/* further information on this license. */
- // The include files are mostly similar to
- // the ones in step-16.
+ // The include files are more or less the
+ // same as in step-16.
#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <base/function.h>
#include <base/logstream.h>
// @sect3{Matrix-free implementation.}
// Next comes the implemenation of the
- // Matrix-Free class. It provides standard
- // information we expect for matrices (like
- // the size of the matrix), and it is able
- // to perform matrix-vector
- // multiplications.
+ // matrix-free class. It provides some
+ // standard information we expect for
+ // matrices (like returning the dimensions
+ // of the matrix), it implements
+ // matrix-vector multiplications in several
+ // forms, and it provides functions for
+ // filling the matrix with data.
- // TODO: Use WorkStream for parallelization
- // instead of apply_to_subranges, once we
- // have realized the best way for doing
- // that.
+ // We choose to make this class generic,
+ // i.e., we do not implement the actual
+ // differential operator (here: Laplace
+ // operator) directly in this class. What
+ // we do is to let the actual
+ // transformation (which happens on the
+ // level of quadrature points, see the
+ // discussion in the introduction) be a
+ // template parameter that is implemented
+ // by another class. We then only have to
+ // store a list of these transformation for
+ // each quadrature point on each cell in a
+ // big list – we choose a
+ // <code>Table<2,Transformation></code>
+ // data format) – and call a
+ // transform command of the
+ // <code>Transformation</code> class. This
+ // template magic makes it easy to reuse
+ // this MatrixFree class for other problems
+ // that are based on a symmetric operation
+ // without the need for further changes.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
class MatrixFree : public Subscriptor
const unsigned int n_cells,
const FullMatrix<double> &cell_matrix,
const unsigned int n_points_per_cell);
void clear();
unsigned int m () const;
unsigned int n () const;
ConstraintMatrix & get_constraints ();
void set_local_dof_indices (const unsigned int cell_no,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &local_dof_indices);
void set_derivative_data (const unsigned int cell_no,
const unsigned int quad_point,
const Transformation &trans_in);
- template <typename number2>
- void vmult_on_subrange (const unsigned int first_cell,
- const unsigned int last_cell,
- Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
template <typename number2>
void vmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
const Vector<number2> &src) const;
template <typename number2>
void Tvmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
const Vector<number2> &src) const;
template <typename number2>
void vmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
const Vector<number2> &src) const;
template <typename number2>
void Tvmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
const Vector<number2> &src) const;
number el (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col) const;
+ void calculate_diagonal () const;
std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
+ // The private member variables of the
+ // <code>MatrixFree</code> class are a small matrix that
+ // does the transformation from solution
+ // values to quadrature points, a list with
+ // the mapping between local degrees of
+ // freedom and global degrees of freedom
+ // for each cell (stored as a
+ // two-dimensional array, where the each
+ // row corresponds to one cell, and the
+ // columns within individual cells are the
+ // local degrees of freedom), the
+ // transformation variable for implementing
+ // derivatives, a constraint matrix for
+ // handling boundary conditions as well as
+ // a few other variables that store matrix
+ // properties.
