return_value = p(1);
if (component == 2)
- // double hz = 0.98;
- // double position_x = 0.5;
- // double alpha = 12.0;
- // double s_x = 0.5039649116;
- // double s_y = hz + 0.00026316298;
- // if (p(0) > position_x - R && p(0) < s_x)
- // {
- // return_value = -sqrt(R*R - (p(0)-position_x)*(p(0)-position_x)) + hz + R;
- // }
- // else if (p(0) >= s_x)
- // {
- // return_value = 12.0/90.0*p(0) + (s_y - alpha/90.0*s_x);
- // }
- // else
- // return_value = 1e+10;
+ // double hz = 0.98;
+ // double position_x = 0.5;
+ // double alpha = 12.0;
+ // double s_x = 0.5039649116;
+ // double s_y = hz + 0.00026316298;
+ // if (p(0) > position_x - R && p(0) < s_x)
+ // {
+ // return_value = -sqrt(R*R - (p(0)-position_x)*(p(0)-position_x)) + hz + R;
+ // }
+ // else if (p(0) >= s_x)
+ // {
+ // return_value = 12.0/90.0*p(0) + (s_y - alpha/90.0*s_x);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // return_value = 1e+10;
// Hindernis Dortmund
double x1 = p(0);
// return_value = 0.032 + data->dicke - input_copy->mikro_height (p(0) + shift_walze_x, p(1) + shift_walze_y, p(2));
// Ball with radius R
- // double R = 0.5;
+ // double R = 1.0;
// if (std::pow ((p(0)-1.0/2.0), 2) + std::pow ((p(1)-1.0/2.0), 2) < R*R)
- // return_value = 1.0 + R - 0.001 - sqrt (R*R - std::pow ((p(0)-1.0/2.0), 2)
+ // return_value = 1.0 + R - 0.01 - sqrt (R*R - std::pow ((p(0)-1.0/2.0), 2)
// - std::pow ((p(1)-1.0/2.0), 2));
// else
// return_value = 1e+5;
cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
constraints.distribute_local_to_global (cell_matrix, cell_rhs,
- system_matrix_newton, system_rhs_newton, false);
+ system_matrix_newton, system_rhs_newton, true);
system_matrix_newton.compress ();
// the local row where
- Point<dim> point (cell->face (face)->vertex (v)[0],/* + solution (index_x),*/
+ Point<dim> point (cell->face (face)->vertex (v)[0],
cell->face (face)->vertex (v)[1],
cell->face (face)->vertex (v)[2]);
c *
diag_mass_matrix_vector_relevant (index_z) *
(solution_index_z - gap)
- > 0)
+ > 0 &&
+ !(constraints_hanging_nodes.is_constrained(index_z)))
- constraints.add_line (index_z);
- constraints.set_inhomogeneity (index_z, gap);
+ constraints.add_line (index_z);
+ constraints.set_inhomogeneity (index_z, gap);
distributed_solution (index_z) = gap;
if (locally_owned_dofs.is_element (index_z))
active_set_locally_owned.add_index (index_z);
- // std::cout<< index_z << ", "
- // << "Error: " << lambda (index_z) +
- // diag_mass_matrix_vector_relevant (index_z)*c*(solution_index_z - gap)
- // << ", " << lambda (index_z)
- // << ", " << diag_mass_matrix_vector_relevant (index_z)
- // << ", " << obstacle_value
- // << ", " << solution_index_z
- // <<std::endl;
constraints.close ();
- const ConstraintMatrix::MergeConflictBehavior
- merge_conflict_behavior = ConstraintMatrix::left_object_wins;
- constraints.merge (constraints_dirichlet_hanging_nodes, merge_conflict_behavior);
+ constraints.merge (constraints_dirichlet_hanging_nodes);
TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector distributed_solution (system_rhs_newton);
distributed_solution = solution;
- // constraints_hanging_nodes.set_zero (distributed_solution);
- constraints.set_zero (distributed_solution);
+ constraints_hanging_nodes.set_zero (distributed_solution);
+ /* This is necessary if contact constraints are neighbors of
+ * hanging nodes constraints. In that case these hanging node
+ * constraints are inhomogeneity constraints and the corresponding
+ * values in the right-hand-side vector contains meaningless
+ * values. So these values have to be set to zero.
+ */
+ constraints_hanging_nodes.set_zero (system_rhs_newton);
// Solving iterative
TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector tmp (system_rhs_newton);
const double solver_tolerance = 1e-4 *
system_matrix_newton.residual (tmp, distributed_solution, system_rhs_newton);
+ // resid_vector = tmp;
+ // output_results ("Startresidual");
SolverControl solver_control (system_matrix_newton.m(), solver_tolerance);
solver(solver_control, mem,
for (unsigned int i=0;
- filenames.push_back ("solution-" +
+ filenames.push_back (title + "-" +
Utilities::int_to_string (i, 4) +
MPI_Barrier (mpi_communicator);
std::ostringstream filename_solution;
- filename_solution << "solution_";
+ filename_solution << "solution-";
filename_solution << cycle;
output_results (filename_solution.str ());
MPI_Barrier (mpi_communicator);