  for (line_iterator line=begin_line(); line!=end_line(); ++line)
+    line->clear_user_flag();
                                   // check how much space is needed
                                   // on every level we need not check
                                   // the highest level since either
@@ -4575,10 +4582,10 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
                                       // be needed
       unsigned int flagged_cells = 0;
       unsigned int needed_lines  = 0;
-      active_cell_iterator acell = begin_active(level),
-                          aendc = begin_active(level+1);
-      for (; acell!=aendc; ++acell) 
-       if (acell->refine_flag_set()) 
+      active_cell_iterator cell = begin_active(level),
+                          endc = begin_active(level+1);
+      for (; cell!=endc; ++cell) 
+       if (cell->refine_flag_set()) 
@@ -4590,79 +4597,38 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
                                             // lines
            needed_lines += 4;
-                                            // for all neighbors of
-                                            // this cell
-           for (unsigned int nb=0; nb<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++nb) 
+                                            // mark all faces (lines)
+                                            // for refinement;
+                                            // checking locally
+                                            // whether the neighbor
+                                            // would also like to
+                                            // refine them is rather
+                                            // difficult for lines so
+                                            // we only flag them and
+                                            // after visiting all
+                                            // cells, we decide which
+                                            // lines need refinement;
+           for (unsigned int line_no=0; line_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+                ++line_no)
-               const cell_iterator neighbor = acell->neighbor(nb);
-                                                // if cell is at
-                                                // boundary
-               if (neighbor.state() != IteratorState::valid) 
-                 {
-                                                    // new midpoint
-                                                    // vertex
-                                                    // necessary
-                   ++needed_vertices;
-                                                    // also two new
-                                                    // lines
-                   needed_lines += 2;
-                   continue;
-                 };
-                                                // there is a neighbor. There
-                                                // are three cases:
-                                                // 1 nb is on same level and
-                                                //   not refined (subcases:
-                                                //   flagged for refinement
-                                                //   or not)
-                                                // 2 nb is on same level and
-                                                //   refined (->no additional
-                                                //   vertices and lines needed)
-                                                // 3 nb is one level down
-                                                //   (but will be refined)
-               if ((neighbor->level() == acell->level()) &&
-                   (neighbor->active() == true))
-                 {
-                                                    // case 1
-                   if (((neighbor->refine_flag_set() == true) &&
-                        (acell->index() < neighbor->index()))
-                                                        // case 1a
-                                                        // we need one more vertex
-                                                        // and two more lines, but
-                                                        // we must only count them
-                                                        // once. Convention: count
-                                                        // them for the cell with
-                                                        // the lower index
-                       ||
-                       (neighbor->refine_flag_set() == false))
-                                                      // case 1b
-                     {
-                       ++needed_vertices;
-                       needed_lines += 2;
-                     };
-                   continue;
-                 };
-               if ((neighbor->level() == acell->level()) &&
-                   (neighbor->active() == false))
-                                                  // case 2
-                 continue;
+               line_iterator line = cell->line(line_no);
-               if (neighbor->level() == acell->level()-1)
-                                                  // case 3
-                 {
-                   ++needed_vertices;
-                   needed_lines += 2;
-                   continue;
-                 };
+               if (line->has_children() == false) 
+                 line->set_user_flag ();
+             }
+         }
-               Assert (false, ExcUncaughtState());
-             };
+                                      // now count the lines which
+                                      // were flagged for refinement
+      for (line_iterator line=begin_line(level); line!=end_line(level); ++line)
+       if (line->user_flag_set())
+         {
+           Assert (line->has_children() == false, ExcInternalError());
+           needed_lines    += 2;
+           needed_vertices += 1;
                                       // count number of used cells
                                       // on the next higher level
       const unsigned int used_cells
@@ -4714,7 +4680,94 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
                                   //  index of next unused vertex
   unsigned int next_unused_vertex = 0;
+                                  // first for lines
+  for (unsigned int level=0; level!=levels.size()-1; ++level)
+    {
+                                      // only active objects can be
+                                      // refined further; remember
+                                      // that we won't operate on the
+                                      // finest level, so
+                                      // begin_*(level+1) is allowed
+      active_line_iterator line = begin_active_line(level),
+                          endl = begin_active_line(level+1);
+      raw_line_iterator next_unused_line = begin_raw_line (level+1);
+      for (; line!=endl; ++line)
+       if (line->user_flag_set())
+         {
+                                            // this line needs to be
+                                            // refined
+                                            // find the next unused
+                                            // vertex and set it
+                                            // appropriately
+           while (vertices_used[next_unused_vertex] == true)
+             ++next_unused_vertex;
+           Assert (next_unused_vertex < vertices.size(),
+                   ExcTooFewVerticesAllocated());
+           vertices_used[next_unused_vertex] = true;
+           if (line->at_boundary())
+             vertices[next_unused_vertex]
+               = boundary[line->boundary_indicator()]->get_new_point_on_line (line);
+           else
+             vertices[next_unused_vertex]
+               = (line->vertex(0) + line->vertex(1)) / 2;
+                                            // now that we created
+                                            // the right point, make
+                                            // up the two child lines
+                                            // (++ takes care of the
+                                            // end of the vector)
+           while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
+             ++next_unused_line;
+                                            // there should always be
+                                            // two consecutive unused
+                                            // lines, such that the
+                                            // children of a line
+                                            // will be consecutive.