- FullMatrix<number> small_matrix;
- ConstraintMatrix constraints;
+ template <typename number2>
+ void vmult_on_subrange (const unsigned int first_cell,
+ const unsigned int last_cell,
+ Vector<number2> &dst,
+ const Vector<number2> &src) const;
+ FullMatrix<number> small_matrix;
Table<2,unsigned int> indices_local_to_global;
Table<2,Transformation> derivatives;
+ ConstraintMatrix constraints;
mutable Vector<number> diagonal_values;
mutable bool diagonal_is_calculated;
- struct SmallMatrixData
+ struct MatrixSizes
- unsigned int m;
- unsigned int n;
- unsigned int n_points;
- unsigned int n_comp;
- };
- unsigned int n_dofs, n_cols, n_cells;
- SmallMatrixData matrix_data;
+ unsigned int n_dofs, n_cells;
+ unsigned int m, n;
+ unsigned int n_points, n_comp;
+ } matrix_sizes;
+ // This is the constructor of the
+ // <code>MatrixFree</code> class. It does
+ // nothing.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::MatrixFree ()
+ // This function initializes the structures
+ // of the matrix. It writes the number of
+ // total degrees of freedom in the problem
+ // as well as the number of cells to the
+ // MatrixSizes struct and copies the small
+ // matrix that transforms the solution from
+ // support points to quadrature points. It
+ // uses the small matrix for determining
+ // the number of degrees of freedom per
+ // cell (number of rows in
+ // <code>small_matrix</code>). The number
+ // of quadrature points needs to be passed
+ // through the last variable
+ // <code>n_points_per_cell</code>, since
+ // the number of columns in the small
+ // matrix is
+ // <code>dim*n_points_per_cell</code> for
+ // the Laplace problem (the Laplacian is a
+ // tensor and has <code>dim</code>
+ // components). In this function, we also
+ // give the fields containing the
+ // derivative information and the local dof
+ // indices the correct sizes. They will be
+ // filled by calling the respective set
+ // function.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
reinit (const unsigned int n_dofs_in,
const FullMatrix<double> &small_matrix_in,
const unsigned int n_points_per_cell)
- n_dofs = n_dofs_in;
- n_cells = n_cells_in;
small_matrix = small_matrix_in;
- matrix_data.m = small_matrix.m();
- matrix_data.n = small_matrix.n();
- matrix_data.n_points = n_points_per_cell;
- matrix_data.n_comp = small_matrix.n()/matrix_data.n_points;
- Assert(matrix_data.n_comp * n_points_per_cell == small_matrix.n(),
- ExcInternalError());
+ derivatives.reinit (n_cells_in, n_points_per_cell);
+ indices_local_to_global.reinit (n_cells_in, small_matrix.m());
- derivatives.reinit (n_cells, n_points_per_cell);
- indices_local_to_global.reinit (n_cells, small_matrix.m());
diagonal_is_calculated = false;
+ matrix_sizes.n_dofs = n_dofs_in;
+ matrix_sizes.n_cells = n_cells_in;
+ matrix_sizes.m = small_matrix.m();
+ matrix_sizes.n = small_matrix.n();
+ matrix_sizes.n_points = n_points_per_cell;
+ matrix_sizes.n_comp = small_matrix.n()/matrix_sizes.n_points;
+ Assert(matrix_sizes.n_comp * n_points_per_cell == small_matrix.n(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // This function we need if we want to
+ // delete the content of the matrix,
+ // e.g. when are finished with one grid
+ // level and continue to the next one. Just
+ // let all fields have size 0.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::clear ()
- n_dofs = 0;
- n_cells = 0;
derivatives.reinit (0,0);
- diagonal_values.reinit (0);
+ diagonal_values.reinit (0);
diagonal_is_calculated = false;
+ matrix_sizes.n_dofs = 0;
+ matrix_sizes.n_cells = 0;
+ // This function returns the number of rows
+ // of the global matrix, and the next one
+ // the number of columns (which is the
+ // same, since we consider only quadratic
+ // matrices).
template <typename number, class Transformation>
unsigned int
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::m () const
- return n_dofs;
+ return matrix_sizes.n_dofs;
unsigned int
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::n () const
- return n_dofs;
+ return matrix_sizes.n_dofs;
+ // One more function that just returns an
+ // %internal variable. Note that the user
+ // will need to change this variable, so it
+ // returns a non-constant reference to the
+ // ConstraintMatrix.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
ConstraintMatrix &
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::get_constraints ()
+ // This function takes a vector of local
+ // dof indices on cell level and writes the
+ // data into the
+ // <code>indices_local_to_global</code>
+ // field in order to have fast access to
+ // it. It performs a few sanity checks like
+ // whether the sizes in the matrix are set
+ // correctly. One tiny thing: Whenever we
+ // enter this function, we probably make
+ // some modification to the matrix. This
+ // means that the diagonal of the matrix,
+ // which we might compute to have access to
+ // the matrix diagonal, is invalidated. We
+ // set the respective flag to
+ // <code>false</code>.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
set_local_dof_indices (const unsigned int cell_no,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &local_dof_indices)
- Assert (local_dof_indices.size() == matrix_data.m,
+ Assert (local_dof_indices.size() == matrix_sizes.m,
- matrix_data.m));
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_data.m; ++i)
+ matrix_sizes.m));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_sizes.m; ++i)
- Assert (local_dof_indices[i] < n_dofs, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (local_dof_indices[i] < matrix_sizes.n_dofs, ExcInternalError());
indices_local_to_global(cell_no,i) = local_dof_indices[i];
diagonal_is_calculated = false;
+ // This writes the derivative data on a
+ // certain cell and a certain quadrature
+ // point to the array that keeps the data
+ // around. Even though the array
+ // <code>derivatives</code> takes the
+ // majority of the matrix memory
+ // consumptions, it still pays off to have
+ // that data around since it would be quite
+ // expensive to manually compute it every
+ // time we make a matrix-vector product.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
set_derivative_data (const unsigned int cell_no,
const unsigned int quad_point,
const Transformation &trans_in)
+ Assert (quad_point < matrix_sizes.n_points, ExcInternalError());
derivatives(cell_no,quad_point) = trans_in;
diagonal_is_calculated = false;
+ // This is the central function of the
+ // matrix-free class, implementing the
+ // multiplication of the matrix with a
+ // vector. This function actually not work
+ // on all the cells, but only a subset of
+ // cells. Since this function operates
+ // similarly irrespective on which cell
+ // chunk we are sitting, we can parallelize
+ // it and get very regular operation
+ // patterns.
