void compute_eigenvalues (const bool right_eigenvectors = false,
const bool left_eigenvectors = false);
+ /**
+ * Compute generalized eigenvalues
+ * and (optionally) eigenvectors of
+ * a real generalized symmetric
+ * eigenproblem of the form
+ * itype = 1: A*x=\lambda*B*x
+ * itype = 2: A*B*x=\lambda*x
+ * itype = 3: B*A*x=\lambda*x,
+ * where A is this matrix.
+ * A and B are assumed to be symmetric,
+ * and B has to be positive definite.
+ * After this routine has
+ * been called, eigenvalues can
+ * be retrieved using the
+ * eigenvalue() function. The
+ * matrix itself will be
+ * LAPACKSupport::unusable after
+ * this operation. The number of
+ * computed eigenvectors is equal
+ * to eigenvectors.size()
+ *
+ * Note that the function does
+ * not return the computed
+ * eigenvalues right away since
+ * that involves copying data
+ * around between the output
+ * arrays of the LAPACK functions
+ * and any return array. This is
+ * often unnecessary since one
+ * may not be interested in all
+ * eigenvalues at once, but for
+ * example only the extreme
+ * ones. In that case, it is
+ * cheaper to just have this
+ * function compute the
+ * eigenvalues and have a
+ * separate function that returns
+ * whatever eigenvalue is
+ * requested.
+ *
+ * @note Calls the LAPACK
+ * function Xsygv. For this to
+ * work, ./configure has to
+ * be told to use LAPACK.
+ */
+ void compute_generalized_eigenvalues_symmetric (
+ LAPACKFullMatrix<number> & B,
+ std::vector<Vector<number> > & eigenvectors,
+ const int itype = 1);
* Retrieve eigenvalue after
* compute_eigenvalues() was