+                                            // then set the child
+                                            // pointer of the present
+                                            // line
+           line->set_children (next_unused_line->index());
+                                            // set the two new lines
+           raw_line_iterator children[2] = { next_unused_line,
+                                             ++next_unused_line };
+                                            // some tests; if any of
+                                            // the iterators should
+                                            // be invalid, then
+                                            // already dereferencing
+                                            // will fail
+           Assert (children[0]->used() == false, ExcCellShouldBeUnused());
+           Assert (children[1]->used() == false, ExcCellShouldBeUnused());
+           children[0]->set (Line(line->vertex_index(0),
+                                  next_unused_vertex));
+           children[1]->set (Line(next_unused_vertex,
+                                  line->vertex_index(1)));
+           children[0]->set_used_flag();
+           children[1]->set_used_flag();
+           children[0]->clear_children();
+           children[1]->clear_children();
+           children[0]->clear_user_pointer();
+           children[1]->clear_user_pointer();
+           children[0]->clear_user_flag();
+           children[1]->clear_user_flag();
+           children[0]->set_boundary_indicator (line->boundary_indicator());
+           children[1]->set_boundary_indicator (line->boundary_indicator());
+                                            // finally clear flag
+                                            // indicating the need
+                                            // for refinement
+           line->clear_user_flag ();
+         };
+    };
+                                  // Now set up the new cells
   for (int level=0; level<static_cast<int>(levels.size())-1; ++level) 
@@ -4724,7 +4777,7 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
       raw_line_iterator next_unused_line = begin_raw_line (level+1);
       raw_cell_iterator next_unused_cell = begin_raw (level+1);
-      for (; (cell!=endc) && (cell->level()==level); ++cell) 
+      for (; cell!=endc; ++cell) 
        if (cell->refine_flag_set()) 
                                             // clear refinement flag
@@ -4762,29 +4815,23 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
    Set up an array of the new lines (the array consists of iterator pointers
    into the lines arrays)
-   .-5-.-4-.         The directions are:  .->-.->-.
-   6   9   3                              ^   ^   ^
+   .-4-.-5-.         The directions are:  .->-.->-.
+   7   9   3                              ^   ^   ^
    .-10.11- .                             .->-.->-.
-   7   8   2                              ^   ^   ^
+   6   8   2                              ^   ^   ^
    .-0-.-1-.                              .->-.->-.
-   Please note that since the children of line are created in the direction of
-   that line, the lines 4,5 and 6,7 are created in the wrong time order. This
-   has the consequence that if n be the next free line number before the
-   refinement process, the line numbered with 4 above will get index n+5,
-   while the line number 5 above will get the index n+4. The same applies
-   to the lines 6 and 7.
    Set up an array of neighbors:
-   5   4
-   .--.--.
-   6|  |  |3
-   .--.--.
-   7|  |  |2
-   .--.--.
-   0   1
+      4  5
+    .--.--.
+   7|  |  |3
+    .--.--.
+   6|  |  |2
+    .--.--.