+ //
+ // Following the discussion in the
+ // introduction, we try to work on multiple
+ // cells at a time. This is possible
+ // because the small matrix stays the same
+ // on all the cells, and only the
+ // derivative information from the Jacobian
+ // is different. That way, the operation
+ // that is actually the multiplication of
+ // the small matrix with a vector (on the
+ // local dofs) becomes a multiplication of
+ // two full (small) matrices with each
+ // other. This is an operation that can be
+ // much better optimized than matrix-vector
+ // products. The functions
+ // <code>FullMatrix<number>::mmult</code>
+ // and
+ // <code>FullMatrix<number>::mTmult</code>
+ // use the BLAS dgemm function (as long as
+ // it is detected in deal.II
+ // configuration), which provides optimized
+ // kernels for doing this product. In our
+ // case, a matrix-matrix product is between
+ // three and five times faster than doing
+ // the matrix-vector product on one cell
+ // after the other. The variables that hold
+ // the solution on the respective cell's
+ // support points and the quadrature points
+ // are thus full matrices. The number of
+ // rows is given by the number of cells
+ // they work on, and the number of columns
+ // is the number of degrees of freedom per
+ // cell for the first and the number of
+ // quadrature points times the number of
+ // components per point for the latter.
+ //
+ // One more thing to make this work
+ // efficiently is to decide how many cells
+ // should be included in the matrix that
+ // contains the solution values at local
+ // dofs for several cells. If we choose too
+ // few cells, then the gains from using the
+ // matrix-matrix product will not be fully
+ // utilized (dgemm tends to provide more
+ // efficiency the larger the matrix
+ // dimensions get). If we choose too many,
+ // we will firstly degrade parallelization,
+ // and secondly introduce an inefficiency
+ // that comes from the computer
+ // architecture: Right after the first
+ // matrix-matrix multiplication, we
+ // transform the solution on quadrature
+ // points by using derivatives. Obviously,
+ // we want to have fast access to that
+ // data, so it should still be present in
+ // L2 cache and not be loaded from main
+ // memory. The total memory usage of the
+ // data on quadrature points should be not
+ // more than about two thirds the cache
+ // size of the processor in order to be on
+ // the safe side. Since most today's
+ // processors provide 512 kBytes or more
+ // cache memory per core, we choose about
+ // 400 kBytes as a size. Clearly, this is
+ // an architecture-dependent value. Once we
+ // have chosen the size of cells we
+ // summarize to one chunk, we determine how
+ // many chunks we have on the given cell
+ // range and recalculate the actual chunk
+ // size in order to evenly distribute the
+ // chunks.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
template <typename number2>
FullMatrix<number> solution_cells, solution_points;
- const unsigned int n_chunks = (last_cell-first_cell)/100 + 1;
+ const unsigned int divisor = 400000/(matrix_sizes.n*sizeof(number));
+ const unsigned int n_chunks = (last_cell-first_cell)/divisor + 1;
const unsigned int chunk_size =
(last_cell-first_cell)/n_chunks + ((last_cell-first_cell)%n_chunks>0);
const unsigned int current_chunk_size =
k+chunk_size>last_cell ? last_cell-k : chunk_size;
- solution_cells.reinit (current_chunk_size,matrix_data.m, true);
- solution_points.reinit (current_chunk_size,matrix_data.n, true);
+ // OK, now we are sitting in the loop that
+ // goes over our chunks of cells. What we
+ // need to do is five things: First, we
+ // have to give the full matrices
+ // containing the solution at cell dofs and
+ // quadrature points the correct sizes. We
+ // use the <code>true</code> argument in
+ // order to specify that this should be
+ // done fast, i.e., the field will not be
+ // initialized since we fill them manually
+ // in a second anyway. Then, we copy the
+ // source values from the global vector to
+ // the local cell range, and we perform a
