#include <basic/data_io.h>
#include <fe/fe_lib.lagrange.h>
#include <fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h>
+#include <fe/fe_update_flags.h>
#include <fe/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <numerics/assembler.h>
#include <numerics/vectors.h>
+#include <numerics/matrices.h>
+#include <lac/dvector.h>
+#include <lac/dsmatrix.h>
+#include <lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <lac/vector_memory.h>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
template <int dim>
class PoissonProblem {
+ /**
+ * Declare a data type which denotes a
+ * mapping between a boundary indicator
+ * and the function denoting the boundary
+ * values on this part of the boundary.
+ * Only one boundary function may be given
+ * for each boundary indicator, which is
+ * guaranteed by the #map# data type.
+ *
+ * See the general documentation of this
+ * class for more detail.
+ */
+ typedef map<unsigned char,const Function<dim>*> FunctionMap;
+ /**
+ * Typdedef an iterator which assembles
+ * matrices and vectors.
+ */
+ typedef TriaActiveIterator<dim, Assembler<dim> > active_assemble_iterator;
PoissonProblem (unsigned int order);
void clear ();
void create_new ();
+ void solve ();
+ /**
+ * Initiate the process of assemblage of
+ * vectors and system matrix. Use the
+ * given equation object and the given
+ * quadrature formula. Also use the list
+ * of dirichlet boundary value functions
+ * (by default, no dirichlet bc are assumed
+ * which means that all bc are included
+ * into the weak formulation).
+ *
+ * For what exactly happens here, refer to
+ * the general doc of this class.
+ */
+ virtual void assemble (const Equation<dim> &equation,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &q,
+ const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const UpdateFlags update_flags,
+ const FunctionMap &dirichlet_bc = FunctionMap(),
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary = StraightBoundary<dim>());
int run (unsigned int level);
void print_history (string filename) const;
Triangulation<dim> *tria;
MGDoFHandler<dim> *dof;
+ /**
+ * Sparsity pattern of the system matrix.
+ */
+ dSMatrixStruct system_sparsity;
+ /**
+ * System matrix.
+ */
+ dSMatrix system_matrix;
+ /**
+ * Vector storing the right hand side.
+ */
+ dVector right_hand_side;
+ /**
+ * Solution vector.
+ */
+ dVector solution;
+ /**
+ * List of constraints introduced by
+ * hanging nodes.
+ */
+ ConstraintMatrix constraints;
Function<dim> *rhs;
Function<dim> *boundary_values;
boundary_values = 0;
- ProblemBase<dim>::clear ();
+ system_sparsity.reinit (0,0,1);
+ system_matrix.clear ();
+ right_hand_side.reinit (1);
+ solution.reinit (1);
+ constraints.clear ();
tria = new Triangulation<dim>();
dof = new MGDoFHandler<dim> (tria);
- set_tria_and_dof (tria, dof);
+template <int dim>
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::assemble (const Equation<dim> &equation,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
+ const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const UpdateFlags update_flags,
+ const FunctionMap &dirichlet_bc,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary) {
+ Assert ((tria!=0) && (dof!=0), ExcNoTriaSelected());
+ system_sparsity.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs(),
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs(),
+ dof->max_couplings_between_dofs());
+ right_hand_side.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
+ // make up sparsity pattern and
+ // compress with constraints
+ constraints.clear ();
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::make_constraint_matrix (constraints);
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::make_sparsity_pattern (system_sparsity);
+ constraints.condense (system_sparsity);
+ // reinite system matrix
+ system_matrix.reinit (system_sparsity);
+ // reinit solution vector, preset
+ // with zeroes.