+     0   1
    We need this array for two reasons: first to get the lines which will
    bound the four subcells (if the neighboring cell is refined, these
@@ -4816,204 +4863,27 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
    |0 | 1|
-           int               new_vertices[9] = {cell->vertex_index(0), -1,
-                                                cell->vertex_index(1), -1,
-                                                cell->vertex_index(2), -1,
-                                                cell->vertex_index(3), -1,
-                                                -1};
-           raw_line_iterator new_lines[12];
-           cell_iterator     neighbors[8] = {cell->neighbor(0),
-                                             cell->neighbor(0),
-                                             cell->neighbor(1),
-                                             cell->neighbor(1),
-                                             cell->neighbor(2),
-                                             cell->neighbor(2),
-                                             cell->neighbor(3),
-                                             cell->neighbor(3)};
-           int               neighbors_neighbor[8] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
-                                            // remember: the @p{i}th
-                                            // line is the common
-                                            // line to the @p{i}th
-                                            // neighbor
-           for (unsigned int nb=0; nb<4; ++nb)
-             {
-               bool neighbor_refined=false;
-               if (cell->neighbor(nb).state() == IteratorState::valid)
-                 if (cell->neighbor(nb)->active() == false)
-                                                    // (ask in two
-                                                    // if-statements,
-                                                    // since
-                                                    // otherwise both
-                                                    // conditions
-                                                    // would be
-                                                    // executed, but
-                                                    // the second
-                                                    // will throw an
-                                                    // error if the
-                                                    // first fails!)
-                   neighbor_refined=true;
-               if (neighbor_refined)
-                 {
-                                                    // neighbor
-                                                    // exists and is
-                                                    // refined ->the
-                                                    // common line
-                                                    // has two
-                                                    // children which
-                                                    // we can use.
-                   cell_iterator neighbor = cell->neighbor(nb);
-                                                    // this cell is
-                                                    // the nb_nb-th
-                                                    // neighbor or
-                                                    // neighbor(nb)
-                   const unsigned int nb_nb = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor (nb);
-                   neighbors_neighbor[2*nb] = neighbors_neighbor[2*nb+1] = nb_nb;
-                                                    // vertex 1 of
-                                                    // child 0 is
-                                                    // always the
-                                                    // interior one
-                   new_vertices[2*nb+1] = neighbor->line(nb_nb)
-                                          ->child(0)->vertex_index(1);
-                   if (nb < 2) 
-                     {
-                       new_lines[2*nb]  = neighbor->line(nb_nb)->child(0);
-                       new_lines[2*nb+1]= neighbor->line(nb_nb)->child(1);
-                     } else {
-                                                        // lines 2
-                                                        // and 3 have
-                                                        // opposite
-                                                        // sense
-                       new_lines[2*nb]  = neighbor->line(nb_nb)->child(1);
-                       new_lines[2*nb+1]= neighbor->line(nb_nb)->child(0);
-                     };
-                                                    // finally find
-                                                    // out which are
-                                                    // the two
-                                                    // neighbor
-                                                    // subcells,
-                                                    // adjacent to
-                                                    // the two
-                                                    // sublines
-                   static const unsigned int child_mapping[4][2] = {{0,1},{1,2},{3,2},{0,3}};     
-                   if (nb < 2) 
-                     {
-                       neighbors[2*nb]  = neighbor->child(child_mapping[nb_nb][0]);
-                       neighbors[2*nb+1]= neighbor->child(child_mapping[nb_nb][1]);
-                     } else {
-                       neighbors[2*nb]  = neighbor->child(child_mapping[nb_nb][1]);
-                       neighbors[2*nb+1]= neighbor->child(child_mapping[nb_nb][0]);
-                     };
-                 }
-               else 
-                                                  // neighboring cell
-                                                  // either does not
-                                                  // exist or is not
-                                                  // refined -> we
-                                                  // need a new
-                                                  // vertex and two
-                                                  // new lines
-                 {
-                                                    // search for
-                                                    // next unused
-                                                    // vertex
-                   while (vertices_used[next_unused_vertex] == true)
-                     ++next_unused_vertex;
-                   Assert (next_unused_vertex < vertices.size(),
-                           ExcTooFewVerticesAllocated());
-                                                    // where shall we
-                                                    // put the new
-                                                    // vertex?