+ // matrix-matrix product to tranform the
+ // values to the quadrature points. It is a
+ // bit tricky to find out how the matrices
+ // should be multiplied with each
+ // other. One way to resolve this is to
+ // look at the matrix dimensions:
+ // <code>solution_cells</code> has
+ // <code>current_chunk_size</code> rows and
+ // <code>matrix_sizes.m</code> columns,
+ // whereas <code>small_matrix</code> has
+ // <code>matrix_sizes.m</code> rows and
+ // <code>matrix_sizes.n</code> columns,
+ // which is also the size of columns in the
+ // output matrix
+ // <code>solution_points</code>. Hence, the
+ // columns of the first matrix are as many
+ // as there are rows in the second, which
+ // means that the product is done
+ // non-transposed for both matrices.
+ //
+ // Once the first product is calculated, we
+ // apply the derivative information on all
+ // the cells and all the quadrature points
+ // by calling the <code>transform</code>
+ // operation of the
+ // <code>Transformation</code> class, and
+ // then use a second matrix-matrix product
+ // to get back to the solution values at
+ // the support points. This time, we need
+ // to transpose the small matrix, indicated
+ // by a <code>mTmult</code> in the
+ // operations. The fifth and last step is
+ // to add the local data into the global
+ // vector, which is what we did in many
+ // tutorial programs when assembling right
+ // hand sides. Just use the
+ // <code>indices_local_to_global</code>
+ // field to find out how local dofs and
+ // global dofs are related to each other.
+ solution_cells.reinit (current_chunk_size,matrix_sizes.m, true);
+ solution_points.reinit (current_chunk_size,matrix_sizes.n, true);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<current_chunk_size; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_data.m; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_sizes.m; ++j)
solution_cells(i,j) = (number)src(indices_local_to_global(i+k,j));
solution_cells.mmult (solution_points, small_matrix);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<current_chunk_size; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_data.n_points; ++j)
- derivatives(i+k,j).transform(&solution_points(i, j*matrix_data.n_comp));
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_sizes.n_points; ++j)
+ derivatives(i+k,j).transform(&solution_points(i, j*matrix_sizes.n_comp));
solution_points.mTmult (solution_cells, small_matrix);
static Threads::Mutex mutex;
Threads::Mutex::ScopedLock lock (mutex);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<current_chunk_size; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_data.m; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_sizes.m; ++j)
dst(indices_local_to_global(i+k,j)) += (number2)solution_cells(i,j);
+ // Now to the <code>vmult</code> function
+ // that is called externally: It is very
+ // similar to the <code>vmult_add</code>
+ // function, so just set the destination to
+ // zero first, and then go to the other
+ // function.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
template <typename number2>
+ // Transposed matrix-vector products: do
+ // the same. Since we implement a symmetric
+ // operation, we can refer to the vmult
+ // operation.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
template <typename number2>
+ // The <code>vmult_add</code> function that
+ // multiplies the matrix with vector
+ // <code>src</code> and adds the result to
+ // vector <code>dst</code> first creates a
+ // copy of the source vector in order to
+ // apply the constraints. The reason for
+ // doing this is that constrained dofs are
+ // zero when used in a solver like CG
+ // (since they are not real degrees of
+ // freedom), but the solution at the
+ // respective nodes might still have
+ // non-zero values which is necessary to
+ // represent the field correctly in terms
+ // of the FE basis functions. Then, we call
+ // a %parallel function that applies the
+ // multiplication on a subrange of cells
+ // (cf. the @ref threads module), and we
+ // eventually condense the constraints on
+ // the resulting vector.
