--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+# Copyright W. Bangerth, University of Heidelberg, 1998
+# use debug mode by default for all testcases
+debug-mode = on
+# Internals
+D = ../..
+include ../../deal.II/Make.global_options
+# get lists of files we need
+cc-files = $(wildcard *.cc)
+lib-h-files = $(wildcard ../../deal_II/include/*/*.h) \
+ $(wildcard ../../lac/include/*/*.h) \
+ $(wildcard ../../base/include/*/*.h)
+executables = $(cc-files:.cc=.testcase)
+# list of libraries needed to link with
+libs.g = $D/deal.II/lib/libdeal_II.g.a $D/lac/lib/liblac.g.a $D/base/lib/libbase.g.a
+libs = $D/deal.II/lib/libdeal_II.a $D/lac/lib/liblac.a $D/base/lib/libbase.a
+# check whether we use debug mode or not
+ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
+libraries = $(libs.g)
+flags = $(CXXFLAGS.g)
+ifeq ($(debug-mode),off)
+libraries = $(libs)
+flags = $(CXXFLAGS)
+# rule to make executables
+ @echo ============================ Compiling Testcase: $<
+ @$(CXX) $(flags) $< -o $@ $(libraries)
+#################################### Here comes the interesting part
+# make a rule for each executable
+targets = $(addsuffix .target, $(executables))
+# define the action of the targets: execute it. do so by re-getting
+# the right filename by dropping the suffix added for the make-rule
+%.target : %
+ @echo ============================ Executing Testcase: $<
+ @./$<
+# this is the main target
+# make dependence so that it first wants to compile all files then
+# execute them
+check: $(executables) $(targets)
+ -rm -f *.o *.go *~ Makefile.dep $(executables)
+.PHONY: check clean
+#Rule to generate the dependency file. This file is
+#automagically remade whenever needed, i.e. whenever
+#one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
+#to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom
+#of this file.
+#use perl to generate rules for the .go files as well
+#as to make rules not for tria.o and the like, but
+#rather for libnumerics.a(tria.o)
+Makefile.dep: $(cc-files) $(h-files) $(lib-h-files) Makefile
+ @echo ============================ Remaking Makefile
+ @perl ../../deal.II/Make_dep.pl ./Obj $(INCLUDE) $(cc-files) | \
+ perl -pi -e 's?^./Obj.a\((.*)\.o\):?$$1.testcase:?g;' \
+ > Makefile.dep
+include Makefile.dep
--- /dev/null
+// test for correctness of gradients on a given cell
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_boundary.h>
+#include <grid/dof.h>
+#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <fe/fe_lib.lagrange.h>
+#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <grid/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <lac/dvector.h>
+int main () {
+ Triangulation<2> tria;
+ tria.create_hypercube (0,1);
+ tria.begin_active()->vertex(2)(0) = 2;
+ FELinear<2> fe;
+ DoFHandler<2> dof(&tria);
+ dof.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ StraightBoundary<2> b;
+ QTrapez<2> q;
+ FEValues<2> fevalues(fe,q,update_gradients);
+ fevalues.reinit (dof.begin_active(),b);
+ dVector val(4);
+ cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl
+ << "Testing transformation of gradients of shape function:" << endl;
+ // test for each of the four
+ // shape functions
+ for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<4; ++vertex)
+ {
+ val.clear ();
+ val(vertex) = 1;
+ vector<Tensor<1,2> > grads(4);
+ fevalues.get_function_grads (val, grads);
+ bool ok;
+ switch (vertex)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ok = ((grads[0] == Point<2>(-1,-1)) &&
+ (grads[1] == Point<2>(0,-1)) &&
+ (grads[2] == Point<2>(-1,1)) &&
+ (grads[3] == Point<2>(0,0)));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ok = ((grads[0] == Point<2>(1,0)) &&
+ (grads[1] == Point<2>(0,0)) &&
+ (grads[2] == Point<2>(1,-2)) &&
+ (grads[3] == Point<2>(0,-1)));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ok = ((grads[0] == Point<2>(0,0)) &&
+ (grads[1] == Point<2>(0.5,0)) &&
+ (grads[2] == Point<2>(0,1)) &&
+ (grads[3] == Point<2>(0.5,0.5)));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ ok = ((grads[0] == Point<2>(0,1)) &&
+ (grads[1] == Point<2>(-0.5,1)) &&
+ (grads[2] == Point<2>(0,0)) &&
+ (grads[3] == Point<2>(-0.5,0.5)));
+ break;
+ };
+ cout << " Shape function " << vertex
+ << ": "
+ << (ok ? "OK" : "WRONG!")
+ << endl;
+ };
+ cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;