+ solution.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
+ // create assembler
+ AssemblerData<dim> data (*dof,
+ true, true, //assemble matrix and rhs
+ system_matrix,
+ right_hand_side,
+ quadrature,
+ fe,
+ update_flags,
+ boundary);
+ active_assemble_iterator assembler (tria,
+ tria->begin_active()->level(),
+ tria->begin_active()->index(),
+ &data);
+ // loop over all cells, fill matrix and rhs
+ do
+ {
+ assembler->assemble (equation);
+ }
+ while ((++assembler).state() == valid);
+ // condense system matrix in-place
+ constraints.condense (system_matrix);
+ // condense right hand side in-place
+ constraints.condense (right_hand_side);
+ // apply Dirichlet bc as described
+ // in the docs
+ map<int, double> boundary_value_list;
+ VectorTools<dim>::interpolate_boundary_values (*dof,
+ dirichlet_bc, fe, boundary,
+ boundary_value_list);
+ MatrixTools<dim>::apply_boundary_values (boundary_value_list,
+ system_matrix, solution,
+ right_hand_side);
+template <int dim>
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::solve () {
+ Assert ((tria!=0) && (dof!=0), ExcNoTriaSelected());
+ SolverControl control(4000, 1e-16);
+ PrimitiveVectorMemory<dVector> memory(right_hand_side.size());
+ SolverCG<dSMatrix,dVector> cg(control,memory);
+ // solve
+ cg.solve (system_matrix, solution, right_hand_side);
+ // distribute solution
+ constraints.distribute (solution);
template <int dim>
int PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int level) {
cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
dof->distribute_dofs (*fe);
- cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
- n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
+ cout << dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
+ n_dofs.push_back (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
- ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
+ map<unsigned char,const Function<dim>*> dirichlet_bc;
dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
assemble (equation, *quadrature, *fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
dVector h1_seminorm_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
cout << " Calculating L1 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, L1_norm);
l1_error.push_back (l1_error_per_cell.l1_norm());
cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, L2_norm);
l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, Linfty_norm);
linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
cout << " Calculating H1-seminorm error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, H1_seminorm);
h1_seminorm_error.push_back (h1_seminorm_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, H1_norm);
cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- if (dof->n_dofs()<=5000)
+ if (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs()<=5000)
dVector l1_error_per_dof, l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
dVector h1_seminorm_error_per_dof, h1_error_per_dof;
// sol, projected_solution, false,
// *boundary_quadrature);
// cout << " Calculating L2 error of projected solution... ";
-// VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+// VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
// projected_solution, sol,
// l2_error_per_cell,
// *quadrature, *fe, L2_norm);
DataOut<dim> out;
ofstream o(filename.c_str());
- fill_data (out);
+ out.attach_dof_handler (*dof);
+ out.add_data_vector (solution, "u");
out.add_data_vector (l1_error_per_dof, "L1-Error");
out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
delete quadrature;
delete boundary_quadrature;
- return dof->n_dofs();
+ return dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs();
#include <basic/data_io.h>
#include <fe/fe_lib.lagrange.h>
#include <fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h>
+#include <fe/fe_update_flags.h>
#include <fe/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <numerics/assembler.h>
#include <numerics/vectors.h>
+#include <numerics/matrices.h>
+#include <lac/dvector.h>
+#include <lac/dsmatrix.h>
+#include <lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <lac/vector_memory.h>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
template <int dim>
class PoissonProblem {
+ /**
+ * Declare a data type which denotes a
+ * mapping between a boundary indicator
+ * and the function denoting the boundary
+ * values on this part of the boundary.
+ * Only one boundary function may be given
+ * for each boundary indicator, which is
+ * guaranteed by the #map# data type.
+ *
+ * See the general documentation of this
+ * class for more detail.
+ */
+ typedef map<unsigned char,const Function<dim>*> FunctionMap;
+ /**
+ * Typdedef an iterator which assembles
+ * matrices and vectors.
+ */
+ typedef TriaActiveIterator<dim, Assembler<dim> > active_assemble_iterator;
PoissonProblem (unsigned int order);
void clear ();
void create_new ();
+ void solve ();
+ /**
+ * Initiate the process of assemblage of
+ * vectors and system matrix. Use the
+ * given equation object and the given
+ * quadrature formula. Also use the list
+ * of dirichlet boundary value functions
+ * (by default, no dirichlet bc are assumed
+ * which means that all bc are included
+ * into the weak formulation).
+ *
+ * For what exactly happens here, refer to
+ * the general doc of this class.
+ */
+ virtual void assemble (const Equation<dim> &equation,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &q,
+ const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const UpdateFlags update_flags,
+ const FunctionMap &dirichlet_bc = FunctionMap(),
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary = StraightBoundary<dim>());
int run (unsigned int level);
void print_history (string filename) const;
Triangulation<dim> *tria;
MGDoFHandler<dim> *dof;
+ /**
+ * Sparsity pattern of the system matrix.
+ */
+ dSMatrixStruct system_sparsity;
+ /**
+ * System matrix.
+ */
+ dSMatrix system_matrix;
+ /**
+ * Vector storing the right hand side.
+ */
+ dVector right_hand_side;
+ /**
+ * Solution vector.
+ */
+ dVector solution;
+ /**
+ * List of constraints introduced by
+ * hanging nodes.
