template <typename number>
template <int dim>
void MGTransferPrebuilt<number>::build_matrices (
- const MGDoFHandler<dim> &mg_dof)
+ const MGDoFHandler<dim> &mg_dof)
const unsigned int n_levels = mg_dof.get_tria().n_levels();
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = mg_dof.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
for (unsigned int l=0;l<n_levels;++l)
sizes[l] = mg_dof.n_dofs(l);
- // reset the size of the array of
- // matrices
- prolongation_sparsities.resize (n_levels-1);
+ // Reset the size of the array of
+ // matrices. Call resize(0) first,
+ // in order to delete all elements
+ // as otherwise the copy
+ // constructor of SparseMatrix and
+ // SparsityPattern is called what
+ // throws an error if existing
+ // SparseMatrices/SparsityPatterns
+ // have a size greater zero.
+ prolongation_matrices.resize (0);
prolongation_matrices.resize (n_levels-1);
+ prolongation_sparsities.resize (0);
+ prolongation_sparsities.resize (n_levels-1);
// two fields which will store the
// indices of the multigrid dofs