+ //
+ // TODO: Use WorkStream for parallelization
+ // instead of apply_to_subranges, once we
+ // have realized the best way for doing
+ // that.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
template <typename number2>
Vector<number2> src_copy (src);
- vmult_on_subrange (0, n_cells, dst, src_copy);
+ parallel::apply_to_subranges (0, matrix_sizes.n_cells,
+ std_cxx1x::bind(&MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
+ vmult_on_subrange<number2>,
+ this,
+ _1,_2,
+ boost::ref(dst),
+ boost::cref(src_copy)),
+ 200);
constraints.condense (dst);
- // Need to do this in order to be
- // consistent even at constrained
- // dofs. Need to find a better solution in
- // the future (e.g. by switching to smaller
- // vectors that do not contain any
- // constrained entries).
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs; ++i)
+ // One thing to be cautious about: The
+ // deal.II classes expect that the matrix
+ // still contains a diagonal entry for
+ // constrained dofs (otherwise, the matrix
+ // would be singular, which is not what we
+ // want). Since the <code>condense</code>
+ // command of the constraint matrix sets
+ // those constrained elements to zero, we
+ // have to circumvent that problem by using
+ // the diagonal element which we have
+ // access to together with the solution
+ // function.
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_sizes.n_dofs; ++i)
if (constraints.is_constrained(i) == true)
- dst(i) = el(i,i) * src(i);
+ dst(i) += el(i,i) * src(i);
+ // This function returns the entries of the
+ // matrix. Since this class is intended not
+ // to store the matrix entries, it would
+ // not make sense to provide all those
+ // elements. However, diagonal entries are
+ // explicitly needed in some places, like
+ // handling the matrix-vector product on
+ // constrained degrees of freedom or for
+ // the implementation of the Chebyshev
+ // smoother that we intend to use in the
+ // multigrid implemenation. This matrix is
+ // equipped with a vector that stores the
+ // diagonal, and we compute it when this
+ // function is called for the first time.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::el (const unsigned int row,
const unsigned int col) const
Assert (row == col, ExcNotImplemented());
if (diagonal_is_calculated == false)
- {
- diagonal_values.reinit (n_dofs);
- std::vector<number> calculation (matrix_data.n_comp);
- for (unsigned int cell=0; cell<n_cells; ++cell)
- for (unsigned int dof=0; dof<matrix_data.m; ++dof)
- {
- double diag_value = 0;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_data.n_points; ++j)
- {
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<matrix_data.n_comp; ++d)
- calculation[d] = small_matrix(dof,j*matrix_data.n_comp+d);
- derivatives(cell,j).transform(&calculation[0]);
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<matrix_data.n_comp; ++d)
- diag_value += calculation[d]*small_matrix(dof,j*matrix_data.n_comp+d);
- }
- diagonal_values(indices_local_to_global(cell,dof)) += diag_value;
- }
- diagonal_is_calculated = true;
- }
+ calculate_diagonal();
return diagonal_values(row);
+ // Regarding the calculation of the
+ // diagonal, remember that this is as
+ // simple (or complicated) as assembling a
+ // right hand side in deal.II. Well, it is
+ // a bit easier to do this within this
+ // class since have all the derivative
+ // information available. What we do is to
+ // go through all the cells (now in serial,
+ // since this function should not be called
+ // very often anyway), then all the degrees
+ // of freedom. On that level, we first copy
+ // the first basis functions in all the
+ // quadrature points, then apply the
+ // derivatives from the Jacobian matrix,
+ // and finally multiply with the second
+ // basis function. This is the value that
+ // would be written into the diagonal of a
+ // sparse matrix.
