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+<title>deal.II tutorial: Structure of a Finite Element Program</title>
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+<strong>Table of contents</strong>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="readme.html" target="body">
+ The README file for <acronym>deal.II</acronym>.
+ </a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="tutorial/index.html" target="_top">
+ The <acronym>deal.II</acronym> tutorial
+ </a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/kdoc/base/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/base</code> library API</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/kdoc/lac/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/lac</code> library API</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/kdoc/grid/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/deal.II/grid</code> API</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/kdoc/dof/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/deal.II/dofs</code> API</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/kdoc/numerics/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/deal.II/numerics</code> API</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <a href="auto/cvs-backlog/index.html" target="_top">
+ CVS backlog</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>
+ <a href="index.html" target="_top">
+ Back to the <acronym>deal.II</acronym> homepage
+ </a>
+ </p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>
+ <a href="mailto:deal@hermes.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">Comments on the tutorial</a>
+ </p>
+<!-- Last modified: $Date$ -->
Some information beyond what is covered in the documentation of
the library may be found on the
<a href="http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal">homepage of
- <acronym>deal.II</acronym><a>. If you don't find something there,
+ <acronym>deal.II</acronym></a>. If you don't find something there,
feel free to ask if you have any problems with deal.II. If a
question is of general interest, you may want to use our mailing list,
which can be reached at
<a href="mailto:deal@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">The deal.II group</a></address>
- <p>
- Last modified: $Date$
- </p>
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+ <meta name="keywords" content="deal.II,deal.II tutorial,deal II"></head>
+ <body>
+ <h2>Online documentation</h2>
+ <acronym>deal.II</acronym> has quite extensive online
+ documentation, which falls into several categories:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <p>The <a href="tutorial/readme.html" target="body">README</a>
+ file of the library: this file explains installation,
+ required programs and some other topics.</p>
+ <li> <p>The <a href="tutorial/index.html" target="_top">tutorial</a>:
+ we have a tutorial for new users of the library which
+ explains the basic elements of finite element programs based
+ on the library, and provides some small example programs.</p>
+ <li> Programming interface documentation: the classes and methods
+ in the library are extensively documented (approximately 1000
+ pages if printed). We write this documentation directly into
+ the source code, which makes it much easier to keep it up to
+ date, and use automatic tools to extract it into HTML or into
+ printable formats.
+ <p>
+ This API documentation is split into several parts, according
+ to the sublibraries and the different directories of the main
+ <acronym>deal.II</acronym> library:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <a href="auto/kdoc/base/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/base</code> library</a>
+ <li> <a href="auto/kdoc/lac/index.html" target="_top">
+ <code>/lac</code> library</a>
+ <li> <a href="auto/kdoc/grid/index.html" target="_top">
+ Grid handling</a> in the
+ <code>/deal.II</code> library
+ <li> <a href="auto/kdoc/dof/index.html" target="_top">
+ Degrees of freedom and finite elements</a> in the
+ <code>/deal.II</code> library
+ <li> <a href="auto/kdoc/numerics/index.html" target="_top">
+ Numerical tools</a> in the
+ <code>/deal.II</code> library
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <li> <p> For developers, we have a
+ <a href="auto/cvs-backlog/index.html" target="_top">
+ backlog of changes</a> made to the CVS archive in the last
+ 100 days. (These backlogs are not available on local copies
+ of the library, since their creation requires access to the
+ CVS archive.)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p> We have a few reports written on <acronym>deal.II</acronym>,
+ the following of which are online:
+ <ul>
+ <li> A brief report about the class involved in the
+ <a href="reports/class-hierarchies/index.html">iterators</a>
+ used to access cells in the triangulations and the data
+ thereon, such as their geometry, the number of the
+ degrees of freedom, data values, etc.
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Comments and Suggestions</h3>
+ <p>
+ Comments and suggestions on this tutorial are welcome and should be
+ addressed to the <acronym>deal.II</acronym> group:
+ </p>
+ <address>
+ <a href="mailto:deal@hermes.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">deal@hermes.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de</a>
+ </address>
+ <br>
+ <hr>
+ <address>
+ <a href="mailto:deal@hermes.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">The deal.II group</a></address>
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