+ */
+ ConstraintMatrix constraints;
Function<dim> *rhs;
Function<dim> *boundary_values;
boundary_values = 0;
- ProblemBase<dim>::clear ();
+ system_sparsity.reinit (0,0,1);
+ system_matrix.clear ();
+ right_hand_side.reinit (1);
+ solution.reinit (1);
+ constraints.clear ();
tria = new Triangulation<dim>();
dof = new MGDoFHandler<dim> (tria);
- set_tria_and_dof (tria, dof);
+template <int dim>
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::assemble (const Equation<dim> &equation,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
+ const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const UpdateFlags update_flags,
+ const FunctionMap &dirichlet_bc,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary) {
+ Assert ((tria!=0) && (dof!=0), ExcNoTriaSelected());
+ system_sparsity.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs(),
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs(),
+ dof->max_couplings_between_dofs());
+ right_hand_side.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
+ // make up sparsity pattern and
+ // compress with constraints
+ constraints.clear ();
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::make_constraint_matrix (constraints);
+ dof->DoFHandler<dim>::make_sparsity_pattern (system_sparsity);
+ constraints.condense (system_sparsity);
+ // reinite system matrix
+ system_matrix.reinit (system_sparsity);
+ // reinit solution vector, preset
+ // with zeroes.
+ solution.reinit (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
+ // create assembler
+ AssemblerData<dim> data (*dof,
+ true, true, //assemble matrix and rhs
+ system_matrix,
+ right_hand_side,
+ quadrature,
+ fe,
+ update_flags,
+ boundary);
+ active_assemble_iterator assembler (tria,
+ tria->begin_active()->level(),
+ tria->begin_active()->index(),
+ &data);
+ // loop over all cells, fill matrix and rhs
+ do
+ {
+ assembler->assemble (equation);
+ }
+ while ((++assembler).state() == valid);
+ // condense system matrix in-place
+ constraints.condense (system_matrix);
+ // condense right hand side in-place
+ constraints.condense (right_hand_side);
+ // apply Dirichlet bc as described
+ // in the docs
+ map<int, double> boundary_value_list;
+ VectorTools<dim>::interpolate_boundary_values (*dof,
+ dirichlet_bc, fe, boundary,
+ boundary_value_list);
+ MatrixTools<dim>::apply_boundary_values (boundary_value_list,
+ system_matrix, solution,
+ right_hand_side);
+template <int dim>
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::solve () {
+ Assert ((tria!=0) && (dof!=0), ExcNoTriaSelected());
+ SolverControl control(4000, 1e-16);
+ PrimitiveVectorMemory<dVector> memory(right_hand_side.size());
+ SolverCG<dSMatrix,dVector> cg(control,memory);
+ // solve
+ cg.solve (system_matrix, solution, right_hand_side);
+ // distribute solution
+ constraints.distribute (solution);
template <int dim>
int PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int level) {
cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
dof->distribute_dofs (*fe);
- cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
- n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
+ cout << dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
+ n_dofs.push_back (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs());
cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
- ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
+ map<unsigned char,const Function<dim>*> dirichlet_bc;
dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
assemble (equation, *quadrature, *fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
dVector h1_seminorm_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
cout << " Calculating L1 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, L1_norm);
l1_error.push_back (l1_error_per_cell.l1_norm());
cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, L2_norm);
l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, Linfty_norm);
linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
cout << " Calculating H1-seminorm error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, H1_seminorm);
h1_seminorm_error.push_back (h1_seminorm_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
- VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+ VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
solution, sol,
*quadrature, *fe, H1_norm);
cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- if (dof->n_dofs()<=5000)
+ if (dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs()<=5000)
dVector l1_error_per_dof, l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
dVector h1_seminorm_error_per_dof, h1_error_per_dof;
// sol, projected_solution, false,
// *boundary_quadrature);
// cout << " Calculating L2 error of projected solution... ";
-// VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof_handler,
+// VectorTools<dim>::integrate_difference (*dof,
// projected_solution, sol,
// l2_error_per_cell,
// *quadrature, *fe, L2_norm);
DataOut<dim> out;
ofstream o(filename.c_str());
- fill_data (out);
+ out.attach_dof_handler (*dof);
+ out.add_data_vector (solution, "u");
out.add_data_vector (l1_error_per_dof, "L1-Error");
out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
delete quadrature;
delete boundary_quadrature;
- return dof->n_dofs();
+ return dof->DoFHandler<dim>::n_dofs();