// constructor, a copy operation, and
// some arrays for local matrix, local
// vectors and the relation between local
- // and global degrees of freedom (aka
+ // and global degrees of freedom (a.k.a.
// <code>local_dof_indices</code>).
namespace CopyData
// type, TimerOutput, can be used to
// conveniently account for compute time
// spent in certain "sections" of the code
- // that are repeatedly entered. For example,
- // we will enter (and leave) sections for
- // Stokes matrix assembly and would like to
- // accumulate the run time spent in this
- // section over all time steps. At the end of
- // the program, the destructor of the
- // TimerOutput class will automatically
- // produce a nice summary of the times spent
- // in all the sections. For this output, one
- // can choose whether wall clock or CPU times
- // are to be printed, as well as whether we
- // want a percentage breakdown of where the
- // time was spent (this choice is made in the
- // constructor of TimerOutput, which is
- // called in the constructor of
- // <code>BoussinesqFlowProblem</code>). You
- // can take a look at the output generated
- // from this variable in the results section
- // of this tutorial program.
+ // that are repeatedly entered. For
+ // example, we will enter (and leave)
+ // sections for Stokes matrix assembly and
+ // would like to accumulate the run time
+ // spent in this section over all time
+ // steps. At the end of the program, the
+ // destructor of the TimerOutput class will
+ // automatically produce a nice summary of
+ // the times spent in all the sections. For
+ // this output, one can choose whether wall
+ // clock or CPU times are to be printed, as
+ // well as whether we want to produce
+ // output every time we leave a section --
+ // which would be quite a lot of additional
+ // output -- or just in the end of the
+ // program (this choice is made in the
+ // from this variable in the results
+ // section of this tutorial program.
template <int dim>
class BoussinesqFlowProblem
// similar to the constructor in
// step-31. What is different is the
// %parallel communication: Trilinos uses a
- // message passing interface (MPI) for
- // data distribution. When entering the
- // BoussinesqFlowProblem class, we have
- // to decide how the parallization is to
- // be done. We choose a rather simple
- // strategy and let all processors
- // running the program work together,
- // specified by the communicator
+ // message passing interface (MPI) for data
+ // distribution. When entering the
+ // BoussinesqFlowProblem class, we have to
+ // decide how the parallization is to be
+ // done. We choose a rather simple strategy
+ // and let all processors that are running
+ // the program work together, specified by
+ // the communicator
// <code>comm_world()</code>. Next, we
- // create some modified output stream as
- // we already did in step-18. In MPI, all
- // the processors run the same program
+ // create some modified output stream as we
+ // already did in step-18. In MPI, all the
+ // processors run the same program
// individually (they simply operate on
// different chunks of data and exchange
- // some data from time to time). Since we
- // do not want each processor to write
- // the same information to screen (like
- // the number of degrees of freedom), we
- // only use one processor for writing
- // that output to terminal windows. The
- // implementation of this idea is to
- // check the process number when
- // entering the program. If we are on
- // processor 0, then the data field
- // <code>pcout</code> gets a true
- // argument, and it uses the
- // <code>std::cout</code> stream for
- // output. If we are on processor five,
- // for instance, then we will give a
- // <code>false</code> argument to
- // <code>pcout</code>, which means that
- // the output of that processor will not
- // be printed anywhere.
- //
- // Finally, we use a TimerOutput
- // object for summarizing the time we
- // spend in different sections of the
- // program, which we need to
- // initialize. The first constructor
- // argument denotes the stream we
- // want output to be written to; we
- // choose <code>pcout</code> here. We
- // then also say that we want to get
- // a summary table at the end of the
- // program which shows us wallclock
- // times (as opposed to CPU times).
+ // some part of that data from time to
+ // time). Next, we need to initialize the
+ // <code>pcout</code> object in order to
+ // print the user information only on one
+ // processor. The implementation of this
+ // idea is to check the process number when
+ // <code>pcout</code> gets a true argument,
+ // and it uses the <code>std::cout</code>
+ // stream for output. If we are one
+ // processor five, for instance, then we
+ // will give a <code>false</code> argument
+ // to <code>pcout</code>, which means that
+ // the output of that processor will not be
+ // printed anywhere.
