@for i in base lac fe deal.II ; do \
echo =======Report: $$i ======= ; \
cd $$i ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
- done
+ done
+ echo =======Report: all-headers =======
+ @today=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"` ; \
+ if $(MAKE) all-headers ; then \
+ echo $$today + all-headers ; \
+ else \
+ echo $$today - all-headers ; \
+ fi
+# collect all header files, and for each try to do the following:
+# generate a file tmp.cc that contains nothing but "#include <xxx>"
+# with this particular header file. then try to compile it. this
+# sometimes fails since this header does not include all other headers
+# it actually needs. we don't usually see this since we may be
+# including these missing headers into our files before, so that nobody
+# notices the problem. expose it this way.
+# this all happens in a subdir tmp-all-headers, which is removed
+# afterwards again.
+ @rm -rf tmp-all-headers
+ @mkdir tmp-all-headers
+ @for i in base lac deal.II ; do \
+ pushd . > /dev/null ; \
+ headers=`cd $D/$$i/include ; \
+ for j in */*.h ; do echo $$j ; done` ; \
+ popd > /dev/null ; \
+ cd tmp-all-headers ; \
+ cp ../base/Makefile . ; \
+ for j in $$headers ; do \
+ echo "#include <$$j>" > tmp.cc ; \
+ echo "********** Checking for $$j ************" ; \
+ if $(MAKE) tmp.go ; then : ; else exit 1 ; fi ; \
+ rm -f tmp.* ; \
+ done ; \
+ cd .. ; \
+ done
+ @rm -rf tmp-all-headers
clean: clean-base clean-lac clean-deal.II clean-fe
.PHONY : all base lac fe deal.II big-tests \
clean clean-base clean-lac clean-fe clean-deal.II clean-big \
veryclean veryclean-base veryclean-lac veryclean-fe veryclean-deal.II veryclean-big
+include Makefile.paths