double_eps * 5
+ // The following implementation
+ // follows closely the one given in
+ // the appendix of the book by
+ // Karniadakis and Sherwin:
+ // Spectral/hp element methods for
+ // computational fluid dynamics
+ // (Oxford University Press, 2005)
// we take the zeros of the Chebyshev
// polynomial (alpha=beta=-0.5) as
// initial values:
x[i] = - std::cos( (long double) (2*i+1)/(2*m) * numbers::PI );
long double r, s, J_x, f, delta;
for (unsigned int k=0; k<m; ++k)
r = x[k];
- s = 1.;
+ s = 0.;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<k; ++i)
- s /= r - x[i];
+ s += 1./(r - x[i]);
J_x = 0.5*(alpha + beta + m + 1)*JacobiP(r, alpha+1, beta+1, m-1);
f = JacobiP(r, alpha, beta, m);
+ <li><p> Fixed: The computation of quadrature points in the QGaussLobatto
+ class uses a Newton method that was wrongly implemented. While the
+ results were correct (at least for moderate orders), it required more
+ iterations than necessary. This is now fixed.
+ <br>
+ (Andrea Bonito 2010/08/12)
+ </p>
<li><p> Changed: The DataOutBase::write_vtu function now writes data
as 64-bit values, rather than 32-bit values.
(Scott Miller 2010/08/5)
- <li><p> New: MappingQ and MappingQEulerian now support order > 1 also in
+ <li><p> New: MappingQ and MappingQEulerian now support order > 1 also in
codimension one. Step-34 has been modified to show how this works.
(Luca Heltai 2010/07/23-27)
<a name="lac"></a>
<li><p>Updated: Changes to the <code>SLEPcWrappers</code> to preserve
compatibility with SLEPc version 3.1. Main new updated features are
new solver classes: (i) Power; and (ii) Generalized Davidson.
- <br>
- (Toby D. Young 2010/08/04)
+ <br>
+ (Toby D. Young 2010/08/04)
<li><p>Fixed: SparseMatrix::precondition_SSOR and
(Andrew McBride 2010/07/29)
Fixed: In some rather pathological cases, the function