IF("${_stage}" STREQUAL "PASSED")
STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*\\/" "" _test ${TEST})
- FILE(READ ${BINARY_DIR}/${_test}/diff _diff)
+ #
+ # MPI tests have a special runtime directory so rename:
+ # test.mpirun=X.BUILD -> test.BUILD/mpirun=X
+ #
+ STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\\.(mpirun=[0-9]+)(\\..*)" "\\2/\\1" _test ${_test})
+ #
+ # Also output the diff file if we guessed the location correctly. This is
+ # solely for cosmetic reasons: The diff file is either empty (if
+ # comparison against the main comparison file was successful) or contains
+ # a string explaining which comparison file variant succeeded.
+ #
+ SET(_diff "")
+ IF(EXISTS ${BINARY_DIR}/${_test}/diff)
+ FILE(READ ${BINARY_DIR}/${_test}/diff _diff)
MESSAGE("${_diff}${TEST}: PASSED.")