+template <typename number, class Transformation>
+MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::calculate_diagonal() const
+ diagonal_values.reinit (matrix_sizes.n_dofs);
+ std::vector<number> calculation (matrix_sizes.n);
+ for (unsigned int cell=0; cell<matrix_sizes.n_cells; ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int dof=0; dof<matrix_sizes.m; ++dof)
+ {
+ memcpy (&calculation[0],&small_matrix(dof,0),
+ matrix_sizes.n*sizeof(number));
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<matrix_sizes.n_points; ++q)
+ derivatives(cell,q).transform(&calculation[q*matrix_sizes.n_comp]);
+ double diag_value = 0;
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<matrix_sizes.n; ++q)
+ diag_value += calculation[q] * small_matrix(dof,q);
+ diagonal_values(indices_local_to_global(cell,dof)) += diag_value;
+ }
+ diagonal_is_calculated = true;
+ // Eventually, we provide a function that
+ // calculates how much memory this class
+ // uses. We just need to sum up the memory
+ // consumption of the arrays, the
+ // constraints, the small matrix and of the
+ // local variables. Just as a remark: In 2D
+ // and with data type <code>double</code>,
+ // about 80 precent of the memory
+ // consumption is due to the
+ // <code>derivatives</code> array, in 3D
+ // even 85 precent.
template <typename number, class Transformation>
std::size_t MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::memory_consumption () const
// @sect3{Laplace operator.}
- // This implements the local action of a
- // Laplace preconditioner.
+ // This class implements the local action
+ // of a Laplace preconditioner on a
+ // quadrature point. It is very basic, can
+ // be initialized with a Tensor of rank 2
+ // and implements the
+ // <code>transform</code> operation need by
+ // the <code>MatrixFree</code> class. There
+ // is one point worth noting: The operation
+ // of the Laplace operator is a tensor of
+ // rank two. It is even symmetric since it
+ // is the product of the inverse Jacobian
+ // transformation between unit and real
+ // cell with its transpose (times
+ // quadrature weights and a coefficient,
+ // which are scalar), so we can just save
+ // the symmetric part. We could use the
+ // SymmetricTensor<2,dim> class for doing
+ // this, however, that is only based on
+ // <code>double</code> numbers. Since we
+ // also want to use <code>float</code>
+ // numbers for the multigrid preconditioner
+ // (that saves memory and computing time),
+ // we manually keep a respective
+ // field. Note that <code>dim</code> is a
+ // template argument and hence known at
+ // compile-time, so the compiler knows that
+ // the field has 3 entries if used in 2D
+ // and 6 entries if used in 3D.
template <int dim,typename number>
class LaplaceOperator
operator = (const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor);
number transformation[dim*(dim+1)/2];
template<int dim,typename number>
LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::LaplaceOperator(const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor)
*this = tensor;
+ // Now implement the transformation, which
+ // is nothing else than a so-called
+ // contract operation of a tensor of second
+ // rank on a tensor of first
+ // rank. Unfortunately, we need to
+ // implement this by hand, since we don't
+ // have tensors (note that the result
+ // values are entries of a full matrix). It
+ // feels a bit unsafe to operate with
+ // points, but it works. We need to be
+ // careful since we only saved half of the
+ // rank-two tensor. It might seem
+ // inefficient that we have an
+ // <code>if</code> clause at this place
+ // (which is the innermost loop, so it
+ // could be expensive), but note once again
+ // that <code>dim</code> is known when this
+ // code is compiled, so the compiler can
+ // optize away the <code>if</code>
+ // statement (and actually even inline
+ // these few lines of code in the
+ // <code>MatrixFree</code> class).
template <int dim, typename number>
void LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::transform (number* result) const
- number temp_result[dim];
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- temp_result[d] = result[d];
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ if (dim == 2)
- number output = transformation[d]*temp_result[d];
- if (dim == 2)
- output += transformation[2]*temp_result[1-d];
- else if (dim == 3)
- {
- if (d==0)
- output += transformation[3]*temp_result[1] + transformation[4]*temp_result[2];
- else if (d==1)
- output += transformation[3]*temp_result[0] + transformation[5]*temp_result[2];
- else
- output += transformation[4]*temp_result[0] + transformation[5]*temp_result[1];
- }
- result[d] = output;
+ const number temp = result[0];
+ result[0] = transformation[0] * temp + transformation[1]*result[1];
+ result[1] = transformation[1] * temp + transformation[2]*result[1];
+ else if (dim == 3)
+ {
+ const number temp1 = result[0];
+ const number temp2 = result[1];
+ result[0] = transformation[0] * temp1 + transformation[1]*temp2 +
+ transformation[2] * result[2];
+ result[1] = transformation[1] * temp1 + transformation[3]*temp2 +
+ transformation[4] * result[2];
+ result[2] = transformation[2] * temp1 + transformation[4]*temp2 +
+ transformation[5] * result[2];
+ }
+ else
+ ExcNotImplemented();
+ // This function takes the content of a
+ // rank-2 tensor and writes it to the field
+ // <code>transformation</code> of this
+ // class. We save the upper part of the
+ // tensor row-wise, so we first take the
+ // (0,0)-entry, then the (0,1)-entry, and
+ // so on. We only implement this for
+ // dimensions two and three.
