SparseVanka<number>::compute_inverses ()
- // first define an alias to the sparsity
- // pattern of the matrix, since this
- // will be used quite often
- const SparsityPattern &structure
- = matrix->get_sparsity_pattern();
map<unsigned int, unsigned int> local_index;
// traverse all rows of the matrix
// which are selected
for (unsigned int row=0; row< matrix->m() ; ++row)
if (selected[row] == true)
- {
- const unsigned int row_length = structure.row_length(row);
- inverses[row] = new FullMatrix<float> (row_length,
- row_length);
- // mapping between:
- // 1 column number of all
- // entries in this row, and
- // 2 the position within this
- // row (as stored in the
- // SparsityPattern object
- //
- // since we do not explicitely
- // consider nonsysmmetric sparsity
- // patterns, the first element
- // of each entry simply denotes
- // all degrees of freedom that
- // couple with #row#.
- local_index.clear ();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<row_length; ++i)
- local_index.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
- (structure.column_number(row, i), i));
- // Build local matrix and rhs
- for (map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator is=local_index.begin();
- is!=local_index.end(); ++is)
- {
- // irow loops over all DoFs that
- // couple with the present DoF
- const unsigned int irow = is->first;
- // index of DoF irow in the matrix
- // row corresponding to DoF #row#.
- // runs between 0 and row_length
- const unsigned int i = is->second;
- // number of DoFs coupling to
- // irow (including irow itself)
- const unsigned int irow_length = structure.row_length(irow);
- // for all the DoFs that irow
- // couples with
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<irow_length; ++j)
- {
- // col is the number of
- // this dof
- const unsigned int col = structure.column_number(irow, j);
- // find out whether this DoF
- // (that couples with #irow#,
- // which itself couples with
- // #row#) also couples with
- // #row#.
- const map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator js
- = local_index.find(col);
+ compute_inverse (row, local_index);
- if (js != local_index.end())
- (*inverses[row])(i,js->second) = matrix->raw_entry(irow,j);
- };
- };
- // Compute new values
- inverses[row]->gauss_jordan();
- };
+template <typename number>
+SparseVanka<number>::compute_inverse (const unsigned int row,
+ map<unsigned int, unsigned int> &local_index)
+ // first define an alias to the sparsity
+ // pattern of the matrix, since this
+ // will be used quite often
+ const SparsityPattern &structure
+ = matrix->get_sparsity_pattern();
+ const unsigned int row_length = structure.row_length(row);
+ inverses[row] = new FullMatrix<float> (row_length,
+ row_length);
+ // mapping between:
+ // 1 column number of all
+ // entries in this row, and
+ // 2 the position within this
+ // row (as stored in the
+ // SparsityPattern object
+ //
+ // since we do not explicitely
+ // consider nonsysmmetric sparsity
+ // patterns, the first element
+ // of each entry simply denotes
+ // all degrees of freedom that
+ // couple with #row#.
+ local_index.clear ();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<row_length; ++i)
+ local_index.insert(pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
+ (structure.column_number(row, i), i));
+ // Build local matrix and rhs
+ for (map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator is=local_index.begin();
+ is!=local_index.end(); ++is)
+ {
+ // irow loops over all DoFs that
+ // couple with the present DoF
+ const unsigned int irow = is->first;
+ // index of DoF irow in the matrix
+ // row corresponding to DoF #row#.
+ // runs between 0 and row_length
+ const unsigned int i = is->second;
+ // number of DoFs coupling to
+ // irow (including irow itself)
+ const unsigned int irow_length = structure.row_length(irow);
+ // for all the DoFs that irow
+ // couples with
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<irow_length; ++j)
+ {
+ // col is the number of
+ // this dof
+ const unsigned int col = structure.column_number(irow, j);
+ // find out whether this DoF
+ // (that couples with #irow#,
+ // which itself couples with
+ // #row#) also couples with
+ // #row#.
+ const map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator js
+ = local_index.find(col);
+ if (js != local_index.end())
+ (*inverses[row])(i,js->second) = matrix->raw_entry(irow,j);
+ };
+ };
+ // Compute new values
+ inverses[row]->gauss_jordan();
template<typename number>
template<typename number2>