const unsigned int /*component*/ = 0) const override
static const std::array<Source, 5> sources{
- Source(Point<dim>(0, 0), 0.025),
- Source(Point<dim>(-0.135, 0), 0.05),
- Source(Point<dim>(0.17, 0), 0.03),
- Source(Point<dim>(-0.25, 0), 0.02),
- Source(Point<dim>(-0.05, -0.15), 0.015)};
+ {Source(Point<dim>(0, 0), 0.025),
+ Source(Point<dim>(-0.135, 0), 0.05),
+ Source(Point<dim>(0.17, 0), 0.03),
+ Source(Point<dim>(-0.25, 0), 0.02),
+ Source(Point<dim>(-0.05, -0.15), 0.015)}};
for (const auto &source : sources)
if (p.distance(source.location) < source.radius)
// access any member variables of the class, and (ii) because they are
// called at a time when the object is not initialized fully anyway.
- : topography_data({std::make_pair(-6.983333, 11.966667),
- std::make_pair(25, 35.95)},
- {379, 219},
+ : topography_data({{std::make_pair(-6.983333, 11.966667),
+ std::make_pair(25, 35.95)}},
+ {{379, 219}},
Table<2, double>(380, 220, get_data().begin()))
- unsigned int fe_index =
- dof_handler->get_fe_collection().find_dominating_fe_extended(
- fe_indices_children, /*codim=*/0);
- Assert(fe_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ Assert(dof_handler->get_fe_collection().find_dominating_fe_extended(
+ fe_indices_children, /*codim=*/0) !=
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
"No FiniteElement has been found in your FECollection "
"that dominates all children of a cell you are trying "