+ //
+ // Finally, we enter the preffered options
+ // for the TimerOutput object to its
+ // constructor. We restrict the output to
+ // the <code>pcout</code> stream (processor
+ // 0), and then we specify that we want to
+ // get a summary table in the end of the
+ // program which shows us wallclock times
+ // (as opposed to CPU times).
template <int dim>
BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::BoussinesqFlowProblem ()
// This strategy is replicated across
// all three of the following
// functions.
+ //
+ // Note that Trilinos matrices store the
+ // information contained in the sparsity
+ // patterns, so we can safely release the
+ // <code>sp</code> variable once the matrix
+ // has been given the sparsity structure.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_stokes_matrix ()
// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::setup_dofs}
- // The remainder of the setup
- // function (after splitting out the
- // three functions above) mostly has
- // to deal with the things we need to
- // do for parallelization across
- // processors. In particular, at the
+ // The remainder of the setup function
+ // (after splitting out the three functions
+ // above) mostly has to deal with the
+ // things we need to do for parallelization
+ // across processors. In particular, at the
// top it calls
- // GridTools::partition_triangulation
- // to subdivide all cells into
- // subdomains of roughly equal size
- // and roughly minimal interface
- // length. We then distribute degrees
- // of freedom for Stokes and
- // temperature DoFHandler objects,
- // and re-sort them in such a way
- // that all degrees of freedom
- // associated with subdomain zero
- // come before all those associated
- // with subdomain one, etc. For the
- // Stokes part, this entails,
- // however, that velocities and
- // pressures become intermixed, but
- // this is trivially solved by
- // sorting again by blocks; it is
- // worth noting that this latter
- // operation leaves the relative
- // ordering of all velocities and
- // pressures alone, i.e. within the
- // velocity block we will still have
- // all those associated with
- // subdomain zero before all
- // velocities associated with
- // subdomain one, etc. This is
- // important since we store each of
- // the blocks of this matrix
- // distributed across all processors
- // and want this to be done in such a
- // way that each processor stores
- // that part of the matrix that is
- // roughly equal to the degrees of
- // freedom located on those cells
- // that it will actually work on.
+ // GridTools::partition_triangulation to
+ // subdivide all cells into subdomains of
+ // roughly equal size and roughly minimal
+ // interface length (using METIS). We then
+ // distribute degrees of freedom for Stokes
+ // and temperature DoFHandler objects, and
+ // re-sort them in such a way that all
+ // degrees of freedom associated with
+ // subdomain zero come before all those
+ // associated with subdomain one, etc. For
+ // the Stokes part, this entails, however,
+ // that velocities and pressures become
+ // intermixed, but this is trivially solved
+ // by sorting again by blocks; it is worth
+ // noting that this latter operation leaves
+ // the relative ordering of all velocities
+ // and pressures alone, i.e. within the
+ // velocity block we will still have all
+ // those associated with subdomain zero
+ // before all velocities associated with
+ // subdomain one, etc. This is important
+ // since we store each of the blocks of
+ // this matrix distributed across all
+ // processors and want this to be done in
+ // such a way that each processor stores
+ // that part of the matrix that is roughly
+ // equal to the degrees of freedom located
+ // on those cells that it will actually
+ // work on.
// After this, we have to set up the
// various partitioners (of type
// various vectors we keep around in
// this program.
- // Note also how this function enters
- // and leaves a timed section so that
- // we can get a time report at the
- // end of the program. Note also the
- // use of the <code>pcout</code>
- // variable: to every process it
- // looks like we can write to screen,
- // but only the output of the first
- // processor actually ends up
- // somewhere. We could of course have
- // achieved the same effect by
- // writing to <code>std::cout</code>
- // but would then have had to guard
- // every access to that stream by
- // something like <code>if
+ // Note how this function enters and leaves
+ // a timed section so that we can get a
+ // time report at the end of the
+ // program. Note also the use of the
+ // <code>pcout</code> variable: to every
+ // process it looks like we can write to
+ // screen, but only the output of the first
+ // processor actually ends up somewhere. We
+ // could of course have achieved the same
+ // effect by writing to
+ // <code>std::cout</code> but would then
+ // have had to guard every access to that
+ // stream by something like <code>if
// (Utilities:: Trilinos::
// get_this_mpi_process
- // (trilinos_communicator) ==
- // 0)</code>, hardly a pretty
- // solution.
+ // (trilinos_communicator) == 0)</code>,
+ // hardly a pretty solution.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()