const std::set<types::boundary_id_t> &boundary_ids
= std::set<types::boundary_id_t>());
+ /**
+ * This function loops over all cells
+ * from @p begin to @p end and collects a
+ * set of periodic cell pairs for
+ * @p direction:
+ *
+ * Given a @p direction,
+ * define a 'left' boundary as all
+ * boundary faces belonging to
+ * @p boundary_component with corresponding
+ * unit normal (of the @ref
+ * GlossReferenceCell "reference cell") in
+ * negative @p direction, i.e. all boundary
+ * faces with
+ * <tt>face(2*direction)->at_boundary()==true</tt>.
+ * Analogously, a 'right' boundary
+ * consisting of all faces of @p
+ * boundary_component with unit normal
+ * in positive @p direction,
+ * <tt>face(2*direction+1)->at_boundary()==true</tt>.
+ *
+ * This function tries to match
+ * all cells with faces belonging to the
+ * left' boundary with the cells with faces
+ * belonging to the 'right' boundary
+ * with the help of an
+ * orthogonal equality relation:
+ * Two cells do match if the vertices of
+ * the respective boundary faces
+ * can be transformed into each other by
+ * parallel translation in @p direction.
+ *
+ * The @p offset is a vector tangential to
+ * the faces that is added to the location
+ * of vertices of the 'left' boundary when
+ * attempting to match them to the
+ * corresponding vertices of the 'right'
+ * boundary. This can be used to implement
+ * conditions such as $u(0,y)=u(1,y+1)$.
+ */
+ template<typename CellIterator>
+ std::map<CellIterator, CellIterator>
+ collect_periodic_cell_pairs (const CellIterator &begin,
+ const typename identity<CellIterator>::type &end,
+ const types::boundary_id_t boundary_component,
+ int direction,
+ const dealii::Tensor<1,CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>
+ &offset = dealii::Tensor<1,CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>());
+ /**
+ * Same as above but matches all active
+ * cells, i.e. this function calls the
+ * above function with
+ * @p dof_handler.begin_active() and
+ * @p dof_handler.end() as the first two
+ * arguments.
+ */
+ template<typename DH>
+ std::map<typename DH::cell_iterator, typename DH::cell_iterator>
+ collect_periodic_cell_pairs (const DH &dof_handler,
+ const types::boundary_id_t boundary_component,
+ int direction,
+ const dealii::Tensor<1,DH::space_dimension>
+ &offset = Tensor<1,DH::space_dimension>());
* Exception
return surface_to_volume_mapping;
+ // Internally used in
+ // collect_periodic_cell_pairs.
+ template<typename CellIterator>
+ inline bool orthogonal_equality (const CellIterator &cell1,
+ const CellIterator &cell2,
+ const int direction,
+ const dealii::Tensor<1,CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>
+ &offset)
+ {
+ // An orthogonal equality test for
+ // cells:
+ // Two cells are equal if the
+ // corresponding vertices of the
+ // boundary faces can be transformed
+ // into each other parallel to the
+ // given direction.
+ // It is assumed that
+ // cell1->face(2*direction) and
+ // cell2->face(2*direction+1) are the
+ // corresponding boundary faces.
+ // The optional argument offset will
+ // be added to each vertex of cell1
+ static const int dim = CellIterator::AccessorType::dimension;
+ static const int space_dim = CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension;
+ Assert(dim == space_dim,
+ ExcNotImplemented());
+ // ... otherwise we would need two
+ // directions: One for selecting the
+ // faces, thus living in dim,
+ // the other direction for selecting the
+ // direction for the orthogonal
+ // projection, thus living in
+ // space_dim.
+ for (int i = 0; i < space_dim; ++i) {
+ // Only compare
+ // coordinate-components != direction:
+ if (i == direction)
+ continue;
+ for (unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face; ++v)
+ if (fabs ( cell1->face(2*direction)->vertex(v)(i)
+ + offset[i]
+ - cell2->face(2*direction+1)->vertex(v)(i))
+ > 1.e-10)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename CellIterator>
+ std::map<CellIterator, CellIterator>
+ collect_periodic_cell_pairs (const CellIterator &begin,
+ const typename identity<CellIterator>::type &end,
+ const types::boundary_id_t boundary_component,
+ int direction,
+ const dealii::Tensor<1,CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>
+ &offset = dealii::Tensor<1,CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>())
+ {
+ static const int space_dim = CellIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension;
+ Assert (0<=direction && direction<space_dim,
+ ExcIndexRange (direction, 0, space_dim));
+ std::set<CellIterator> cells1;
+ std::set<CellIterator> cells2;
+ // collect boundary cells, i.e. cells
+ // with face(2*direction), resp.
+ // face(2*direction+1) being on the
+ // boundary and having the correct
+ // color:
+ CellIterator cell = begin;
+ for (; cell!= end; ++cell) {
+ if (cell->face(2*direction)->at_boundary() &&
+ cell->face(2*direction)->boundary_indicator() == boundary_component) {
+ cells1.insert(cell);
+ }
+ if (cell->face(2*direction+1)->at_boundary() &&
+ cell->face(2*direction+1)->boundary_indicator() == boundary_component) {
+ cells2.insert(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (cells1.size() == cells2.size(),
+ ExcMessage ("Unmatched cells on periodic boundaries"));
+ std::map<CellIterator, CellIterator> matched_cells;
+ // Match with a complexity of O(n^2).
+ // This could be improved...
+ typedef typename std::set<CellIterator>::const_iterator SetIterator;
+ for (SetIterator it1 = cells1.begin(); it1 != cells1.end(); ++it1) {
+ for (SetIterator it2 = cells2.begin(); it2 != cells2.end(); ++it2) {
+ if (orthogonal_equality(*it1, *it2, direction, offset)) {
+ // We have a match, so insert the
+ // matching pairs and remove the matched
+ // cell in cells2 to speed up the
+ // matching:
+ matched_cells[*it1] = *it2;
+ cells2.erase(it2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (matched_cells.size() == cells1.size() &&
+ cells2.size() == 0,
+ ExcMessage ("Unmatched cells on periodic boundaries"));
+ return matched_cells;
+ }
+ template<typename DH>
+ std::map<typename DH::cell_iterator, typename DH::cell_iterator>
+ collect_periodic_cell_pairs (const DH &dof_handler,
+ const types::boundary_id_t boundary_component,
+ int direction,
+ const dealii::Tensor<1,DH::space_dimension>
+ &offset = Tensor<1,DH::space_dimension>())
+ {
+ return collect_periodic_cell_pairs<typename DH::cell_iterator>
+ (dof_handler.begin_active(),
+ dof_handler.end(),
+ boundary_component,
+ direction,
+ offset);
+ }
+} /* namespace GridTools */
// explicit instantiations