+++ /dev/null
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
-// This file is part of the deal.II library.
-// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
-// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
-// the top level directory of deal.II.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef dealii_parallel_vector_h
-#define dealii_parallel_vector_h
-#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_vector.h>
- "This file is deprecated. Use <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_vector.h> and LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector instead.")
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iomanip>
-namespace parallel
- namespace distributed
- {
- /*! @addtogroup Vectors
- *@{
- */
- /**
- * Implementation of a parallel vector class. The design of this class is
- * similar to the standard ::dealii::Vector class in deal.II, with the
- * exception that storage is distributed with MPI.
- *
- * The vector is designed for the following scheme of parallel
- * partitioning:
- * <ul>
- * <li> The indices held by individual processes (locally owned part) in
- * the MPI parallelization form a contiguous range
- * <code>[my_first_index,my_last_index)</code>.
- * <li> Ghost indices residing on arbitrary positions of other processors
- * are allowed. It is in general more efficient if ghost indices are
- * clustered, since they are stored as a set of intervals. The
- * communication pattern of the ghost indices is determined when calling
- * the function <code>reinit (locally_owned, ghost_indices,
- * communicator)</code>, and retained until the partitioning is changed.
- * This allows for efficient parallel communication of indices. In
- * particular, it stores the communication pattern, rather than having to
- * compute it again for every communication. For more information on ghost
- * vectors, see also the
- * @ref GlossGhostedVector "glossary entry on vectors with ghost elements".
- * <li> Besides the usual global access operator() it is also possible to
- * access vector entries in the local index space with the function @p
- * local_element(). Locally owned indices are placed first, [0,
- * local_size()), and then all ghost indices follow after them
- * contiguously, [local_size(), local_size()+n_ghost_entries()).
- * </ul>
- *
- * Functions related to parallel functionality:
- * <ul>
- * <li> The function <code>compress()</code> goes through the data
- * associated with ghost indices and communicates it to the owner process,
- * which can then add it to the correct position. This can be used e.g.
- * after having run an assembly routine involving ghosts that fill this
- * vector. Note that the @p insert mode of @p compress() does not set the
- * elements included in ghost entries but simply discards them, assuming
- * that the owning processor has set them to the desired value already
- * (See also the
- * @ref GlossCompress "glossary entry on compress").
- * <li> The <code>update_ghost_values()</code> function imports the data
- * from the owning processor to the ghost indices in order to provide read
- * access to the data associated with ghosts.
- * <li> It is possible to split the above functions into two phases, where
- * the first initiates the communication and the second one finishes it.
- * These functions can be used to overlap communication with computations
- * in other parts of the code.
- * <li> Of course, reduction operations (like norms) make use of
- * collective all-to-all MPI communications.
- * </ul>
- *
- * This vector can take two different states with respect to ghost
- * elements:
- * <ul>
- * <li> After creation and whenever zero_out_ghosts() is called (or
- * <code>operator= (0.)</code>), the vector does only allow writing into
- * ghost elements but not reading from ghost elements.
- * <li> After a call to update_ghost_values(), the vector does not allow
- * writing into ghost elements but only reading from them. This is to
- * avoid undesired ghost data artifacts when calling compress() after
- * modifying some vector entries. The current status of the ghost entries
- * (read mode or write mode) can be queried by the method
- * has_ghost_elements(), which returns <code>true</code> exactly when
- * ghost elements have been updated and <code>false</code> otherwise,
- * irrespective of the actual number of ghost entries in the vector layout
- * (for that information, use n_ghost_entries() instead).
- * </ul>
- *
- * This vector uses the facilities of the class dealii::Vector<Number> for
- * implementing the operations on the local range of the vector. In
- * particular, it also inherits thread parallelism that splits most
- * vector-vector operations into smaller chunks if the program uses
- * multiple threads. This may or may not be desired when working also with
- * MPI.
- *
- * <h4>Limitations regarding the vector size</h4>
- *
- * This vector class is based on two different number types for indexing.
- * The so-called global index type encodes the overall size of the vector.
- * Its type is types::global_dof_index. The largest possible value is
- * <code>2^32-1</code> or approximately 4 billion in case 64 bit integers
- * are disabled at configuration of deal.II (default case) or
- * <code>2^64-1</code> or approximately <code>10^19</code> if 64 bit
- * integers are enabled (see the glossary entry on
- * @ref GlobalDoFIndex
- * for further information).
- *
- * The second relevant index type is the local index used within one MPI
- * rank. As opposed to the global index, the implementation assumes 32-bit
- * unsigned integers unconditionally. In other words, to actually use a
- * vector with more than four billion entries, you need to use MPI with
- * more than one rank (which in general is a safe assumption since four
- * billion entries consume at least 16 GB of memory for floats or 32 GB of
- * memory for doubles) and enable 64-bit indices. If more than 4 billion
- * local elements are present, the implementation tries to detect that,
- * which triggers an exception and aborts the code. Note, however, that
- * the detection of overflow is tricky and the detection mechanism might
- * fail in some circumstances. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to
- * not rely on this class to automatically detect the unsupported case.
- *
- *
- * @deprecated Use LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector instead.
- */
- template <typename Number>
- using Vector DEAL_II_DEPRECATED =
- LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number>;
- /*@}*/
- } // namespace distributed
-} // namespace parallel