#include <base/path_search.h>
+#include <base/utilities.h>
#include <grid/grid_in.h>
#include <grid/tria.h>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
+#include <cctype>
#include <netcdfcpp.h>
template <int dim>
GridIn<dim>::GridIn () :
tria(0), default_format(ucd)
+template <int dim>
+void GridIn<dim>::parse_tecplot_header(std::string &header,
+ unsigned int (&tecplot2deal)[dim],
+ unsigned int &n_vars,
+ unsigned int &n_vertices,
+ unsigned int &n_cells,
+ unsigned int (&IJK)[dim],
+ bool &structured,
+ bool &blocked)
+ // initialize the output variables
+ n_vars=0;
+ n_vertices=0;
+ n_cells=0;
+ switch(dim)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ IJK[2]=0;
+ case 2:
+ IJK[1]=0;
+ case 1:
+ IJK[0]=0;
+ }
+ structured=true;
+ blocked=false;
+ // convert the string to upper case
+ transform(header.begin(),header.end(),header.begin(),::toupper);
+ // replace all tabs, commas, newlines by
+ // whitespaces
+ std::replace(header.begin(),header.end(),'\t',' ');
+ std::replace(header.begin(),header.end(),',',' ');
+ std::replace(header.begin(),header.end(),'\n',' ');
+ // now remove whitespace in front of and
+ // after '='
+ std::string::size_type pos=header.find("=");
+ while(pos!=static_cast<std::string::size_type>(std::string::npos))
+ if(header[pos+1]==' ')
+ header.erase(pos+1,1);
+ else if (header[pos-1]==' ')
+ {
+ header.erase(pos-1,1);
+ --pos;
+ }
+ else
+ pos=header.find("=",++pos);
+ // split the string into individual entries
+ std::vector<std::string> entries=Utilities::break_text_into_lines(header,1,' ');
+ // now go through the list and try to extract
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<entries.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"VARIABLES=\""))
+ {
+ ++n_vars;
+ // we assume, that the first variable
+ // is x or no coordinate at all (not y or z)
+ if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"VARIABLES=\"X\""))
+ {
+ tecplot2deal[0]=0;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ while(entries[i][0]=='"')
+ {
+ if (entries[i]=="\"X\"")
+ tecplot2deal[0]=n_vars;
+ else if (entries[i]=="\"Y\"")
+ {
+ AssertThrow(dim>1,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file contains Y data, which is not possible for 1d plot"));
+ tecplot2deal[1]=n_vars;
+ }
+ else if (entries[i]=="\"Z\"")
+ switch (dim)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ AssertThrow(false,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file contains Y data, which is not possible for 1d plot"));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // we assume, that z
+ // contains the data
+ // which is intended
+ // as y in deal
+ tecplot2deal[1]=n_vars;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tecplot2deal[2]=n_vars;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++n_vars;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // set i back, so that the next
+ // string is treated correctly
+ --i;
+ AssertThrow(n_vars>=dim,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file must contain at least one variable for each dimension"));
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<dim; ++i)
+ AssertThrow(tecplot2deal[i]>0,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file must contain at least one variable for each dimension."));
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ZONETYPE=ORDERED"))
+ structured=true;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ZONETYPE=FELINESEG") && dim==1)
+ structured=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ZONETYPE=FEQUADRILATERAL") && dim==2)
+ structured=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ZONETYPE=FEBRICK") && dim==3)
+ structured=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ZONETYPE="))
+ // unsupported ZONETYPE
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false,ExcMessage("The tecplot file contains an unsupported ZONETYPE."));
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"DATAPACKING=POINT"))
+ blocked=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"DATAPACKING=BLOCK"))
+ blocked=true;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"F=POINT"))
+ {
+ structured=true;
+ blocked=false;
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"F=BLOCK"))
+ {
+ structured=true;
+ blocked=true;
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"F=FEPOINT"))
+ {
+ structured=false;
+ blocked=false;
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"F=FEBLOCK"))
+ {
+ structured=false;
+ blocked=true;
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ET=QUADRILATERAL") && dim==2)
+ structured=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ET=BRICK") && dim==3)
+ structured=false;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"ET="))
+ // unsupported ElementType
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false,ExcMessage("The tecplot file contains an unsupported ElementType."));
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"I="))
