// the information needed for the
// local integration is provided by
// MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>. Note
- // that this public interface cannot
+ // that the signature of the functions cannot
// be changed, because it is expected
// by MeshWorker::integration_loop().
+ // The first class defining local
+ // integrators is responsible for
+ // computing cell and face
+ // matrices. It is used to assemble
+ // the global matrix as well as the
+ // level matrices.
template <int dim>
class MatrixIntegrator : public Subscriptor
* fe.JxW(k);
+ // Interior faces use the interior
+ // penalty method
template <int dim>
void MatrixIntegrator<dim>::face(
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo1,
+ // The second local integrator builds
+ // the right hand side. In our
+ // example, the right hand side
+ // function is zero, such that only
+ // the boundary condition is set here
+ // in weak form.
template <int dim>
class RHSIntegrator : public Subscriptor
+ // The third local integrator is
+ // responsible for the contributions
+ // to the error estimate. This is the
+ // standard energy estimator due to
+ // Karakashian and Pascal (2003).
template <int dim>
class Estimator : public Subscriptor
+ // The cell contribution is the
+ // Laplacian of the discrete
+ // solution, since the right hand
+ // side is zero.
template <int dim>
void Estimator<dim>::cell(MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo, typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info)
dinfo.value(0) = std::sqrt(dinfo.value(0));
+ // At the boundary, we use simply a
+ // weighted form of the boundary
+ // residual, namely the norm of the
+ // difference between the finite
+ // element solution and the correct
+ // boundary condition.
template <int dim>
void Estimator<dim>::bdry(MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo, typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim>& info)
+ // Finally, on interior faces, the
+ // estimator consists of the jumps of
+ // the solution and its normal
+ // derivative, weighted appropriately.
template <int dim>
void Estimator<dim>::face(MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo1,
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim>& dinfo2,
// @sect3{The main class}
+ // This class does the main job, like
+ // in previous examples. For a
+ // description of the functions
+ // declared here, please refer to
+ // the implementation below.
template <int dim>
class Step39
- typedef typename MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim> CellInfo;
+ typedef MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim> CellInfo;
Step39(const FiniteElement<dim>& fe);
void solve ();
void refine_grid ();
void output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const;
+ // The member objects related to
+ // the discretization are here.
Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
const MappingQ1<dim> mapping;
const FiniteElement<dim>& fe;
MGDoFHandler<dim> mg_dof_handler;
DoFHandler<dim>& dof_handler;
+ // Then, we have the matrices and
+ // vectors related to the global
+ // discrete system.
SparsityPattern sparsity;
SparseMatrix<double> matrix;
Vector<double> solution;
Vector<double> right_hand_side;
BlockVector<double> estimates;
+ // Finally, we have a group of
+ // sparsity patterns and sparse
+ // matrices related to the
+ // multilevel preconditioner.
+ // First, we have a level matrix
+ // and its sparsity pattern.
MGLevelObject<SparsityPattern> mg_sparsity;
- MGLevelObject<SparsityPattern> mg_sparsity_dg_interface;
MGLevelObject<SparseMatrix<double> > mg_matrix;
- MGLevelObject<SparseMatrix<double> > mg_matrix_dg_up;
+ // When we perform multigrid with
+ // local smoothing on locally
+ // refined meshes, additional
+ // matrices are required; see
+ // Kanschat (2004). Here is the
+ // sparsity pattern for these
+ // edge matrices. We only need
+ // one, because the pattern of
+ // the up matrix is the
+ // transpose of that of the down
+ // matrix. Actually, we do not
+ // care too much about these
+ // details, since the MeshWorker
+ // is filling these matrices.
+ MGLevelObject<SparsityPattern> mg_sparsity_dg_interface;
+ // The flux matrix at the
+ // refinement edge, coupling fine
+ // level degrees of freedom to
+ // coarse level.
MGLevelObject<SparseMatrix<double> > mg_matrix_dg_down;
+ // The transpose of the flux
+ // matrix at the refinement edge,
+ // coupling coarse level degrees
+ // of freedom to fine level.