template <int dim, typename number>
LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::operator=(const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor)
if (dim == 2)
transformation[0] = tensor[0][0];
- transformation[1] = tensor[1][1];
- transformation[2] = tensor[0][1];
+ transformation[1] = tensor[0][1];
+ transformation[2] = tensor[1][1];
Assert (std::fabs(tensor[1][0]-tensor[0][1])<1e-15,
else if (dim == 3)
transformation[0] = tensor[0][0];
- transformation[1] = tensor[1][1];
- transformation[2] = tensor[2][2];
- transformation[3] = tensor[0][1];
- transformation[4] = tensor[0][2];
- transformation[5] = tensor[1][2];
+ transformation[1] = tensor[0][1];
+ transformation[2] = tensor[0][2];
+ transformation[3] = tensor[1][1];
+ transformation[4] = tensor[1][2];
+ transformation[5] = tensor[2][2];
Assert (std::fabs(tensor[1][0]-tensor[0][1])<1e-15,
Assert (std::fabs(tensor[2][0]-tensor[0][2])<1e-15,
Assert (std::fabs(tensor[2][1]-tensor[1][2])<1e-15,
+ else
+ ExcNotImplemented();
return *this;
// This is the function of step-16 with
// relevant changes due to the MatrixFree
- // class.
+ // class. What we need to do is to somehow
+ // create a small matrix that does not
+ // contain any cell-related data. The way
+ // to get to this matrix is to create an
+ // FEValues object with gradient
+ // information on a cell that corresponds
+ // to the reference cell, which is a cube
+ // with side length 1. So we create a
+ // pseudo triangulation, initialize the
+ // FEValues to the only cell of that
+ // triangulation, and read off the
+ // gradients (which we put in a
+ // FullMatrix). That full matrix is then
+ // passed to the reinit function of the
+ // MatrixFree class used as a system matrix
+ // and, further down, as multigrid matrices
+ // on the individual levels. We need to
+ // implement Dirichlet boundary conditions
+ // here, which is done with the
+ // ConstraintMatrix function as shown
+ // e.g. in step-22.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::setup_system ()
mg_matrices.resize(0, nlevels-1);
QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree+1);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values2 (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_gradients);
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
+ update_gradients);
Triangulation<dim> tria;
GridGenerator::hyper_cube (tria, 0, 1);
- fe_values2.reinit (tria.begin());
+ fe_values.reinit (tria.begin());
FullMatrix<double> data_matrix (fe.dofs_per_cell,
for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<quadrature_formula.size(); ++j)
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- data_matrix(i,j*dim+d) = fe_values2.shape_grad(i,j)[d];
+ data_matrix(i,j*dim+d) = fe_values.shape_grad(i,j)[d];
system_matrix.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(), triangulation.n_active_cells(),
system_rhs.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs());
// Initialize the matrices for the
- // multigrid method on all the levels.
+ // multigrid method on all the
+ // levels. Unfortunately, the function
+ // MGTools::make_boundary_list cannot write
+ // Dirichlet boundary conditions into a
+ // ConstraintMatrix object directly, so we
+ // first have to make the boundary list and
+ // then manually fill the boundary
+ // conditions using the command
+ // ConstraintMatrix::add_line. Once this is
+ // done, we close the ConstraintMatrix so
+ // it can be used for matrix-vector
+ // products.