+ IJK[0]=Utilities::get_integer_at_position(entries[i],2).first;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"J="))
+ {
+ IJK[1]=Utilities::get_integer_at_position(entries[i],2).first;
+ AssertThrow(dim>1 || IJK[1]==1,
+ ExcMessage("Parameter 'J=' found in tecplot, although this is only possible for dimensions greater than 1."));
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"K="))
+ {
+ IJK[2]=Utilities::get_integer_at_position(entries[i],2).first;
+ AssertThrow(dim>2 || IJK[2]==1,
+ ExcMessage("Parameter 'K=' found in tecplot, although this is only possible for dimensions greater than 2."));
+ }
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"N="))
+ n_vertices=Utilities::get_integer_at_position(entries[i],2).first;
+ else if (Utilities::match_at_string_start(entries[i],"E="))
+ n_cells=Utilities::get_integer_at_position(entries[i],2).first;
+ }
+ // now we have read all the fields we are
+ // interested in. do some checks and
+ // calculate the variables
+ if (structured)
+ {
+ n_vertices=1;
+ n_cells=1;
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(IJK[d]>0,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file does not contain a complete and consistent set of parameters"));
+ n_vertices*=IJK[d];
+ n_cells*=(IJK[d]-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AssertThrow(n_vertices>0,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file does not contain a complete and consistent set of parameters"));
+ if (n_cells==0)
+ // this means an error, although
+ // tecplot itself accepts entries like
+ // 'J=20' instead of 'E=20'. therefore,
+ // take the max of IJK
+ n_cells=*std::max_element(IJK,IJK+dim);
+ AssertThrow(n_cells>0,
+ ExcMessage("Tecplot file does not contain a complete and consistent set of parameters"));
+ }
+#if deal_II_dimension == 2
+template <>
+void GridIn<2>::read_tecplot (std::istream &in)
+ const unsigned int dim=2;
+ Assert (tria != 0, ExcNoTriangulationSelected());
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ // skip comments at start of file
+ skip_comment_lines (in, '#');
+ // some strings for parsing the header
+ std::string line, header;
+ // first, concatenate all header lines
+ // create a searchstring with almost all
+ // letters. exclude e and E from the letters
+ // to search, as they might appear in
+ // exponential notation
+ std::string letters ="abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+ getline(in,line);
+ while(line.find_first_of(letters)!=std::string::npos)
+ {
+ header+=" "+line;
+ getline(in,line);
+ }
+ // now create some variables holding
+ // important information on the mesh, get
+ // this information from the header string
+ unsigned int tecplot2deal[dim],
+ n_vars,
+ n_vertices,
+ n_cells,
+ IJK[dim];
+ bool structured,
+ blocked;
+ parse_tecplot_header(header,
+ tecplot2deal,n_vars,n_vertices,n_cells,IJK,
+ structured,blocked);
+ // reserve space for vertices. note, that in
+ // tecplot vertices are ordered beginning
+ // with 1, whereas in deal all indices start
+ // with 0. in order not to use -1 for all the
+ // connectivity information, a 0th vertex
+ // (unused) is inserted at the origin.
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > vertices(n_vertices+1);
+ vertices[0]=Point<dim>();
+ // reserve space for cells
+ std::vector<CellData<dim> > cells(n_cells);
+ SubCellData subcelldata;
+ if (blocked)
+ {
+ // blocked data format. first we get all
+ // the values of the first variable for
+ // all points, after that we get all
+ // values for the second variable and so
+ // on.
+ // dummy variable to read in all the info
+ // we do not want to use
+ double dummy;
+ // which is the first index to read in
+ // the loop (see below)
+ unsigned int next_index=0;
+ // note, that we have already read the
+ // first line containing the first variable
+ if (tecplot2deal[0]==0)
+ {
+ // we need the information in this
+ // line, so extract it
+ std::vector<std::string> first_var=Utilities::break_text_into_lines(line,1);
+ char *endptr;
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<first_var.size()+1; ++i)
+ vertices[i](0) = std::strtod (first_var[i-1].c_str(), &endptr);
+ // if there are many points, the data
+ // for this var might continue in the
+ // next line(s)
+ for (unsigned int j=first_var.size()+1; j<n_vertices+1; ++j)
+ in>>vertices[j](next_index);
+ // now we got all values of the first
+ // variable, so increase the counter
+ next_index=1;
+ }
+ // main loop over all variables
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<n_vars; ++i)
+ {
+ // if we read all the important
+ // variables and do not want to
+ // read further, because we are
+ // using a structured grid, we can
+ // stop here (and skip, for
+ // example, a whole lot of solution
+ // variables)
+ if (next_index==dim && structured)
+ break;
+ if (i==tecplot2deal[next_index])
+ {
+ // we need this line, read it in
+ for (unsigned int j=1; j<n_vertices+1; ++j)
+ in>>vertices[j](next_index);