-                   Point<2> new_point;
-                   face_iterator face=cell->line(nb);
-                   if ( face->boundary_indicator() != 255 )
-                     {
-                                                        // boundary
-                                                        // vertex
-                       new_point = boundary[face->boundary_indicator()]->
-                                   get_new_point_on_line (face);
-                     } else {
-                                                        // vertex
-                                                        // between
-                                                        // two normal
-                                                        // cells
-                       new_point = vertices[new_vertices[2*nb]];
-                       new_point += vertices[new_vertices[(2*nb+2)%8]];
-                       new_point /= 2.0;
-                     };
-                   new_vertices[nb*2+1] = next_unused_vertex;
-                   vertices[new_vertices[nb*2+1]] = new_point;
-                   vertices_used[new_vertices[nb*2+1]] = true;
-                                                    // search for
-                                                    // next unused
-                                                    // line (++ takes
-                                                    // care of the
-                                                    // end of the
-                                                    // vector)
-                   while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
-                     ++next_unused_line;
-                   cell->line(nb)->set_children (next_unused_line->index());
-                   if (nb<2) 
-                     {
-                       new_lines[nb*2] = next_unused_line;
-                       ++next_unused_line;
-                       Assert (next_unused_line->used() == false,
-                               ExcCellShouldBeUnused());
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1] = next_unused_line;
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->set(Line(new_vertices[2*nb],
-                                                 new_vertices[2*nb+1]));
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->set_used_flag ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->clear_children ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->set(Line(new_vertices[2*nb+1],
-                                                   new_vertices[(2*nb+2)%8]));
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->set_used_flag ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->clear_children ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                     } else {
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1] = next_unused_line;
-                       ++next_unused_line;
-                       Assert (next_unused_line->used() == false,
-                               ExcCellShouldBeUnused());
-                       new_lines[nb*2] = next_unused_line;
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->set(Line(new_vertices[2*nb+1],
-                                                 new_vertices[2*nb]));
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->set_used_flag ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->clear_children ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->set(Line(new_vertices[(2*nb+2)%8],
-                                                   new_vertices[2*nb+1]));
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->set_used_flag ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->clear_children ();
-                       new_lines[nb*2+1]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                     };
-                 };
-             };
-                                            // add new vertex in the
-                                            // middle search for next
-                                            // unused vertex
+                                            // find the next unused
+                                            // vertex and set it
+                                            // appropriately
            while (vertices_used[next_unused_vertex] == true)
            Assert (next_unused_vertex < vertices.size(),
+           vertices_used[next_unused_vertex] = true;
+                                            // collect the indices
+                                            // all vertices
+           int new_vertices[9] = {cell->vertex_index(0),
+                                  cell->line(0)->child(0)->vertex_index(1),
+                                  cell->vertex_index(1),
+                                  cell->line(1)->child(0)->vertex_index(1),
+                                  cell->vertex_index(2),
+                                  cell->line(2)->child(0)->vertex_index(1),
+                                  cell->vertex_index(3),
+                                  cell->line(3)->child(0)->vertex_index(1),
+                                  next_unused_vertex};
                                             // new vertex is placed
                                             // at the arithmetic mean
@@ -5024,70 +4894,55 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
              new_point +=  vertices[new_vertices[i]];
            new_point /= 8.0;
-           new_vertices[8] = next_unused_vertex;
            vertices[new_vertices[8]] = new_point;
-           vertices_used[new_vertices[8]] = true;
-                                            // add the 4 inner lines
-                                            // search for next unused
-                                            // line
-           while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
-             ++next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[8] = next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[8]->set(Line(new_vertices[1],
-                                  new_vertices[8]));
-           new_lines[8]->set_used_flag ();
-           new_lines[8]->clear_children ();
-           new_lines[8]->clear_user_pointer ();
-           while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
-             ++next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[9] = next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[9]->set(Line(new_vertices[8],
-                                  new_vertices[5]));
-           new_lines[9]->set_used_flag ();
-           new_lines[9]->clear_children ();
-           new_lines[9]->clear_user_pointer ();
-           while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
-             ++next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[10] = next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[10]->set(Line(new_vertices[7],
-                                   new_vertices[8]));
-           new_lines[10]->set_used_flag ();
-           new_lines[10]->clear_children ();
-           new_lines[10]->clear_user_pointer ();
-           while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
-             ++next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[11] = next_unused_line;
-           new_lines[11]->set(Line(new_vertices[8],
-                                   new_vertices[3]));
-           new_lines[11]->set_used_flag ();
-           new_lines[11]->clear_children ();
-           new_lines[11]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                                            // set the boundary
-                                            // indicators of the
-                                            // outer cells.