+ MGLevelObject<SparseMatrix<double> > mg_matrix_dg_up;
+ // The constructor simply sets up the
+ // coarse grid and the
+ // DoFHandler. The FiniteElement is
+ // provided as a parameter to allow
+ // flexibility.
template <int dim>
Step39<dim>::Step39(const FiniteElement<dim>& fe)
+ // In this function, we set up the
+ // dimension of the linear system and
+ // the sparsity patterns for the
+ // global matrix as well as the level
+ // matrices.
template <int dim>
+ // First, we use the finite element
+ // to distribute degrees of
+ // freedom over the mesh and number
+ // them.
unsigned int n_dofs = dof_handler.n_dofs();
+ // Then, we already know the size
+ // of the vectors representing
+ // finite element functions.
+ solution.reinit(n_dofs);
+ right_hand_side.reinit(n_dofs);
+ // Next, we set up the sparsity
+ // pattern for the global
+ // matrix. Since we do not know the
+ // row sizes in advance, we first
+ // fill a temporary
+ // CompressedSparsityPattern object
+ // and copy it to the regular
+ // SparsityPattern once it is
+ // complete.
CompressedSparsityPattern c_sparsity(n_dofs);
DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, c_sparsity);
- solution.reinit(n_dofs);
- right_hand_side.reinit(n_dofs);
const unsigned int n_levels = triangulation.n_levels();
+ // The global system is set up, now
+ // we attend to the level
+ // matrices. We resize all matrix
+ // objects to hold one matrix per level.
mg_matrix.resize(0, n_levels-1);
mg_matrix_dg_up.resize(0, n_levels-1);
mg_matrix_dg_down.resize(0, n_levels-1);
+ // It is important to update the
+ // sparsity patterns after
+ // <tt>clear()</tt> was called for
+ // the level matrices, since the
+ // matrices lock the sparsity
+ // pattern through the Smartpointer
+ // ans Subscriptor mechanism.
mg_sparsity.resize(0, n_levels-1);
mg_sparsity_dg_interface.resize(0, n_levels-1);
+ // Now all objects are prepared to
+ // hold one sparsity pattern or
+ // matrix per level. What's left is
+ // setting up the sparsity patterns
+ // on each level.
for (unsigned int level=mg_sparsity.get_minlevel();
- CompressedSparsityPattern c_sparsity(mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level));
- CompressedSparsityPattern ci_sparsity;
- if (level>0)
- ci_sparsity.reinit(mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level-1), mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level));
+ // These are roughly the same
+ // lines as above for the
+ // global matrix, now for each
+ // level.
+ CompressedSparsityPattern c_sparsity(mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level));
MGTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern(mg_dof_handler, c_sparsity, level);
- if (level>0)
- MGTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern_edge(mg_dof_handler, ci_sparsity, level);
+ // Additionally, we need to
+ // initialize the transfer
+ // matrices at the refinement
+ // edge between levels. They
+ // are stored at the index
+ // referring to the finer of
+ // the two indices, thus there
+ // is no such object on level
+ // 0.
if (level>0)
+ CompressedSparsityPattern ci_sparsity;
+ ci_sparsity.reinit(mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level-1), mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level));
+ MGTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern_edge(mg_dof_handler, ci_sparsity, level);
+ // In this function, we assemble the
+ // global system matrix, where by
+ // global we indicate that this is
+ // the matrix of the discrete system
+ // we solve and it is covering the
+ // whole mesh.
template <int dim>
+ // First, we need t set up the
+ // object providing the values we
+ // integrate. This object contains
+ // all FEValues and FEFaceValues
+ // objects needed and also
+ // maintains them automatically
+ // such that they always point to
+ // the current cell. To this end,
+ // we need to tell it first, where
+ // and what to compute,
MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<dim> info_box;
+ // namely, which quadrature
+ // formulas to use and
const unsigned int n_gauss_points = dof_handler.get_fe().tensor_degree()+1;
info_box.initialize_gauss_quadrature(n_gauss_points, n_gauss_points, n_gauss_points);
+ // which values to update in these
+ // points. We call
+ // <tt>initialize_update_flags</tt>
+ // first in order to set default
+ // values. Then, we add what we
+ // need additionally.
UpdateFlags update_flags = update_values | update_gradients;
info_box.add_update_flags(update_flags, true, true, true, true);
info_box.initialize(fe, mapping);
+ // This is the object into which we
+ // integrate local data.