typename FunctionMap<dim>::type dirichlet_boundary;
ZeroFunction<dim> homogeneous_dirichlet_bc (1);
dirichlet_boundary[0] = &homogeneous_dirichlet_bc;
+ // The assemble function is significantly
+ // reduced compared to step-16. All we need
+ // to do is to assemble the right hand side
+ // and to calculate the cell-dependent part
+ // of the Laplace operator. The first task
+ // is standard. The second is also not too
+ // hard given the discussion in the
+ // introduction: We need to take the
+ // inverse of the Jacobian of the
+ // transformation from real to unit cell,
+ // multiply it with its transpose and
+ // multiply the resulting rank-2 tensor
+ // with the quadrature weights and the
+ // coefficient values at the quadrature
+ // points. To make this work, we add the
+ // update flag
+ // <code>update_inverse_jacobians</code> to
+ // the FEValues constructor, and query the
+ // inverse of the jacobian in a loop over
+ // the quadrature points (note that the
+ // Jacobian is not related to any kind of
+ // degrees of freedom directly). In the
+ // end, we condense the constraints from
+ // Dirichlet boundary conditions away from
+ // the right hand side.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
MappingQ<dim> mapping (fe.degree);
FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, quadrature_formula,
update_values | update_inverse_jacobians |
- update_gradients |
update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
coefficient.value_list (fe_values.get_quadrature_points(),
- system_matrix.set_local_dof_indices (cell_no, local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
- system_matrix.set_derivative_data
- (cell_no, q,
- (transpose(fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.JxW(q) * coefficient_values[q]);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
double rhs_val = 0;
system_rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += rhs_val;
+ system_matrix.set_local_dof_indices (cell_no, local_dof_indices);
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
+ system_matrix.set_derivative_data (cell_no, q,
+ (transpose
+ (fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
+ fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
+ fe_values.JxW(q) *
+ coefficient_values[q]);
// into the correct matrix.
// Since we only do multi-level
- // preconditioning, no right-hand
- // side is assembled here.
+ // preconditioning, no right-hand side is
+ // assembled here. Compared to step-16,
+ // there is one new thing here: we manually
+ // calculate the matrix on the coarsest
+ // level. In step-16, we could simply copy
+ // the entries from the respective sparse
+ // matrix, what is obviously not possible
+ // here. We could have integrated this to
+ // the MatrixFree class as well, but it is
+ // simple anyway, so calculate it here
+ // instead.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
// The solution process again looks like
// step-16. We now use a Chebyshev smoother
- // instead of SSOR (which is difficult to
- // implement if we do not have the matrix
- // elements explicitly available).
+ // instead of SSOR (which is very difficult
+ // to implement if we do not have the
+ // matrix elements explicitly available,
+ // and it is difficult to make it work
+ // efficiently in %parallel). The multigrid
+ // classes provide a simple interface for
+ // using the Chebyshev smoother:
+ // MGSmootherPrecondition.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve ()
// $[\lambda_{\max}/8,\lambda_{\max}]$.
typename SMOOTHER::AdditionalData smoother_data;
smoother_data.smoothing_range = 8.;
- smoother_data.degree = fe.degree+1;
+ smoother_data.degree = 3;
mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices, smoother_data);
MGMatrix<MatrixFreeType, Vector<double> >
MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > >
preconditioner(mg_dof_handler, mg, mg_transfer);
+ // Finally, write out the memory
+ // consumption of the Multigrid object,
+ // then create the solver object and
+ // solve the system. This is very easy,
+ // and we didn't even see any difference
+ // in the solve process compared to
+ // step-16. The magic is all hidden
+ // behind the implementation of the
+ // MatrixFree::vmult operation.
double multigrid_memory =
(double)mg_matrices.memory_consumption() +
(double)mg_transfer.memory_consumption() +
std::cout << "Multigrid objects memory consumption: "
<< multigrid_memory*std::pow(2.,-20.)
<< " MBytes."
<< std::endl;
- // Finally, create the solver
- // object and solve the system
SolverControl solver_control (1000, 1e-12);
SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
+ // The function that runs the
+ // program is very similar to the
+ // one in step-16. We make the
+ // calls a bit different for 2D
+ // and 3D, but that's it.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::run ()
if (cycle == 0)
- // Generate a simple hyperball grid.
static const HyperBallBoundary<dim> boundary;
triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary);
int main ()
deallog.depth_console (0);
- LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem (2);
+ LaplaceProblem<3> laplace_problem (2);
laplace_problem.run ();
return 0;