-           new_lines[0]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(0)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[1]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(0)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[2]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(1)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[3]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(1)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[4]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(2)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[5]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(2)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[6]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(3)->boundary_indicator());
-           new_lines[7]->set_boundary_indicator (cell->line(3)->boundary_indicator());
-                                            // inner cells have
-                                            // boundary indicator 255
-           new_lines[8]->set_boundary_indicator (255);
-           new_lines[9]->set_boundary_indicator (255);
-           new_lines[10]->set_boundary_indicator (255);
-           new_lines[11]->set_boundary_indicator (255);
-                                            // finally add the four
-                                            // new cells!
+                                            // Now the lines:
+                                            // lines 0-7 already
+                                            // exist, create only the
+                                            // four interior lines
+                                            // 8-11
+           raw_line_iterator new_lines[12];
+           unsigned int l=0;
+           for (unsigned int face_no=0; face_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+                ++face_no)
+             for (unsigned int child_no=0;
+                  child_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++child_no, ++l)
+               new_lines[l]=cell->line(face_no)->child(child_no);
+           Assert(l==8, ExcInternalError());
+                                            // TODO: check whether
+                                            // lines 4&5 and 6&7 will
+                                            // be used in the right
+                                            // ordering
+           for (; l<12; ++l)
+             {
+               while (next_unused_line->used() == true)
+                 ++next_unused_line;
+               new_lines[l] = next_unused_line;
+               ++next_unused_line;
+               Assert (new_lines[l]->used() == false,
+                        ExcCellShouldBeUnused());
+             };
+           new_lines[8] ->set (Line(new_vertices[1], new_vertices[8]));
+           new_lines[9] ->set (Line(new_vertices[8], new_vertices[5]));
+           new_lines[10]->set (Line(new_vertices[7], new_vertices[8]));
+           new_lines[11]->set (Line(new_vertices[8], new_vertices[3]));
+           for (l=8; l<12; ++l)
+             {
+               new_lines[l]->set_used_flag();
+               new_lines[l]->clear_user_flag();
+               new_lines[l]->clear_user_pointer();
+               new_lines[l]->clear_children();
+                                                // interior line
+               new_lines[l]->set_boundary_indicator(255);
+             };
+                                            // Now add the four new
+                                            // cells!
                                             // search for next unused
                                             // cell the four children
@@ -5097,8 +4952,9 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
            while (next_unused_cell->used() == true)
-           raw_cell_iterator subcells[4];
-           for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) 
+           const unsigned int n_children=GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell;
+           raw_cell_iterator subcells[n_children];
+           for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_children; ++i) 
                Assert (next_unused_cell->used() == false,
@@ -5108,88 +4964,221 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
            cell->set_children (subcells[0]->index());
-           subcells[0]->set (Quad(new_lines[0]->index(),  new_lines[8]->index(),
-                                  new_lines[10]->index(), new_lines[7]->index()));
-           subcells[0]->set_used_flag();
-           subcells[0]->clear_children();
-           subcells[0]->clear_user_pointer ();
-           subcells[1]->set (Quad(new_lines[1]->index(),  new_lines[2]->index(),
-                                  new_lines[11]->index(), new_lines[8]->index()));
-           subcells[1]->set_used_flag();
-           subcells[1]->clear_children();
-           subcells[1]->clear_user_pointer ();
+           Assert(n_children==4, ExcNotImplemented());
+           subcells[0]->set (Quad(new_lines[0]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[8]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[10]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[6]->index()));
+           subcells[1]->set (Quad(new_lines[1]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[2]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[11]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[8]->index()));
            subcells[2]->set (Quad(new_lines[11]->index(),
-                                  new_lines[4]->index(),
+                                  new_lines[5]->index(),
-           subcells[2]->set_used_flag();
-           subcells[2]->clear_children();
-           subcells[2]->clear_user_pointer ();
            subcells[3]->set (Quad(new_lines[10]->index(),
-                                  new_lines[5]->index(),
-                                   new_lines[6]->index()));
-           subcells[3]->set_used_flag();