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim> dof_info(dof_handler);
+ // Finally, we need an object that
+ // assembles the local matrix into
+ // the global matrix.
MeshWorker::Assembler::MatrixSimple<SparseMatrix<double> > assembler;
+ // Now, we throw everything into a
+ // MeshWorker::loop(), which here
+ // traverses all active cells of
+ // the mesh, computes cell and face
+ // matrices and assembles them into
+ // the global matrix. We use the
+ // variable <tt>dof_handler</tt>
+ // here in order to use the global
+ // numbering of degrees of freedom.
MeshWorker::integration_loop<dim, dim>(
dof_handler.begin_active(), dof_handler.end(),
dof_info, info_box,
+ // Now, we do the same for the level
+ // matrices. Not too surprisingly,
+ // this function looks like a twin of
+ // the previous one. Indeed, there
+ // are only two minor differences.
template <int dim>
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim> dof_info(mg_dof_handler);
+ // Obviously, the assembler needs
+ // to be replaced by one filling
+ // level matrices. Note that it
+ // automatically fills the edge
+ // matrices as well.
MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixSimple<SparseMatrix<double> > assembler;
assembler.initialize_fluxes(mg_matrix_dg_up, mg_matrix_dg_down);
+ // Here is the other difference to
+ // the previous function: we run
+ // over all cells, not only the
+ // active ones. And we use
+ // <tt>mg_dof_handler</tt>, since
+ // we need the degrees of freedom
+ // on each level, not the global
+ // numbering.
MeshWorker::integration_loop<dim, dim> (
mg_dof_handler.begin(), mg_dof_handler.end(),
dof_info, info_box,
+ // Here we have another clone of the
+ // assemble function. The difference
+ // to assembling the system matrix
+ // consists in that we assemble a
+ // vector here.
template <int dim>
info_box.initialize(fe, mapping);
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim> dof_info(dof_handler);
+ // Since this assembler alows us to
+ // fill several vectors, the
+ // interface is a little more
+ // complicated as above. The
+ // pointers to the vectors have to
+ // be stored in a NamedData
+ // object. While this seems to
+ // cause two extra lines of code
+ // here, it actually comes handy in
+ // more complex applications.
MeshWorker::Assembler::ResidualSimple<Vector<double> > assembler;
NamedData<Vector<double>* > data;
Vector<double>* rhs = &right_hand_side;
+ // Now that we have coded all
+ // functions building the discrete
+ // linear system, it is about time
+ // that we actually solve it.
template <int dim>
+ // The solver of choice is
+ // conjugate gradient.
SolverControl control(1000, 1.e-12);
SolverCG<Vector<double> > cg(control);
- GrowingVectorMemory<Vector<double> > mem;
+ // Now we are setting up the
+ // components of the multilevel
+ // preconditioner. First, we need
+ // transfer between grid
+ // levels. The object we are using
+ // here generates sparse matrices
+ // for these transfers.
MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > mg_transfer;
+ // Then, we need an exact solver
+ // for the matrix on the coarsest
+ // level.
FullMatrix<double> coarse_matrix;
coarse_matrix.copy_from (mg_matrix[0]);
MGCoarseGridHouseholder<double, Vector<double> > mg_coarse;
- typedef PreconditionSSOR<SparseMatrix<double> > RELAXATION;
+ // While transfer and coarse grid
+ // solver are pretty much generic,
+ // more flexibility is offered for
+ // the smoother. First, we choose
+ // Gauss-Seidel as our smoothing
+ // method.
+ GrowingVectorMemory<Vector<double> > mem;
+ typedef PreconditionSOR<SparseMatrix<double> > RELAXATION;
MGSmootherRelaxation<SparseMatrix<double>, RELAXATION, Vector<double> >
RELAXATION::AdditionalData smoother_data(1.);
mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrix, smoother_data);
- // Do two smoothing steps per level
+ // Do two smoothing steps on each
+ // level.
// Since the SOR method is not
// symmetric, but we use conjugate
// symmetric operator even for
// nonsymmetric smoothers.
+ // The smoother class optionally
+ // implements the variable V-cycle,
+ // which we do not want here.
- // We must wrap our matrices in an
- // object having the required
- // multiplication functions.