+ ++next_index;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we do not need this line, read
+ // it in and discard it
+ for (unsigned int j=1; j<n_vertices+1; ++j)
+ in>>dummy;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(next_index==dim, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the data is not blocked, so we get all
+ // the variables for one point, then the
+ // next and so on. create a vector to
+ // hold these components
+ std::vector<double> vars(n_vars);
+ // now fill the first vertex. note, that we
+ // have already read the first line
+ // containing the first vertex
+ std::vector<std::string> first_vertex=Utilities::break_text_into_lines(line,1);
+ char *endptr;
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ vertices[1](d) = std::strtod (first_vertex[tecplot2deal[d]].c_str(), &endptr);
+ // read the remaining vertices from the
+ // list
+ for (unsigned int v=2; v<n_vertices+1; ++v)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_vars; ++i)
+ in>>vars[i];
+ // fill the vertex
+ // coordinates. respect the position
+ // of coordinates in the list of
+ // variables
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ vertices[v](i)=vars[tecplot2deal[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ if (structured)
+ {
+ // this is the part of the code that only
+ // works in 2d
+ unsigned int I=IJK[0],
+ J=IJK[1];
+ unsigned int cell=0;
+ // set up array of cells
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<J-1; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<I; ++i)
+ {
+ cells[cell].vertices[0]=i+ j *I;
+ cells[cell].vertices[1]=i+1+j *I;
+ cells[cell].vertices[2]=i+1+(j+1)*I;
+ cells[cell].vertices[3]=i +(j+1)*I;
+ ++cell;
+ }
+ Assert(cell=n_cells, ExcInternalError());
+ std::vector<unsigned int> boundary_vertices(2*I+2*J-4);
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<I+1;++i)
+ {
+ boundary_vertices[k]=i;
+ ++k;
+ boundary_vertices[k]=i+(J-1)*I;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int j=1;j<J-1;++j)
+ {
+ boundary_vertices[k]=1+j*I;
+ ++k;
+ boundary_vertices[k]=I+j*I;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ Assert(k==boundary_vertices.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ // delete the duplicated vertices at the
+ // boundary, which occur, e.g. in c-type
+ // or o-type grids around a body
+ // (airfoil). this automatically deletes
+ // unused vertices as well.
+ GridTools::delete_duplicated_vertices(vertices,cells,subcelldata,boundary_vertices);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set up array of cells, unstructured
+ // mode, so the connectivity is
+ // explicitly given
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_cells; ++i)
+ {
+ // note that since in the input file
+ // we found the number of cells at
+ // the top, there should still be
+ // input here, so check this:
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ // get the connectivity from the
+ // input file. the vertices are
+ // ordered like in the ucd format
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++j)
+ in>>cells[i].vertices[j];
+ }
+ // do some clean-up on vertices
+ GridTools::delete_unused_vertices (vertices, cells, subcelldata);
+ }
+ // check that no forbidden arrays are
+ // used. as we do not read in any
+ // subcelldata, nothing should happen here.
+ Assert (subcelldata.check_consistency(dim), ExcInternalError());
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ // do some cleanup on cells
+ GridReordering<dim>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid (vertices, cells);
+ GridReordering<dim>::reorder_cells (cells);
+ tria->create_triangulation_compatibility (vertices, cells, subcelldata);
+template <int dim>
+void GridIn<dim>::read_tecplot(std::istream &)
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
template <int dim>
// put back first character of
// first non-comment line
in.putback (c);
+ // at last: skip additional empty lines, if present
+ skip_empty_lines(in);
"functions, instead."));
+ case tecplot:
+ read_tecplot (in);
+ return;
case Default:
return ".xda";
case netcdf:
return ".nc";
+ case tecplot:
+ return ".dat";
Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
return ".unknown_format";
if (format_name == "nc")
return netcdf;
+ if (format_name == "tecplot")
+ return tecplot;
+ if (format_name == "dat")
+ return tecplot;
+ if (format_name == "plt")
+ // Actually, this is the extension for the
+ // tecplot binary format, which we do not
+ // support right now. However, some people
+ // tend to create tecplot ascii files with
+ // the extension 'plt' instead of
+ // 'dat'. Thus, include this extension
+ // here. If it actually is a binary file,
+ // the read_tecplot() function will fail
+ // and throw an exception, anyway.
+ return tecplot;
AssertThrow (false, ExcInvalidState ());
// return something weird
return Format(Default);
template <int dim>
std::string GridIn<dim>::get_format_names ()
- return "dbmesh|msh|ucd|xda|netcdf";
+ return "dbmesh|msh|ucd|xda|netcdf|tecplot";