-           subcells[3]->clear_children();
-           subcells[3]->clear_user_pointer ();
-                                            // finally set
-                                            // neighborship info of
-                                            // external cells
-                                            // (neighbor_mapping is
-                                            // the mapping between
-                                            // the 8 neighbors and
-                                            // the adjacent new cells
-                                            // in the interior)
-           const int neighbor_mapping[8] = {0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0};
+                                  new_lines[4]->index(),
+                                   new_lines[7]->index()));
+           for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_children; ++i)
+             {
+               subcells[i]->set_used_flag();
+               subcells[i]->clear_user_flag();
+               subcells[i]->clear_user_pointer();
+               subcells[i]->clear_children();
+                                                // inherit material
+                                                // properties          
+               subcells[i]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
+               subcells[i]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
+             }
-           for (unsigned int nb=0; nb<8; ++nb)
-             if (neighbors[nb].state() == IteratorState::valid)
-               if (neighbors[nb]->level() == level+1)
-                                                  // neighbor is
-                                                  // refined cell
-                 neighbors[nb]->set_neighbor(neighbors_neighbor[nb],
-                                             subcells[neighbor_mapping[nb]]);
-                                            // and neighbarship of
-                                            // new cells
-           subcells[0]->set_neighbor (0, neighbors[0]);
+                                            // now the only thing
+                                            // still to be done is
+                                            // setting neighborship
+                                            // information.
+                                            //
+                                            // to do so, first
+                                            // collect the iterators
+                                            // pointing to the 6x4
+                                            // neighbors of this
+                                            // cell.
+                                            //
+                                            // note that in case the
+                                            // neighboring cell is
+                                            // not refined, the
+                                            // neighbor iterators
+                                            // point to the common
+                                            // mother cell. the same
+                                            // applies if there is no
+                                            // neighbor: the
+                                            // iterators are past the
+                                            // end
+           cell_iterator neighbor_cells[n_children][2];
+           for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+                ++face)
+             {
+               const cell_iterator neighbor = cell->neighbor(face);
+                                                // if no neighbor
+               if (neighbor.state() != IteratorState::valid)
+                 for (unsigned int child_face=0;
+                      child_face<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face;
+                      ++child_face)
+                   neighbor_cells[face][child_face] = neighbor;
+               else
+                                                  // neighbor exists
+                 {
+                                                    // neighbor's
+                                                    // level must not
+                                                    // be higher
+                                                    // (else
+                                                    // something went
+                                                    // wrong when
+                                                    // constructing
+                                                    // either of the
+                                                    // two cells) and
+                                                    // not lower
+                                                    // since then
+                                                    // this cell
+                                                    // should not
+                                                    // have been
+                                                    // refined.
+                   Assert (neighbor->level() == cell->level(),
+                           ExcInternalError());
+                                                    // now there are
+                                                    // two
+                                                    // possibilities:
+                                                    // either the
+                                                    // neighbor has
+                                                    // no children or
+                                                    // it has
+                                                    // children. these
+                                                    // must be
+                                                    // terminal then.