+ // Finally, we must wrap our
+ // matrices in an object having the
+ // required multiplication
+ // functions.
MGMatrix<SparseMatrix<double>, Vector<double> > mgmatrix(&mg_matrix);
MGMatrix<SparseMatrix<double>, Vector<double> > mgdown(&mg_matrix_dg_down);
MGMatrix<SparseMatrix<double>, Vector<double> > mgup(&mg_matrix_dg_up);
// Now, we are ready to set up the
// V-cycle operator and the
Multigrid<Vector<double> > mg(mg_dof_handler, mgmatrix,
mg_coarse, mg_transfer,
mg_smoother, mg_smoother);
+ // Let us not forget the edge
+ // matrices needed because of the
+ // adaptive refinement.
mg.set_edge_flux_matrices(mgdown, mgup);
- mg.set_debug(0);
- mg_smoother.set_debug(0);
+ // After all preparations, wrap the
+ // Multigrid object into another
+ // object, which can be used as a
+ // regular preconditioner,
PreconditionMG<dim, Vector<double>,
MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > >
preconditioner(mg_dof_handler, mg, mg_transfer);
+ // and use it to solve the system.
cg.solve(matrix, solution, right_hand_side, preconditioner);
+ // Here we compare our finite element
+ // solution with the (known) exact
+ // solution and compute the mean
+ // quadratic error of the gradient.
template <int dim>
QGauss<dim> quadrature(n_gauss_points);
VectorTools::integrate_difference(mapping, dof_handler, solution, exact_solution,
- cell_errors, quadrature, VectorTools::H1_norm);
+ cell_errors, quadrature, VectorTools::H1_seminorm);
deallog << "Error " << cell_errors.l2_norm() << std::endl;
+ // Another clone of the assemble
+ // function. The big difference to
+ // the previous ones is here that we
+ // also have an input vector.
template <int dim>
+ // The results of the estimator are
+ // stored in a vector with one
+ // entry per cell. Since cells in
+ // deal.II are not numbered, we
+ // have to create our own numbering
+ // in order to use this vector.
unsigned int i=0;
for (typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = triangulation.begin_active();
cell != triangulation.end();++cell,++i)
+ // This starts like before,
MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<dim> info_box;
const unsigned int n_gauss_points = dof_handler.get_fe().tensor_degree()+1;
info_box.initialize_gauss_quadrature(n_gauss_points, n_gauss_points+1, n_gauss_points);
+ // but now we need to notify the
+ // info box of the finite element
+ // functio we want to evaluate in
+ // the quadrature points. First, we
+ // create a NamedData object with
+ // this vector, which is the
+ // solution we just computed.
NamedData<Vector<double>* > solution_data;
solution_data.add(&solution, "solution");
- MeshWorker::VectorSelector cs;
- MeshWorker::VectorSelector fs;
- cs.add("solution", true, true, true);
- fs.add("solution", true, true, false);
- info_box.cell_selector = cs;
- info_box.boundary_selector = fs;
- info_box.face_selector = fs;
+ // Then, we tell the Meshworker::VectorSelector
+ // for cells, that we need the
+ // second derivatives of this
+ // solution (to compute the Laplacian).
+ info_box.cell_selector.add("solution", false, false, true);
+ // On interior and boundary faces,
+ // we need the function values and
+ // the first derivatives.
+ info_box.boundary_selector.add("solution", true, true, false);
+ info_box.face_selector.add("solution", true, true, false);
+ // And we continue as before, with
+ // the exception that the default
+ // update flags are already
+ // adjusted to the values and
+ // derivatives we requested above.
info_box.add_update_flags(update_quadrature_points, false, true, false, false);
info_box.initialize(fe, mapping, solution_data);
MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim> dof_info(dof_handler);
+ // The assembler stores one number
+ // per cell, but else this is the
+ // same as in the computation of
+ // the right hand side.
MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces<double> assembler;
NamedData<BlockVector<double>* > out_data;
BlockVector<double>* est = &estimates;
+ // Some graphical output
template <int dim>
void Step39<dim>::output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const
+ // And finally the adaptive loop,
+ // more or less like in previous
+ // examples.
template <int dim>
Step39<dim>::run(unsigned int n_steps)