* @see
* @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
- * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, Martin Kronbichler, 2015
+ * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, Martin Kronbichler, 2015, 2017
* @ingroup LAOperators
const LinearOperator<Range_2, Domain_1, Payload> &C,
const LinearOperator<Range_2, Domain_2, Payload> &D)
- LinearOperator<Range_2, Domain_2, Payload> return_op ((Payload(D)));
- return_op.reinit_range_vector = D.reinit_range_vector;
- return_op.reinit_domain_vector = D.reinit_domain_vector;
- // ensure to have valid computation objects by catching
- // A_inv,B,C,D by value
- return_op.vmult_add = [A_inv,B,C,D](Range_2 &dst_g, const Domain_2 &src_y)
- {
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_1> vector_memory_f;
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_2> vector_memory_g;
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Domain_1> vector_memory_x;
- Range_1 &tmp_f = *(vector_memory_f.alloc());
- Range_2 &tmp_g = *(vector_memory_g.alloc());
- Domain_1 &tmp_x = *(vector_memory_x.alloc());
- // Reinitialise in context of how they'll be used
- B.reinit_range_vector(tmp_f, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- A_inv.reinit_range_vector(tmp_x, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- C.reinit_range_vector(tmp_g, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- // Need to form dst_g such that dst_g = S*src_y = (D - C*A_inv*B) src_y
- if (D.is_null_operator == false)
- D.vmult_add (dst_g, src_y); // dst_g += D*src_y (length y)
- B.vmult (tmp_f, src_y); // tmp_f = B*src_y (length x)
- try
- {
- A_inv.vmult (tmp_x, tmp_f); // tmp_x = A_inv*B*src_y (length x)
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- AssertThrow(false,
- ExcMessage("No convergence in A_inv vmult operation"));
- }
- C.vmult (tmp_g, tmp_x); // tmp_g = C*A_inv*B*src_y (length y)
- dst_g -= tmp_g; // dst_g += D*src_y - C*A_inv*B*src_y
- vector_memory_x.free(&tmp_x);
- vector_memory_g.free(&tmp_g);
- vector_memory_f.free(&tmp_f);
- };
- const auto vmult_add = return_op.vmult_add;
- return_op.vmult = [vmult_add](Range_2 &dst_g, const Domain_2 &src_y)
- {
- dst_g = 0.;
- vmult_add(dst_g, src_y);
- };
- return_op.Tvmult_add = [A_inv,B,C,D](Domain_2 &dst_g, const Range_2 &src_y)
- {
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Domain_1> vector_memory_f;
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Domain_2> vector_memory_g;
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_1> vector_memory_x;
- Domain_1 &tmp_f = *(vector_memory_f.alloc());
- Domain_2 &tmp_g = *(vector_memory_g.alloc());
- Range_1 &tmp_x = *(vector_memory_x.alloc());
- // Reinitialise in context of how they'll be used
- C.reinit_domain_vector(tmp_f, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- A_inv.reinit_domain_vector(tmp_x, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- B.reinit_domain_vector(tmp_g, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- // Need to form y such that dst such that dst_g = S*src_y = (D^T - B^T*A_inv^T*C^T) src_y
- if (D.is_null_operator == false)
- D.Tvmult_add (dst_g, src_y); // dst_g += D^T*src_y (length y)
- C.Tvmult (tmp_f, src_y); // tmp_f = C^T*src_y (length x)
- try
- {
- A_inv.Tvmult (tmp_x, tmp_f); // tmp_x = A_inv^T*C^T*src_y (length x)
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- AssertThrow(false,
- ExcMessage("No convergence in A_inv Tvmult operation"));
- }
- B.Tvmult (tmp_g, tmp_x); // tmp_g = B^T*A_inv^T*C^T*src_y (length y)
- dst_g -= tmp_g; // dst_g += D^T*src_y - B^T*A_inv^T*C^T*src_y
- vector_memory_x.free(&tmp_x);
- vector_memory_g.free(&tmp_g);
- vector_memory_f.free(&tmp_f);
- };
- const auto Tvmult_add = return_op.Tvmult_add;
- return_op.Tvmult = [Tvmult_add](Domain_2 &dst_g, const Range_2 &src_y)
- {
- dst_g = 0.;
- Tvmult_add(dst_g, src_y);
- };
- return return_op;
+ // We return the result of the compound LinearOperator
+ // directly, so as to ensure that the underlying Payload
+ // definition aligns with the operations expressed here.