+                   if (!neighbor->has_children())
+                     for (unsigned int child_face=0;
+                          child_face<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face;
+                          ++child_face)
+                       neighbor_cells[face][child_face] = neighbor;
+                   else
+                                                      // neighbor has
+                                                      // children
+                     {
+                                                        // first find
+                                                        // the face
+                                                        // of the
+                                                        // neighbor
+                                                        // adjacent
+                                                        // to which
+                                                        // the
+                                                        // present
+                                                        // cell is
+                       const unsigned int nb_nb = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face);
+                       Assert (nb_nb<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell,
+                               ExcInternalError());
+                                                        // and set
+                                                        // the
+                                                        // neighbors
+                                                        // accordingly
+                       for (unsigned int c=0;
+                            c<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++c)
+                         {
+                           neighbor_cells[face][c]
+                             = neighbor->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::
+                                                child_cell_on_face(nb_nb, c));
+                           Assert (neighbor_cells[face][c].state() ==
+                                   IteratorState::valid,
+                                   ExcInternalError());
+                           Assert (!neighbor_cells[face][c]->has_children(),
+                                   ExcInternalError());
+                         }
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+                                            // now we've got all
+                                            // neighbors, so set them
+                                            // in the new cells
+           subcells[0]->set_neighbor (0, neighbor_cells[0][0]);
            subcells[0]->set_neighbor (1, subcells[1]);
            subcells[0]->set_neighbor (2, subcells[3]);
-           subcells[0]->set_neighbor (3, neighbors[7]);
+           subcells[0]->set_neighbor (3, neighbor_cells[3][0]);
-           subcells[1]->set_neighbor (0, neighbors[1]);
-           subcells[1]->set_neighbor (1, neighbors[2]);
+           subcells[1]->set_neighbor (0, neighbor_cells[0][1]);
+           subcells[1]->set_neighbor (1, neighbor_cells[1][0]);
            subcells[1]->set_neighbor (2, subcells[2]);
            subcells[1]->set_neighbor (3, subcells[0]);
            subcells[2]->set_neighbor (0, subcells[1]);
-           subcells[2]->set_neighbor (1, neighbors[3]);
-           subcells[2]->set_neighbor (2, neighbors[4]);
+           subcells[2]->set_neighbor (1, neighbor_cells[1][1]);
+           subcells[2]->set_neighbor (2, neighbor_cells[2][1]);
            subcells[2]->set_neighbor (3, subcells[3]);
            subcells[3]->set_neighbor (0, subcells[0]);
            subcells[3]->set_neighbor (1, subcells[2]);
-           subcells[3]->set_neighbor (2, neighbors[5]);
-           subcells[3]->set_neighbor (3, neighbors[6]);
-           subcells[0]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
-           subcells[1]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
-           subcells[2]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
-           subcells[3]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
-           subcells[0]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
-           subcells[1]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
-           subcells[2]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
-           subcells[3]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
-         };
-    };
+           subcells[3]->set_neighbor (2, neighbor_cells[2][0]);
+           subcells[3]->set_neighbor (3, neighbor_cells[3][1]);
+                                            // now we need to set the
+                                            // neighbors' neighborship
+                                            // information; this is
+                                            // only necessary if the
+                                            // neighboring cell is
+                                            // refined, i.e. is on
+                                            // the same level as the
+                                            // new children of the
+                                            // present cell
+           for (unsigned int nb=0; nb<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++nb)
+             for (unsigned int subface=0;
+                  subface<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++subface)
+               if ((neighbor_cells[nb][subface].state() ==
+                    IteratorState::valid) &&
+                   (neighbor_cells[nb][subface]->level() ==
+                    cell->level()+1))
+                 {
+                                                    // ok, the
+                                                    // neighbor is a
+                                                    // refined one
+                                                    // and we need to
+                                                    // set one of the
+                                                    // new children
+                                                    // as its
+                                                    // neighbor
+                   const cell_iterator neighbor = neighbor_cells[nb][subface];
+                                                    // find which
+                                                    // neighbor
+                                                    // pointer is to
+                                                    // be reset; this
+                                                    // pointer still
+                                                    // points to the
+                                                    // present cell
+                   unsigned int face;
+                   for (face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+                     if (neighbor->neighbor(face) == cell)
+                       break;
+                   Assert (face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell,
+                           ExcInternalError());
+                   neighbor->set_neighbor(face, subcells[
+                     GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(nb, subface)]);
+                 }
+                                            // note that the
+                                            // refinement flag was
+                                            // already cleared at the
+                                            // beginning of this loop
+         }
+    }
                                   // re-compute number of lines and
                                   // quads
@@ -5209,6 +5198,11 @@ Triangulation<2>::execute_refinement ()
                                   // something went wrong since the
                                   // cell-accessors should have
                                   // caught this)
+  line_iterator line = begin_line(),
+               endl = end_line();
+  while (line != endl)
+    Assert (!(line++)->user_flag_set(), ExcInternalError ());
   cell_iterator cell = begin(),
                endc = end();
   while (cell != endc)

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.