+ // All of the memory allocations etc. are taken care of
+ // internally.
+ if (D.is_null_operator == false)
+ return D - C*A_inv*B;
+ else
+ return -1.0*C*A_inv*B;
* @see
* @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
- * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, 2015
+ * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, 2015, 2017
* @ingroup LAOperators
const Range_1 &f,
const Range_2 &g)
- PackagedOperation<Range_2> return_comp;
- return_comp.reinit_vector = C.reinit_range_vector;
- // ensure to have valid computation objects by catching
- // A_inv,C,f,g by value
- return_comp.apply_add = [A_inv,C,f,g](Range_2 &g_star)
- {
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_1> vector_memory_f;
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_2> vector_memory_g;
- Range_1 &tmp_f1 = *(vector_memory_f.alloc());
- Range_2 &tmp_g1 = *(vector_memory_g.alloc());
- Range_2 &tmp_g2 = *(vector_memory_g.alloc());
- // Reinitialise in context of how they'll be used
- A_inv.reinit_range_vector(tmp_f1, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- C.reinit_range_vector(tmp_g1, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- // Condensation on RHS of one field
- // Need to form g* such that g* = g - C*A_inv*f
- try
- {
- A_inv.vmult(tmp_f1, f); // tmp_f1 = A_inv * f
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- AssertThrow(false,
- ExcMessage("No convergence in A_inv vmult operation"));
- }
- C.vmult(tmp_g1, tmp_f1); // tmp2 = C * A_inv * f
- g_star += g;
- g_star -= tmp_g1; // tmp_g2 = g - C * A_inv * f
- vector_memory_g.free(&tmp_g2);
- vector_memory_g.free(&tmp_g1);
- vector_memory_f.free(&tmp_f1);
- };
- const auto apply_add = return_comp.apply_add;
- return_comp.apply = [apply_add](Range_2 &g_star)
- {
- g_star = 0.;
- apply_add(g_star);
- };
- return return_comp;
+ // We return the result of the compound PackagedOperation
+ // directly, so as to ensure that the underlying Payload
+ // definition aligns with the operations expressed here.
+ // All of the memory allocations etc. are taken care of
+ // internally.
+ return g - C*A_inv*f;
* @see
* @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
- * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, 2015
+ * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, Matthias Maier, 2015, 2017
* @ingroup LAOperators
const Domain_2 &y,
const Range_1 &f)
- PackagedOperation<Domain_1> return_comp;
- return_comp.reinit_vector = A_inv.reinit_domain_vector;
- // ensure to have valid computation objects by catching
- // A_inv,B,y,f by value
- return_comp.apply_add = [A_inv,B,y,f](Domain_1 &x)
- {
- static GrowingVectorMemory<Range_1> vector_memory_f;
- Range_1 &tmp_f1 = *(vector_memory_f.alloc());
- Range_1 &tmp_f2 = *(vector_memory_f.alloc());
- // Reinitialise in context of how they'll be used
- B.reinit_range_vector(tmp_f1, /*bool omit_zeroing_entries =*/ true);
- // Solve for second field
- // Need to form x such that x = A_inv*(f - B*y)
- B.vmult(tmp_f1, y); // tmp_f1 = B*y
- tmp_f2 = f;
- tmp_f2 -= tmp_f1; // tmp_f2 = f - B*y
- try
- {
- A_inv.vmult_add(x, tmp_f2); // x = A_inv*(f-B*y)
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- AssertThrow(false,
- ExcMessage("No convergence in A_inv vmult operation"));
- }
- vector_memory_f.free(&tmp_f2);
- vector_memory_f.free(&tmp_f1);
- };
- const auto apply_add = return_comp.apply_add;
- return_comp.apply = [apply_add](Domain_1 &x)
- {
- x = 0.;
- apply_add(x);
- };
- return return_comp;
+ // We return the result of the compound PackagedOperation
+ // directly, so as to ensure that the underlying Payload
+ // definition aligns with the operations expressed here.
+ // All of the memory allocations etc. are taken care of
+ // internally.
+ return A_inv*(f - B*y);